v1.52.5 (Hotfix 2)
Hotfix 1
Leveling Tracker: fixed hint-images being misplaced on specific multi-monitor setups
added support for 3.24 exile-leveling guides
Hotfix 2
- Map-Info: added support for T17 map mods, and changed some mod labels due to overlaps
side-note: my labeling is not always 100% technically correct, but instead it focuses on easier mod recognition/association by using short labels
"hits ignite" -> "ignite conflux" (no overlap, but there are now multiple mods that can be loosely associated with "conflux", so I'm changing this one)
"taunt/slow immune" -> split into two separate labels (T17s have a new stun/slow immune hybrid mod)
"curse resist" -> "less curse effect" (T17s have a "reduced curse effect" mod, so there has to be a distinction)
- Horizons-Tooltip: effective exp would always be 100% if used in a town or hideout
Updated Data for 3.24
- Item-Info: updated unique drop-tiers
New Experimental Feature: Necropolis Lantern Highlighting
General Information:
this is another experimental feature based on OCR (screen-reading, basically), just like the TLDR-Tooltips
it lets you add custom highlighting to the modifiers applied by the lantern
I'm adding this mostly to test general OCR compatibility, it's usefulness is secondary
providing feedback would speed up further OCR implementations, which in turn enables optimizations in different parts of the tool
so if you're even mildly interested in this feature, please try it out and report back (especially if you use a non-English Windows installation)
what makes this a good candidate is that it requires very little user interaction: you only have to click the omni-key once, then interact with the league-mechanic as usual
Required Setup / Settings Menu:
as with TLDR-Tooltips, general OCR compatibility has to be tested before this feature can be enabled
you have to screen-cap a small part of the character-stats window and transcribe 8 words from it
TLDR-Tooltips and this feature share this setup, so you don't have to do it twice
this feature requires two screen-checks: one for the plaque at the top of the lantern UI, one for the
button at the bottom
it uses the additional screen-check to automatically measure the height of the UI and how many mods can be on it
the first screen-check requires a bit more precision than usual because its bottom-left corner is used as an anchor for the individual colored overlays (however, you can also apply offsets in the settings menu)
General Usage:
open the in-game lantern UI, press the omni-key
- you can re-scan by pressing it again, but only if you're not hovering over the overlay
recognized mods will be highlighted white by default, empty boxes black
if a text-box is covered with a black overlay, the scan failed and you may have to re-scan
there is a debugging option in the settings for situations where scans repeatedly fail
hover over a mod and press number-keys 1 to 5 to apply customizable colors, or press space to reset to default
the overlay also tracks mods if you rearrange them
however, it only supports dragging them, and single clicks will be completely blocked
there is a very short delay between clicking and the game registering the drag, but I don't think you have be super careful, just make sure you don't flick your mouse immediately after clicking
button at the bottom of the in-game UI will also be highlighted: clicking it to enter the zone will also close the overlay
post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here
non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)