Releases: Lailloken/Lailloken-UI
Releases · Lailloken/Lailloken-UI
Ready window
- fixed a bug that prevented the system from suggesting tier 2 'trash', i.e. non-prio mods that were assembled with non-prio bases
- changed the order in which non-prio mods will be suggested -- the system will suggest the juiciest 'trash' first:
- (CORRECTION:) non-prio assembled & base mods
- non-prio recipes that are ready
- only one of these
threetwo tiers will be displayed at a time; the list swaps over if the tier above is empty
Priority list
- added missing archnemesis base mod icons
- added 3.17.1 support for 720p, 768p, and 1800p
- added game-version check
- added 3.17.1 support for 1080p, 1200p, 1440p, and 2160p
- some mods may need re-training since there was some pixel-drift when GGG updated the inventory
- fixed a bug when clicking on a suggested non-prio base mod
UI changes & fixes:
prio-list changed & repositioned: now appears in the top-left corner and takes less height
fixes for the tree-view flashing
Added a list of the remaining base components required to finish the current priority list:
(This seems useful, now that it's clear base components can be somewhat target farmed; I will include the corresponding map locations in a future update) -
Added quantities of mods to tree-view schematic
(This can be used to manage your surplus)
Priority system:
- read the documentation here: Thread
- fixed prio bases being used in non-prio recipes
- priority is now more strict but should lead to overall completion more quickly
- if a recipe from your prio-list is finished, remove and add it to your prio-list so that it is at the end
- the suggestion-list now suggests non-prio bases if no non-prio recipes are ready
(This provides a constant burn pool)
- added 768p and 1200p support
- Added experimental 1800p support
- Fixed UI positioning of the tree-view on low resolutions when viewing 4-component recipes
Fixed a scanning bug connected to the inventory snapshot feature:
- the tool would not correctly check inventory changes if an inventory slot contained a previously-unknown mod
- scenario: inventory slot X is stored as 'empty'; player finds/assembles new mod for the first time
- fixed behavior: tool recognizes the mod as unknown and asks user to identify/specify it
- bugged behavior: tool does not recognize the correct state of the slot
This includes a possible fix for the following click-related issues:
- hold-clicking a recipe in the priority list won't display the tree-view,
- clicking a recipe from the ready-list sometimes causes erroneous chat activation, followed by key-inputs into its window.
If you were affected by these issues, please update to this new version and report back.
- Consolidated the profile settings for several resolutions; the most common 16:9 and UltraWide resolutions should now be more or less supported
- Fixed “ready (not prioritized)” header showing with an empty list
- You can now click & hold a recipe on the priority list to see a tree-view of its sub-components and their progress