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Search strings

Lailloken edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 20 revisions

under construction for v1.50, which will soon release as beta

v1.30.6 has moved to this repo: Lailloken UI Legacy

To continue using it, you should install the v1.30.6 release from there because it has updated wiki-links for the settings menu that point to the correct wiki

Feature Overview

  • single-hotkey solution to access multiple search-strings for various search-fields in the game

  • create context-menus for every single search-field in the game

  • simple search-strings: simply paste a saved string into the search-field

  • advanced search-strings: switch between multiple sub-strings via scrolling

User Interface & Settings

  • this feature does not have any UI-elements other than context-menus

  • general inputs:

    • omni-key: triggers the context-menu (or search) when a specific in-game UI is open

    • scroll-wheel: switches between sub-strings, or modifies a number (if a search has been set up this way)

  • this feature has its own section in the settings menu where all searches are listed and new ones can be added

Setup: Simple Searches

  • in-game searches have to be set up in the settings menu before the script can access their corresponding strings

    • in this example, search-strings for Gwennen's gamble window will be set up
  • open the settings menu and go to the 'search-strings' section

    • there is an edit-field next to 'add search:' into which the name of a search has to be entered

    • after entering a name and pressing enter, the new search will be added to the list at the top of the settings menu

  • each search has a built-in screen-check that reads the screen whenever the omni-key is pressed in order to find a specific UI-element

    • this screen-check has to be calibrated, otherwise the search will not be active (represented by red highlighting)

    • click the 'calibrate' button to initiate screen-capping

    • the Windows snipping tool will open with which to screen-cap an area of the in-game UI that is unique to the search in question

    • after that, the screen-check has to be tested manually by clicking the 'test' button (red highlighting will persist until a test has returned a positive result)

  • click a search on the list to add one or more strings to it

    • a configuration window for that specific search will open image

    • this is where you add entries to the context-menu of that search, i.e. the menu that will pop up when pressing the omni-key

    • enter a name into the edit-field and press enter to add a new entry to the list (which will appear above)

    • click an entry to make the big edit-field on the right accessible, then paste the string you want to use into it

  • pressing the omni-key while Gwennen's gamble window is on screen should now activate the search-strings feature

    • if only one entry has been set up (as in this example), the string will be immediately pasted into the in-game search field

    • if multiple entries have been set up, a context menu will appear from which an entry can be selected

Setup: Advanced Searches

  • individual entries can be set up in a different way in order to access advanced string-pasting

  • example 1: search-string with a number-value that can be modified on the fly

    • to make a number within a string modifiable, enclose it within semi-colons in the configuration window

    • activating this entry in game will paste the string into the search-field and enter 'scroll-mode' during which scrolling the mouse-wheel will modify the number by 1
      image image

    • a reminder-tooltip will follow the cursor as long as this scroll-mode is active

  • example 2: search-string with multiple sub-strings
    • to make an entry use multiple sub-strings that can be scrolled between, paste multiple lines of strings into the big edit-field in the configuration window

    • activating this entry in game will paste the first string into the search-field and enter 'scroll-mode' during which scrolling the mouse-wheel will switch between the various sub-strings
      image image

    • a reminder-tooltip will follow the cursor and display the current and maximum sub-string index as long as this scroll-mode is active

General Usage

  • context-menus are activated by pressing the omni-key (default: middle mouse-button) while a supported window is open

    • if only one search-string is set up for a specific window, the context-menu will not show and the search-string is immediately pasted instead

Managing searches

  • clicking a search in the list will open a configuration window with the corresponding entries

    • this window lists the entries of a given search

    • these entries can be edited by left-clicking, renamed by right-clicking, and deleted by clicking the 'del' button

  • long-right-click a search to delete it (long-clicks prevent accidental deletion by misclicking)

Limitations: searches in UIs that aren't fullscreen and don't involve the inventory

  • pressing the omni-key will not activate any features as long as this UI-element is in the top-right corner of the screen:

  • many in-game UIs with searches automatically open the inventory or cover this element, which solves this limitation

  • if you want to activate the search-strings feature for a search that doesn't, you have to manually open the inventory or toggle the minimap and then press the omni-key


  • this is an extension of the Gwennen regex-feature and the beastcrafting search

  • I find this useful for quickly doing frequent searches

  • I created the 'scrolling' feature to be able to do 'top-down' searches for things like oils or item level

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