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Releases: LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat


10 Sep 12:17
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  1. Canned messages usage statistic collecting option. Can be activated in statistic configuration tab. Collect canned messages usage statistic
  2. Security fixes. All these were CSFR based issues which does not have much usage in real life scenario. Update is still recommended.

execute doc/update_db/update_253.sql for update


25 Aug 08:41
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Custom replaceable variables which you can define in back office. They also allow to set custom value based on chat attributes.
They are handled in bot responses also.


20 Aug 12:25
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Update SMTP


04 Aug 07:59
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  1. There will be no longer requirement to re-login after permission/department assignment changes.


03 Aug 08:31
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  1. Migration to big int. Part 1
  2. Few small widget fixes

execute doc/update_db/update_249.sql for update


19 Jul 09:20
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  1. Canned messages can have subjects now su upon usage these subjects will be auto added to the chats.
  2. Canned messages will have list of max 50 items returned.

execute doc/update_db/update_248.sql for update


15 Jul 07:53
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  1. Option to blink active chat if visitor is waiting to log response from the operator
  2. Chat routing will allow to forward chat directly to department.
  3. Statistic will allow to export directly to CSV
  4. Chat list export will have more fields in exported file

execute doc/update_db/update_247.sql for update


01 Jul 05:54
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  1. Now you can send invitation message to mass users at once.
  2. You can filter online visitors who are connected to website only. Using nodejshelper extension this gives live view who is connected.
  3. Canned messages now can be assigned to more than one department.
  4. Private messages between operators will have a sound now.
  5. Canned messages import/export will support tags now.
  6. Users import will have more fields to prefill now.
  7. Department list will be sorted by same order as in the widget filters.

execute doc/update_db/update_246.sql for update


29 Jun 08:12
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  1. Option to pass trigger_id as argument. Usefull in case you want to make some test on production.
  2. You can now use in JSON payload Rest API call raw_{{}} within quotes.
  3. CSV export for chats listings.
  4. UL,OL styling options. See bbcode documentation for a syntax.
  5. Option to change font size from the widget. Can be activated in widget themes.

execute doc/update_db/update_245.sql for update


22 Jun 10:23
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  1. Security fix for
  2. You can change sound option per invitation now. (Play sound or not)
  3. Fixes for webhooks conditions being parsed incorrectly.
  4. Now you can change order of start chat fields including custom fields you define in start chat form.
  5. You can set titles for standard fields in widget theme now.
  6. Now you can trigger offline form manually from website
  7. You can set default sound setting in widget theme. (Play sound for new messages or not)
  8. Offline message will support BBCode now.
  9. Rest API call will support now also x-www-form-urlencoded request type.
  10. !block command did not worked.
  11. Chat lists has direct option to filter abandoned chats
  12. Send message did not set nick if previous chat was not found. (Empty nick scenario)
  13. Now you can login to back office using e-mail also.
  14. If operator is not looking at online visitors widget we will not load it's content. Performance improvement.
  15. New widget dropdown was missing click action support.
  16. Users dropdown filter is now AJAX based and will filter directly.
  17. NodeJS extension now support option to track online visitors live status or not.
  18. Setting subject in the chat will sort subjects by their names.
  19. Bot Execute JS will support replaceable variables also.
  20. foreach cycle support in bot response
  21. Bot buttons will support translations also.
  22. If visitor has closed chat there will be button invite support in chat messages.
  23. Different color for a system message if visitor has left a chat.

There is no database update this time. So just replaces files.