Releases: LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat
Releases · LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat
- Survey API. See a swagger survey section.
- Fix tricky case if manager is monitoring a chat and chat being transferred to him, chat was not auto accepted. It will be now.
- Mobile app now supports android notifications categories.
- Further 8.1 PHP support improvements.
- System tab will be remembered now on refresh.
- If proactive invitation is used with bot append option we should not show next time invitation once a visitor closes it.
- SVG Cleanup on upload for security reasons.
- Operators statistic directly in online operators widget.
- Department statistic link directly in pending/active chats widget.
- CSRF token for logout link.
- We now have zoom image option directly in the chat widget.
- Pre chat conditions.
execute doc/update_db/update_263.sql for update
- New trigger response type.
Log action
usefull in case you want to store historical chat actions. - Canned messages can have activity period. E.g some messages can be active during christmas period or just morning hours.
- Chat export has more prefilled variables.
- While sending manual message to online visitor it's possible to ignore bot.
- Online hours operators statistic now has seconds filter.
- Improved older PHP versions support.
- PHP-Resque replaceable variables where lost during trigger process events.
- Hide block by nick if visitor nick is "Visitor"
- Large inactivity timeout values and custom permission to use them.
- Region/State detection improvement for chats.
And many other changes all around
execute doc/update_db/update_259.sql for update
- There is new event you can fire to trigger google analytics events directly from custom HTML of your widget.
- Now you can explicitly control what one operator can change in other operator departments.
- In password change requirements you can force users to logout after certain period of last login.
- You can automatically disable operator if from their last login passed X number of days.
- In password requirements you can set bunch of other requirements for the password.
execute doc/update_db/update_257.sql for update
- Views - you can save a search as view and see always updated results in My views.
- Forms now can update chat attributes.
execute doc/update_db/update_254.sql for update