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Git Info

Juliette Bruce edited this page Apr 5, 2018 · 2 revisions
  1. Get a github account:
  2. Get git:
  3. Helpful steps for setting up git on your computer (strongly encouraged!):
  4. Clone the workshop master repo git clone

Much of what is below is also presented in this power point document: Git powerpoint

Get the team started (team, not individual)

ONE person on the team does the following:

  1. Change into your Workshop-2018-Madison folder and make a directory for your project.
  2. Make a folder for your group, like ReesAlgebras
  3. Put at least one file in it, like ReesAlgebras.m2 (the package). You can also just create a placeholder file for a new package. You can get existing packages from the Macaulay2 on your computer --- best to have the most up to date version!
  4. git add folder_name
  5. git commit -m "adding folder_name project"
  6. git push origin master

This should be the ONLY time you push to master at the workshop, unless you have a code reviewed pull request (more on this later).

Once the project is on Remote

  1. Make a team branch (only one person does this) and you need to name it different than the folder name: git checkout -b folder_name_2017 (for example, just do not use folder_name to name the branch, e.g. ReesAlgebras-2017 for folder name ReesAlgebras)