Support for this project is provided through a National Science Foundation award to Maine EPSCoR at the University of Maine and is part of the RII Track-1: Molecule to Ecosystem: Environmental DNA as a Nexus of Coastal Ecosystem Sustainability for Maine (Maine-eDNA).
Kimble, M., Allers, S., Campbell, K., Chen, C., Jackson, L. M., King, B. L., Silverbrand, S., York, G., & Beard, K. (2022). medna-metadata: An open-source data management system for tracking environmental DNA samples and metadata. Bioinformatics, btac556.
This repository contains the backend and frontend components of medna-metadata (API, database, UI) and was built with the Django web framework.
Additional libraries include:
- django-cors-headers
- django-allauth
- django-storages
- django-import-export
- django-filter
- django-phonenumber-field
- Django REST framework
- django-rest-framework-gis
- Dj-Rest-Auth
- drf-yasg
- Django Extensions
- Django Dashboard Material
- Django Material Kit
- Palette.js
- Chart.js
- Leaflet.js
- Bootstrap
- Read the Docs:
- maine-edna-freezer-mapping-ios:
Made with contributors-img.