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Michael Miller edited this page Jul 27, 2023 · 6 revisions

You can find these examples in the Arduino IDE examples menu under "Rtc by Makuna".

Alarm Manager

This demonstrates how to use the RtcAlarmManager to setup alarms for specific date and time and set how they repeat. This example demonstrates using a RTC to Sync the time to software RTC inside the RtcAlarmManager on a regular basis using an Alarm.

DS1302 Simple

This demonstrates how to set and get the date and time from the device.

DS1302 Memory

This demonstrates how to write and read data from the extended memory of the device. This memory is retained even after the device has lost power.

DS1307 Simple

This demonstrates how to set and get the date and time from the device.

DS1307 Memory

This demonstrates how to write and read data from the extended memory of the device. This memory is retained even after the device has lost power.

DS3231 Simple

This demonstrates how to set and get the date and time from the device.

DS3231 StoreIt

This demonstrates how to turn off the Rtc clock so that the onboard battery will last longer.

DS3231 Alarms

This demonstrates how to set the alarms and check when the alarms are triggered. This includes using the squarewave output to trigger an interrupt.

DS3231 Memory

This demonstrates how to write and read data from the At24cXX eeprom that is often included on the DS3231 modules. This memory is retained even after the device has lost power.

DS3234 Simple

This demonstrates how to set and get the date and time from the device.

DS3234 Alarms

This demonstrates how to set the alarms and check when the alarms are triggered. This includes using the squarewave output to trigger an interrupt.

DS3234 Memory

This demonstrates how to write and read data from memory on the DS3234 modules. This memory is retained even after the device has lost power.

PCF8563 Simple

This demonstrates how to set and get the date and time from the device.

PCF8563 Alarms

This demonstrates how to set the alarm and timer; and check when they are triggered. This includes using the INT pin output to trigger an interrupt.