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Michael Miller edited this page Jul 16, 2019 · 1 revision

DS3234AlarmOne represents the settings for the alarm one. It is used to set and retrieve the state of the Alarm one.
This alarm can be set to the second while Alarm Two can only be set to the minute.


DS3234AlarmOne( uint8_t dayOf, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second, DS3234AlarmOneControl controlFlags)

Construct an alarm one settings object.
dayOf - (0-6) (1-31) day of the week or the day of the month , see flags below
hour - (0-23) the hour of the day
minute - (0-59) the minute of the hour
second - (0-59) the second of the minute
controlFlags - one of the following to control the alarm operation:
DS3234AlarmOneControl_HoursMinutesSecondsDayOfMonthMatch - a normal monthly calendar alarm
DS3234AlarmOneControl_OncePerSecond - triggers every second
DS3234AlarmOneControl_SecondsMatch - triggers once a minute when the seconds match
DS3234AlarmOneControl_MinutesSecondsMatch - triggers once an hour when the minute and seconds match
DS3234AlarmOneControl_HoursMinutesSecondsMatch - triggers once a day when hours, minutes, and seconds match
DS3234AlarmOneControl_HoursMinutesSecondsDayOfWeekMatch - triggers once a week on the given day of theweek, hour, minute, and second


uint8_t DayOf()

<return>, the day of the week or day of the month, see control flags

uint8_t Hour()

<return>, returns the hour, 24 hour format

uint8_t Minute()

<return>, returns the minutes

uint8_t Second()

<return>, returns the seconds

DS3234AlarmOneControl ControlFlags()

<return>, returns the control flag value