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Imitation learning with ROS 2

Object picking physics env Object picking physics env
Object picking in IsaacSim Object picking in IsaacSim
Object picking with imitation learning Object picking when pose of object is randomized

The RoboImitate project supports imitation learning through a Diffusion Policy. This policy learns behavior using expert demonstrations. (Stay tuned for our upcoming YouTube presentation for more details!)

This repository allows you to:


You need to have Docker installed. If you have an Nvidia GPU, you need to additionally follow this guide. Additionally, you need to istall Isaac-Sim If you want to use simulation.

Install docker

sudo apt install git make curl
curl -sSL | sh && sudo usermod -aG docker $USER


  • Download our source code:
git clone && cd robo_imitate/docker
  • Build docker container
make build-pc run exec
  • Build ROS 2 packages
colcon build --symlink-install && source ./install/local_setup.bash

Model evaluation


You can download pretrain model and aditional files from this link. Downloaded model and files you need to put inside folder imitation/outputs/train. If folder don't exist you need to create it.

  • Run Isaac-Sim or Lite 6 robot arm

Inside docker container run:

  • Run ROS 2 controler
ros2 launch xarm_bringup rviz:=false sim:=true

If you want to vizualize robot set rviz on true. If you want to use real enviroment set sim on false.

  • Open another terminal and run docker
make exec
  • Run model inside docker
 cd src/robo_imitate && ./imitation/pick_screwdriver --sim

If you run in real environment you need to remove --sim from command.

Model training

Inside robo_imitate directory run follow commands:

docker build --build-arg UID=$(id -u) -t imitation .
docker run -v $(pwd)/imitation/:/docker/app/imitation:Z --gpus all -it -e DATA_PATH=imitation/data/sim_env_data.parquet -e EPOCH=1000 imitation


If you want to run model training inside docker, run this command inside the folder src/robo_imitate. Before that, you need to build the docker (see the Installation section for details).

python3 ./imitation/compute_stats --path imitation/data/sim_env_data.parquet  && python3 ./imitation/train_script --path imitation/data/sim_env_data.parquet  --epoch 1000


  • Thanks to LeRobot team for open sourcing LeRobot projects.
  • Thanks to Cheng Chi, Zhenjia Xu and colleagues for open sourcing Diffusion policy