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Mark edited this page Aug 30, 2016 · 3 revisions

This page contains a list of common issues you might have with Tibialyzer.

Tibialyzer does not start, or Tibialyzer does not work properly even though it has started.

Firstly, try downloading new addresses by clicking the Download New Addresses button on the main tab. image

Try launching Tibialyzer as administrator. While on most machines this is not necessary, it seems to fix some permission issues that prevent Tibialyzer from working.

Also note that location in which you have placed your Tibialyzer client. If you have placed the Tibialyzer client in a location such as Program Files it needs administrator rights to access its own database. It is recommended that you place Tibialyzer in a location where it does not need administrator rights, such as your Desktop, Users or Documents folder.

Tibialyzer launches and scans the memory, but certain parts of it do not work (such as the damage meter)

Note that Tibialyzer only works properly if you have all server log messages enabled. If you have certain types of server log messages disabled, certain aspects of Tibialyzer do not work. Check out the Quick Start Guide for information on how to enable these server log messages.

I downloaded Tibialyzer, but there is no Tibialyzer.exe!

  • If there is a Tibialyzer.sln file, you have downloaded the source code instead of the binary release. You can find the binary release on the Releases Page. The release is called Tibialyzer.v[X.XX].zip.
  • If there is a Database/database.db, you have downloaded the binary release. In this case, your virus scanner might have removed the executable file.

Tibialyzer works, but my loot is not displayed in summary@

You might have adjusted your settings to items are marked as Discard by Tibialyzer. Try the command loot@ and clicking the All button. If items do show up there, your items are marked as Do Not Pick Up. You can solve this by going to the Database tab and restoring the Default settings.

Flash Client Issues

The flash client has a number of additional known issues not present when using the standalone client because the different memory structure used by the flash client makes it harder to properly support.

Duplicate loot: When I kill a creature loot is sometimes registered more than once.

This can happen when the entire memory is scanned because of junk memory. I recommend enabling the setting Settings -> Skip Duplicate Loot to alleviate the issue.

Duplicate Commands: When I enter a command the command is issued more than once. The command works, then a few minutes or seconds later the command is performed again.

This is the same issue as duplicate loot, you can enable the setting Settings -> Skip Duplicate Commands to alleviate the issue.

Unrecognized Command: I randomly get the Unrecognized Command popup, even when I'm not typing in any commands

Junk memory. Try disabling Settings -> Popup On Unrecognized Command.

HUDs/Pathfinding does not work on the Flash Client

Unfortunately these features are not supported for the flash client.