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LLILUM Compiler Frontend

Mikhail Skobov edited this page Nov 11, 2015 · 1 revision

Front End Configuration

The compiler tool in the Zelig system is located at the FrontEnd project.

A typical configuration file for the compiler looks like a list of instructions, path and assembly references. This is the configuration file for the LLVM Demo for LPC1768 Mbed dev board named mbed_simple.FrontEndConfig:

### Location of the Zelig assemblies.
-HostAssemblyDir   ..\..\..\..\ZeligBuild\Host\bin\Debug
-DeviceAssemblyDir ..\..\..\..\ZeligBuild\Target\bin\Debug

-CompilationSetup Microsoft.Zelig.Configuration.Environment.LPC1768MBEDHostedCompilationSetup
#-CompilationSetup Microsoft.Zelig.Configuration.Environment.K64FMBEDHostedCompilationSetup

### We need to include this assembly to get the right drivers.
-Reference Microsoft.CortexM3OnMBED
-Reference Microsoft.CortexM3OnCMSISCore
-Reference Microsoft.DeviceModels.ModelForCortexM3
-Reference LPC1768

#-Reference Microsoft.CortexM4OnMBED
#-Reference Microsoft.CortexM4OnCMSISCore
#-Reference Microsoft.DeviceModels.ModelForCortexM4
#-Reference K64F

### Add compilation phases, in order
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled ReduceNumberOfTemporaries
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled TransformFinallyBlocksIntoTryBlocks
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled ApplyClassExtensions
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled PrepareImplementationOfInternalMethods  
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled CrossReferenceTypeSystem
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled ApplyConfigurationSettings
-CompilationPhaseDisabled ResourceManagerOptimizations
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled HighLevelTransformations
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled PropagateCompilationConstraints
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled ComputeCallsClosure
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled EstimateTypeSystemReduction
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled CompleteImplementationOfInternalMethods
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled ReduceTypeSystem
-CompilationPhaseDisabled PrepareExternalMethods
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled DetectNonImplementedInternalCalls
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled OrderStaticConstructors
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled LayoutTypes
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled HighLevelToMidLevelConversion
-CompilationPhaseDisabled FromImplicitToExplictExceptions
-CompilationPhaseDisabled MidLevelToLowLevelConversion
-CompilationPhaseDisabled ConvertUnsupportedOperatorsToMethodCalls
-CompilationPhaseDisabled ExpandAggregateTypes
-CompilationPhaseDisabled SplitComplexOperators
-CompilationPhaseDisabled FuseOperators
-CompilationPhaseDisabled Optimizations
-CompilationPhaseDisabled ConvertToSSA
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled GenerateImage
-CompilationPhaseDisabled PrepareForRegisterAllocation
-CompilationPhaseDisabled CollectRegisterAllocationConstraints
-CompilationPhaseDisabled AllocateRegisters
-CompilationPhaseDisabled ConvertToLLVMIntermediateRepresentation
#-CompilationPhaseDisabled Done

### The program to compile.

### Where to put the results.
-OutputName Microsoft.Zelig.Test.mbed.Simple
-OutputDir  ..\..\..\..\LLVM2IR_results\mbed\simple


-MaxProcs 1



  • #: marks the start of a comment line
  • -Reference <assembly>: Instruct Zelig to load _assembly _as a reference for the application. This includes device drivers as well as system assemblies.
  • -HostAssemblyDir <directory>: location of assemblies to be used for by the compiler, e.g. for loading phases or code transformations.
  • -DeviceAssemblyDir <directory>: location of assemblies to be used for by the compiler, e.g. for loading phases or code transformations.
  • -CompilationPhaseDisabled <phase>: instructs the compiler to skip the phase phase.
  • -OutputName <name>: output image name
  • -OutputDir <dir>: output directory
  • -DumpIR: instructs the compiler to dump the IR after generating the image
  • -DumpIRpre: instructs the compiler to dump the IR before applying any code transformation
  • -DumpIRpost: instructs the compiler to dump the IR after applying all transformations, inclusive of the full TS
  • -DumpLLVMIR: instructs the compiler to dump the IR after applying all transformations
  • -ReloadState: instructs the compiler to reload the last persisted IR. Useful to debug and develop LLVM IR translation.
  • -DumpLLVMIR_TextRepresentation: instructs the compiler to dump the LLVM IR in readable format.
  • -MaxProcs <n>: instructs the compiler to use n threads to compile

==> Setup and Build Instructions

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