Releases: NuttyLogic/BSBolt
Releases · NuttyLogic/BSBolt
1.6.0: Merge pull request #142 from NuttyLogic/dev
- MethylDackel Support
- Option to output alignments to stdout
- Improved thread handling
- Experimental bisulfite aware SNP caller
- Implemented alignment stats streaming
- Fixed bug that stopped alignments with low observed mappability
- Updated documentation with publication information
- Cleaned masked alignment / index unit tests
- Fixed bug ending alignment when the reference template end greater than reference boundary
- fixed methylation calling bug for sites covered by greater than 8000 reads
- conda build recipe
- simplified build instructions
BSBolt Publication Release
Merge pull request #103 from NuttyLogic/development - fixed ZeroDivisionError when no alignment returned
1.3.3: Merge pull request #98 from NuttyLogic/development
- Undirectional Simulation fix
Merge pull request #88 from NuttyLogic/development Cleaned Documentation