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Releases: OneSignal/react-native-onesignal

4.0.6 Release

31 Mar 21:15
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Update native versions:


  • Added In App Messaging Tag Substitution using Liquid Templating
  • IAM Tag Substitution is using LiquidJS version 9.23.1
  • Removing alert prompt for launch URLs
  • Users will no longer receive an alert asking to open a launch URL when a notification with a launch URL is opened.
  • Set external user id fixes
  • Fixing external user id not being set on an email record if the same id was set for the push record. Also resolves external ids not being set if the id was cached but the user was deleted from the dashboard.
  • Adding the ability to disable 'OneSignal load'
  • This disables OneSignal SDK Swizzling to prevent issues when running unit tests. Do not use this option for your main target or OneSignal will not function.


  • Supporting Liquid Templating Tag Substitution in "In App Messages" using LiquidJS version 9.23.1
  • Fixed notifications omitted in OSRemoteNotificationReceivedHandler and from disabled channels being restored and shown as silent notifications.
  • Improved thread DB access handling

4.0.5 Release

06 Mar 23:39
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Release Notes

Update native iOS SDK to 3.2.3

4.0.4 Release

17 Feb 19:12
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Release Notes

Update native Android SDK to 4.2.0

  • android:launchMode no longer required.
  • Fixed 4.0.0 regression - Notification open doesn't open main activity on cold start by default.
    PR OneSignal-Android-SDK#1276

Update native iOS SDK to 3.2.1

4.0.3 Release

11 Jan 21:55
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Fixes #1139

iOS setExternalUserId null callback fix

  • iOS: includes fix for null setExternalUserId callback crash on iOS

PR: #1141

4.0.2 Release

08 Jan 22:42
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Android setExternalUserId Fix

  • Android - Fixed crash with setExternalUserId if called after setEmail

4.0.1 Release

06 Jan 22:19
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Bug Fix

Patches small outcomes event null-check bug in Java bridge.

4.0.0 Release

06 Jan 21:16
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Version 4.0.0

⚠️ This is a major release which contains breaking API changes.

See the full list of changes along with step-by-step guides to upgrade.

Migration Guide

Native SDK Versions Update


4.0.0 Beta 5 Release

11 Dec 01:24
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4.0.0 Beta 5 Release Pre-release

Major Release 4.0.0 Beta 5 🛠️

Other changes

  • bug fixes including TS typings issue
  • removed manifest placeholders
  • renamed several functions due to changes in the native SDKs
  • provide better logging
  • renamed OutcomeEvent to OSOutcomeEvent

3.9.3 Release

04 Dec 01:08
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Identity Verification

Highly Recommended

OneSignal supports a higher security method known as Identity Verification. This helps prevent users from impersonating one another by generating a user-specific token on your server, if you have one.

Enabling Identity Verification applies to:

  • Adding Email and SMS records into OneSignal AND associated tags.
  • Setting external_user_id for any record across all channels (Push, Email, SMS)


Updated Native Android (3.15.6) and iOS (2.16.1) SDKs

4.0.0 Beta 4 Release

13 Nov 20:33
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4.0.0 Beta 4 Release Pre-release

Major Release 4.0.0 Beta 4 🛠️

⚠️ This is a major beta release which contains breaking API changes.

Upgraded to iOS SDK Beta 3

  • upgrade to iOS 3.0.0 Beta 3
  • App Clip Support
  • Fixing IAM previews from not being displayed
  • Client capability for disabling swipe to dismiss for IAM Carousels

React Native Changes

  • Typescript Typings
  • Notification Id bug fix in complete function
  • Change postNotification function to take a JSON string for REST API