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PASTA-ELN | The favorite ELN for experimental scientists

PASTA-ELN (adaPtive mAterials Science meTadatA - Electronic Lab Notebook) provides a streamlined and efficient solution for experimental scientists to manage and organize raw data alongside associated metadata. By leveraging extractors that automate the processing of raw measurement files, PASTA-ELN facilitates the seamless integration of thumbnails, data, and metadata into a centralized database. These extractors can be customized and shared by users, empowering researchers to tailor their workflows to their specific needs.

⚠️ Users: all documentation can be found at Github-pages

This page / area is for developers and contains some helpful information for them

Developers: Windows

How to start Pasta ELN

  • Anaconda
    • python -m pasta_eln.gui
    • DOES NOT WORK "pastaELN"

Installation location:

  • Default installation
    • C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Scripts
    • C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pasta_eln
  • Anaconda
    • C:\Users...\anaconda3\envs...\Scripts>
    • C:\Users...\anaconda3\envs...\Lib\site-packages\pasta_eln

Reinstall /retry windows installation

  • uninstall couchdb in Settings
  • remove directories
    • C:\Program Files\Apache CouchDB
    • C:\Users....\AppData\Local\Programs\Python [If deleted python]
    • Pasta-Folder in Documents
  • remove Users....pastaELN.json
  • remove shortcut on Windows desktop
  • restart Windows
  • python -m pasta_eln.gui
  • go through steps and wait for restart
  • after restart go to System->Configuration (ctrl-0) ->Setup-> start again
    • or have a separate button for that

Create an installer using pyInstaller

  • Anacoda -> new environment and install "pip install pyinstaller" and dependencies
  • In terminal
    • cd Documents\PastaELN_src: all files in pasta-eln
    • pyinstaller -F
  • File is in /dist/ folder

Developers: Linux

Installation location:

  • Default
    • /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pasta_eln

Installation - Test - Removal

!! Be sure to have an additional backup of your previous ~/.pastaELN_v3.json !! Installation:

python -m venv venvPastaTest
. venvPastaTest/bin/activate
mv ~/.pastaELN_v3.json ~/.pastaELN_v3.backup.json
pip install git+

Test (you can edit the code in venvPastaTest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pasta_eln):

python -m pasta_eln.gui


mv ~/.pastaELN_v3.backup.json ~/.pastaELN_v3.json
rm -rf venvPastaTest/ pastaTEST/

Convert couchdb to sqlite version

use "python -m pasta_eln.serverActions"

  1. Convert to sqlite database: 'c'
  2. Update local file structure: 't'
  3. Repair dates in sqlite database: 'r'
  4. Verify current state: 'v'
  5. Use repair on . errors: 'rp1'
  6. File errors can be repaired by scanning

Notes on all systems

Run Pasta-ELN directly from commandline without installation

  • python3 -m pasta_eln.gui
  • python3 -m pasta_eln.installationTools
  • python3 -m pasta_eln.Tests.3Projects
  • in home directory of repository

How to write code

How to write small python programs that do things


from pasta_eln.backend import Pasta
pasta = Pasta()
viewProj = pasta.db.getView('viewDocType/x0')
projID1  = [i['id'] for i in viewProj if 'PASTA' in i['value'][0]][0]


For testing WIDGETS put this code into "pasta_eln/":

from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow
from .backend import Backend
from .communicate import Communicate
from .widgetDetails import Details

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
  def __init__(self):
    self.backend = Backend()
    comm = Communicate(self.backend)
    widget = Details(comm)

app = QApplication()
window = MainWindow()

and execute "python -m pasta_eln.test"

For testing DIALOGS put this code into "pasta_eln/":

import sys
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication
from .GUI.form import Form
from .backend import Backend
from .guiCommunicate import Communicate
from .GUI.palette import Palette

app = QApplication(sys.argv)
backend = Backend()
palette = Palette(app,'none')
comm = Communicate(backend,palette)
doc = backend.db.getDoc("m-3a43570c4fd84b1ab81a8863ae058fb0")
dialog = Form(comm, doc)

and execute "python -m pasta_eln.test"



  from cProfile import Profile
  from pstats import SortKey, Stats
  with Profile() as profile:


  (Stats(profile).strip_dirs().sort_stats(SortKey.CUMULATIVE).print_stats(100)) #end cProfile

For example: to profile the start of the program

  def startMain() -> None:
    Main function to start GUI. Extra function is required to allow starting in module fashion
    from cProfile import Profile
    from pstats import SortKey, Stats
    with Profile() as profile:
      app, window = mainGUI()
    (Stats(profile).strip_dirs().sort_stats(SortKey.CUMULATIVE).print_stats(100)) #end cProfile
    # if app:
    #   app.exec()

Debugging on a conventional install: linux

  • 'sudo apt install python3-pudb' (not pip install)
  • create small '' into any folder, with this content from pasta_eln.gui import startMain startMain()
  • start with 'pudb3'

Running pytests (3.12)

  • python3 -m tests.test_01_3Projects

General notes

  • Find qt-awesome icons: qta-browser
  • print works great in frontend and backend