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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Pierre-Yves B edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 66 revisions

General questions about the configuration

1. Name, DisplayName, Goal, Message and Type, what's all this about?

  • Name: used by the database and when running the /aach delete and /aach check commands. Once set for an achievement, Name should never be changed. This parameter must be present and must be uniquely defined in the configuration. Use at most 64 characters which can be lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. Note that you don't need to follow any specific format; the default configuration uses helpful values such as eggs_1000, but all the plugin really cares about is that it's a unique identifier.
  • DisplayName: used in books, in the list GUI and when receiving an achievement. If not found, Name will be used.
  • Message: used in books, in the list GUI and when receiving an achievement. This parameter must be present.
  • Goal: used in the list GUI when the achievement is not yet received, and in advancement descriptions. If not found, Message will be used.
  • Type: governs the icon used in the list GUI, as defined by AchievementNotStarted, AchievementStarted or AchievementReceived in gui.yml.

2. How can I hide a category in /aach list GUI?

Simply set its name to "" in lang.yml. This will not disable the achievement at a global level.

3. How can I track multiple types for categories with sub-categories (Places, Kills, TargetsShot, Breaks, Crafts, Breeding, PlayerCommands, JobsReborn)?

Separate the different types using |. For instance:

      Message: The first time you killed any kind of zombie!
      DisplayName: The Walking Dead
      Name: kills_1_any_zombie

Note that when you create a new group of types with |, progress will start at 0 regardless of existing player statistics for any of the types considered individually. Also, if ever you add/remove a type from the group, progress for this sub-category group will start back at 0 as well.

4. What's the difference between an achievement and an advancement?

Whenever the word achievement is used in a configuration file or in any documentation, it refers to Advanced Achievements' own achievement system. Whenever the word advancement is used, it refers to the Vanilla advancement system. The Vanilla achievement system is a legacy system for old Minecraft versions from the 2011-2016 era; there is no integration with Advanced Achievements.


5. Why do the items I specify for the achievements or rewards not work?

Make sure you are using material names from this page. Please specify the names fully in lower-case. Metadata information is supported for the Places, Crafts and Breaks achievements; for instance sand:1 is red sand for Minecraft versions prior to 1.13.

6. I have changed the Name parameter of an achievement, why do players who had previously received it no longer have it?

As only the names in config.yml have changed, but not the ones in the database, you would have to also update the values in the database. More generally, you should only change DisplayName, Message and Goal, but not Name.

7. Why isn't MySQL/PostgreSQL working?

Advanced Achievements with MySQL/PostgreSQL has been thoroughly tested and is used flawlessly by hundreds of servers on a daily basis. Please ensure that your database is correctly configured, that you have specified the correct username, password and address (which must include the database name). Also do one full restart of your server (/aach reload is not sufficient). If you still can't get it working, please send me your login information privately and I will send you back the correct configurations to insert in config.yml.

8. Why is everything messed up in the /aach list GUI?

If you don't want the obfuscation effect, set ObfuscateNotReceived to false in the configuration. Also, use F3 + H when playing to hide the extra information that appears when hovering over an object.

9. Why are achievement descriptions greyed out in the /aach list GUI?

When an achievement has not yet been received, the plugin automatically replaces any colours you have specified in your configuration (for instance the Goal parameter of an achievement) and displays texts in grey and italic. You can change the color with the ListColorNotReceived configuration parameter.

10. Why can players get items out of the /aach list GUI and why are received achievements suddenly reset?

Have you used the /reload command by any chance? This command has been unsupported by Bukkit/Spigot for many years and should never be used. In particular, it will cause issues with Advanced Achievements. Similarly, any command that causes other plugins to be disabled and re-enabled on a running server must be avoided. Fully stop and restart your server, or use the built-in /aach reload.


11. Can the dev add support for third-party plugin X?

The primary maintainer of the project, @PyvesB, will generally not add support for new third-party plugins himself. Nevertheless, feel free to open a pull request with your own implementation!

12. Why isn't the dev responding to my messages?

The easiest way to get a timely response is to reach out on GitHub. Other messages may get ignored, especially if you are lacking basic good manners (for instance saying "hello" or "thank you"). If you need help or want to make a request, please use the issue tracker, which serves as a centralised and organised place to provide efficient support. Make sure that you read the contributing guidelines beforehand and that you use one of the issue templates available.

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