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R3vo edited this page Aug 24, 2024 · 45 revisions

3DEN Radio | 3DEN Shortcuts | Briefing Editor | CfgSentences Browser | Equipment Storage Editor | Export GUI Base Classes | Functions Viewer | Garrison | Mini Map | Module Information | Move to Layer | Name Objects | Placement Tools | RPT Viewer | Scenario Attributes Manager | Search Attributes | Texture Finder | Variable Viewer | Zeus Addons

3DEN Radio

3DEN Radio can be used to preview music tracks. Press CTRL + C to copy a class name of a music track while it is selected. Furthermore, music tracks can be added to the playlist in order to play them while editing. A track will be selected randomly from the playlist once the previously played one ends.

3DEN Shortcuts

A quick way to lookup shortcuts instead of searching through the menu strip or context menu.

Briefing Editor

Always wanted to have a nicely formatted **briefing** or **task description**? Then the Briefing Editor is the tool for you. Just add the text and select the TAG you would like to add to the text.

Adding a TAG

  1. Select the text you want to wrap the TAG around or select the position in the text you want to place the TAG (linebreak)
  2. Select the TAG from the combo box
  3. When the TAG is selected, additional controls will be shown. Fill in these controls.
  4. When you are happy with your settings, press the Add TAG button

TAGs Description

Visit BI Wiki and click the Show text button in the description.

Saving the text

  • The Subject, Title and Text are automatically saved when the GUI is closed and loaded when its opened
  • You can also create a Template which will be persistently stored for later use

Export the briefing

Upon pressing the Export button a new window will open. The content of the window may look like this:

//Code (SQF)

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Situation", "Short example test."], taskNull, "", true];

//Raw Text (Briefing Attribute, Task Description)

Short example test.
  • The code is supposed to be executed
  • The raw text can be placed inside the 3den Enhanced Briefing Attribute, the Create Diary Record module, the Create Task module and the Set Task Description module

CfgSentences Browser

The CfgSentences Browser is an advanced tool. In case you want to add voice acting to your scenario you can use it to browse through CfgSentences and preview already existing conversations. Pressing the copy button will export all relevant data needed for scripting to your clipboard.

Export GUI Base Classes

If you work on GUIs regularily, this will come in handy. Just select the classes you would like to export and the way you want them to be exported. The function will also include some files which might be of interest to you. Output looks like

Functions Viewer

The Functions Viewer is an essential tool for everyone who does scripting. Compared to the vanilla Functions Viewer, the enhanced version comes with the following additional features: * Incremental search. Get immediate results while typing * You can view .hpp and .inc files which can be very useful to check the content of "macro files" * The left panel can be collapsed to get a better view on the function * Line numbers are displayed * A button to quickly open the official documentation of supported functions


Fill buildings quickly with Eden editor entities. By default all entities are supported except markers.

Black- / Whitelist

  • Can be used to change from a blacklist to a whitelist and vise versa.


  • Classes of buildings which are either treated as whitelisted or blacklisted depending on the above setting. Classes need to be in the following format: class_1 class_2 class_n Values can also be separated by ",".


  • Coverage setting defined how many building positions are going to be filled. If Nearest building only mode is selected, this setting is ignored and by default all positions are filled if possible.


  • Stance the units use. Default is automatic stance. See ingame tooltips.


  • Closest Building only: Only the closest building to the center (ENH_Garrison_AreaHelper) will be garrisoned.
  • From Center: Positions closer to the center will be filled first.
  • Random Positions: A random position inside the area (ENH_Garrison_AreaHelper) will be picked for each entity.


  • Disabled: Will disable the AI's path functionality.
  • Enabled: Will enable the AI's path functionality. (default)

Update Selection

  • Can be used to change the selected entities. By default the entities which were selected when the GUI was opened are only affected.

Cover Map Module

  • The Cover Map module serves as a helper module. All buildings inside its area are affected. You can use the area scaling widget to change its rotation and size. Buildings which fit the criteria (Blacklist/Whitelist) are also drawn in 3D. If you preview the scenario while the GUI is still opened, this module will not get deleted. Just delete it manually when you return to the editor environment.

Mini Map

The mini map shows you the current location of your camera on the map and helps you to navigate. The minimap can be configured and also disabled in the editor preferences.

Module Information

This UI can be accessed from the context menu if a module is selected. It will show all available information about this module, even those the vanilla module description won't.

Move to Layer

This UI can be used to quickly move all selected entities to a specific layer. This is useful when you have a lot of layers.

Name Objects

Name objects allows you to quickly name multiple objects. Just select all objects you want to name. Set a prefix and define the start index. The name will look like that: `PREFIX_INDEX`

Placement Tools

The Placement Tools allow you to precisely place all selected objects. The following functionalities are available:

Cicular Pattern

  • It places all selected objects in a circle, even partial circle is possible

Line Pattern

  • Places all selected objects in a line. The spacing can be changed on the fly

Grid Pattern

  • Places all selected objects in a grid. Spaceing in X and Y direction can be defined as well as the number of columns. Number of rows is automatically set

Fill Area

  • Will randomly place all selected objects in a rectangular area. Size A and B can be changed on the fly


  • Quickly orient objects (North, East, South, West, Reverse Direction, Randomize Direction)


  • The toolbar at the bottom of the UI will define the step size for each slider. If a step size of 0.0001 is selected, clicking on the left or right arrow of a slider will increment or decrement the value by 0.0001 m.

  • By default, the center of every pattern is the center of your screen. To re-center click the button with the crosshair.

RPT Viewer

Allows you to quickly view the latest .rpt file inside Eden Editor.

Scenario Attributes Manager

This GUI can be used to save scenario attribute values into a template. This template can then be loaded very easily when you start working on a new scenario. You can also apply single attribute values.

Search Attributes

This UI allows you to quickly search all text attributes of all entities. This is helpful if you need to check if an object has code in a init attribute for example.

Selection Filter

This UI allows you to filter the current selected entities. It's available through the context menu -> Edit -> Selection Filter

Texture Finder

The Texture Viewer is a very useful tool if you are working on GUIs or other projects which you need some special icons or textures for. It scans through the complete config file and shows all used textures. Press CTRL+C to copy path of the selected item to your clipboard.

Naturally scanning the config file will take some time. The GUI will keep searching even when it is closed. Once the seach was finished, the textures are cached until the game is restarted.

Variable Viewer

This GUI can be used to find variables in various different namespaces. It is also available during scenario preview if the **Debug Option** is enabled.

Equipment Storage Editor

This is probably one of the most anticipated tools by the 3den Enhanced community. While the default inventory attribute of Eden Editor is very clumsy to use, this GUI makes editing vehicle and ammobox inventories a breeze. Inventories can also be saved as templates to apply them easily the next time you need them. It uses the vanilla inventory attribute but allows for more customization and an easier setup.

Menu Strip


Export to SQF

This option exports the current inventory in SQF format. The exported script looks like this. You can easier place this directly into an entities init field or use it in a script. Don't forget to replace this if you use it inside a script.

if !(local this) exitWith {};

clearWeaponCargoGlobal this;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal this;
clearItemCargoGlobal this;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal this;

    this addWeaponCargoGlobal _x;
} forEach [["arifle_MX_F", 2], ["arifle_MX_GL_F", 1], ["arifle_MX_SW_F", 1], ["srifle_EBR_F", 1], ["srifle_LRR_F", 1], ["srifle_DMR_02_F", 1], ["launch_NLAW_F", 1]];


Export to ACE Arsenal

This option exports the current inventory in ACE Arsenal format. Read ACE Documention

["arifle_MX_F", "arifle_MX_GL_F", "arifle_MX_SW_F", "srifle_EBR_F", "srifle_LRR_F", "srifle_DMR_02_F", "launch_NLAW_F", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "20Rnd_762x51_Mag", "7Rnd_408_Mag", "10Rnd_338_Mag", "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", "3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell", "Chemlight_green", "NLAW_F", "Laserbatteries", "HandGrenade", "MiniGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShellGreen", "UGL_FlareWhite_F", "UGL_FlareGreen_F", "FirstAidKit", "Binocular", "Laserdesignator", "optic_Holosight", "optic_Hamr", "optic_SOS", "optic_NVS", "optic_tws", "acc_flashlight", "Medikit", "ToolKit", "MineDetector", "bipod_01_F_blk", "bipod_01_F_mtp", "bipod_01_F_snd", "B_Kitbag_rgr"]

Export to Arsenal

This option will export the current inventory SQF. However, this time it will use the Arsenal functions and all inventory items will be limitless available.

if !(local this) exitWith {};

[this, ["FirstAidKit", "Binocular", "Laserdesignator", "optic_Holosight", "optic_Hamr", "optic_SOS", "optic_NVS", "optic_tws", "acc_flashlight", "Medikit", "ToolKit", "MineDetector", "bipod_01_F_blk", "bipod_01_F_mtp", "bipod_01_F_snd"], true, true, 1, 0] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;

[this, ["arifle_MX_F", "arifle_MX_GL_F", "arifle_MX_SW_F", "srifle_EBR_F", "srifle_LRR_F", "srifle_DMR_02_F", "launch_NLAW_F"], true, true, 1, 1] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;

[this, ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "20Rnd_762x51_Mag", "7Rnd_408_Mag", "10Rnd_338_Mag", "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", "3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell", "Chemlight_green", "NLAW_F", "Laserbatteries", "HandGrenade", "MiniGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShellGreen", "UGL_FlareWhite_F", "UGL_FlareGreen_F"], true, true, 1, 2] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;

[this, ["B_Kitbag_rgr"], true, true, 1, 3] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;



Switches current inventory from being virtual (Arsenal) to none virtual (simple ammo box).

Reset Loadout

This will reset the inventory to the default inventory defined in config of the given ammobox or vehicle.

+1 / -1

These options will increase or decrease the amount of the currently selected item by one.


Clears the inventory.

Virtual Arsenal

This option turns the inventory into a Virtual Arsenal and automatically adds all items of the selected addon to the box. The addon can be selected in the drop down menu left of the search.

Sort by...

Sorts the inventory.


This menu contains all available filters. Only items that fit the selected filter will be shown in the left list.


Create Template

A new UI will open up asking for a title and a description. The current inventory will be saved to the templates list once Ok is pressed


Deletes the selected template.


This will preview the currently selected template in the inventory list. Changes are only applied after pressing Save.



Links to this page.

Left List

This list shows all items available with given filter and addon. It will also display the templates if Show Templates is selected.

Right List

This list shows all items in the inventory.

Search and mod filter

Underneath the left list is the search and the mod filter. Type into the edit box to perform a real time search. Upon clicking on the arrow left of the box a drop down menu will open that lists all addons/mods. Select a addon/mod to show only these items.


Upon pressing this button the current inventory will be saved. There is no way to revert back. When closing the UI you will be prompted to save or discard the changes.


Closes the UI.

Zeus Addons

This GUI allows you to quickly pick which addons will be available to Zeus.


  • Tick the entries you want Zeus to access/not to access. Whether or not the selected entries will be available or removed from Zeus depends on the module's setting. See Module Setup.


  • Upon selecting an entry on the left, this list will show all entities available in the currently selected patch.


  • Upcon pressing the Copy button, a new window will open which shows all CfgPatches entries. Click Copy again to copy the entries to your clipboard.

Module Setup

The value you have copied to your clipboard alone won't do much. In order to define which addons are available to Zeus further steps are required.

  • Place a Game Master Module (ModuleCurator_F)
  • Set the Variable Name of this module to Module_Zeus_1
  • Place a Manage Addons (ModuleCuratorAddAddons_F) module
  • Set Assigned Zeus to Module_Zeus_1
  • Set the Mode to Remove
  • Paste the content of your clipboard into the Addon classes input field
  • Safe the settings

All addons you have previously selected will now be removed for this Zeus module. You can repeat the steps above for other Game Master modules.


  • If you want to add all the addons you have previously exported you have to set Default addons in the Game Master module to None and change the Mode in the Manage Addons module to Add!
  • Selection will be saved when the GUI is closed