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R3vo edited this page May 9, 2024 · 10 revisions

Number of added entries: 81

3DEN Radio

Description: Opens 3DEN Radio. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'ENH_3DENRadio'

Additional Eden Editor Extentions

Description: Shows a collection of other editor extensions.


Adjust Minimap Size


Action: 'AdjustSizeFromMenu' call ENH_fnc_3DENMinimap

AI Compilation List by Gunter Severloh

Description: Shows a list of useful AI modifications.


Align to X+

Description: Aligns all selected entities with the farthest east entity.

Action: [0] call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_alignEntities')

Align to X-

Description: Aligns all selected entities with the farthest west entity.

Action: [0, false] call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_alignEntities')

Align to Y+

Description: Aligns all selected entities with the farthest north entity.

Action: [1] call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_alignEntities')

Align to Y-

Description: Aligns all selected entities with the farthest south entity.

Action: [1, false] call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_alignEntities')

Align to Z+

Description: Aligns all selected entities with the highest entity.

Action: [2] call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_alignEntities')

Align to Z-

Description: Aligns all selected entities with the lowest entity.

Action: [2, false] call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_alignEntities')

Apply Loadout/s

Description: Applies copied loadouts to all selected entities. If multiple loadouts were copied a random one for each selected entity is choosen.

Action: 'apply' call ENH_fnc_loadoutTool

Apply Pylon Settings

Description: Applies random pylon setting that from previously copied settings.

Action: 'apply' call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_pylonTools')

Apply Vehicle Customization

Description: Applies previously copied vehicle appearance. If multiple appearances were copied a random one is selected for each entity.

Action: 'apply' call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_VHCTools')

Briefing Editor

Description: Opens the Briefing Editor. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'ENH_briefingEditor'

CfgDisabled Commands Template Generator

Description: See Arma 3: Utilities.

Action: [] execVM 'A3\Functions_F\Debug\Utilities\utility_cfgDisabledCommands.sqf'

CfgSentences Browser

Description: Opens the CfgSentences Browser. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'ENH_CfgSentencesBrowser'


Description: Opens the changelog.


Clear Chat

Description: Clears all system messages from the chat window.

Action: clearRadio

Code Optimisation

Description: Open commmunity wiki page about code optimisation.


Commands by Functionality

Description: Open commmunity wiki page about commands.



Description: Explains how to contribute.


Copy Loadout/s

Description: Copies loadout of all selected entities.

Action: 'copy' call ENH_fnc_loadoutTool

Copy Pylon Settings

Description: Copies pylon settings of selected entities.

Action: 'copy' call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_pylonTools')

Copy Vehicle Customization

Description: Copies vehicle appearance.

Action: 'copy' call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_VHCTools')

Create Trigger (Whole Map Coverage)

Description: Creates a trigger which covers exactly the whole map.

Action: private _trigger = create3DENEntity ['Trigger', 'EmptyDetectorArea10x10', [worldSize / 2, worldSize / 2, 0]]; _trigger set3DENAttribute ['size3', [worldSize / 2, worldSize / 2, 0]]; ['ENH_ActionPerformed'] call BIS_fnc_3DENNotification


Description: Shows all contributors.



Description: Open commmunity wiki page about code description.ext.



Description: Opens the 3den Enhanced documentation.


Equipment Storage Editor

Description: Opes the Vehicle Inventory Manager. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: call ENH_fnc_ESE_open

Export GUI Base Classes

Description: Open a GUI to export GUI base classes. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'ENH_ExportGUIDefines'

Export Loadout (CfgRespawnInventory)

Description: Exports loadout in CfgRespawnInventory format.

Action: false call ENH_fnc_exportLoadout

Export Loadout (Config)

Description: Exports loadout in config format.

Action: true call ENH_fnc_exportLoadout

Export Pylons to SQF

Description: Exports pylon settings as sqf script for later execution.

Action: 'exportToSQF' call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_pylonTools')

Functions by Functionality

Description: Open commmunity wiki page about functions.



Description: See Arma 3: Utilities.

Action: [] execVM 'A3\Functions_F\Debug\Utilities\utility_jukebox.sqf'

Log Game Info

Description: Logs various information about the game.

Action: call ENH_fnc_productInfo

Manage Zeus Addons

Description: Opens the Mange Zeus Addons GUI. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: call ENH_fnc_zeusAddons

Mission Optimisation

Description: Open commmunity wiki page about mission optimisation.


Mission Presentation

Description: Open commmunity wiki page about mission presentation.


Moon Phases

Description: See Arma 3: Utilities.

Action: [] execVM 'A3\Functions_F\Debug\Utilities\utility_moonPhases.sqf'

Multiplayer Scripting

Description: Open commmunity wiki page about multiplayer scripting.


Name Objects

Description: Opens the Name Objects GUI. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'ENH_NameObjects'

Open GUI Test Grids

Description: Opens a GUI for testing different UI grids.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'RscTestGrids'

Orientate East

Description: Orients all selected entities to east.

Action: 90 call ENH_fnc_setOrientation

Orientate North

Description: Orients all selected entities to north.

Action: 0 call ENH_fnc_setOrientation

Orientate South

Description: Orients all selected entities to south.

Action: 180 call ENH_fnc_setOrientation

Orientate West

Description: Orients all selected entities to west.

Action: 270 call ENH_fnc_setOrientation

Placement Tool

Description: Opens Placement Tool GUI. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: [nil, 'createUI'] call ENH_fnc_placementTools

Print Config

Description: See Arma 3: Utilities.

Action: [] execVM 'A3\Functions_F\Debug\Utilities\utility_printConfig.sqf'

Randomise Direction

Description: Randomises direction of all selected entities.

Action: -1 call ENH_fnc_setOrientation

Randomize Vehicle Customization

Description: Randomizes vehicle appearance.

Action: 'random' call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_VHCTools')

Remove Everything

Description: Clear inventory of all selected entities.

Action: 7 call ENH_fnc_removeGear

Remove Goggles

Description: Removes goggles of all selected entities.

Action: 0 call ENH_fnc_removeGear

Remove Headgear

Description: Removes headgear of all selected entities.

Action: 1 call ENH_fnc_removeGear

Remove NVGs

Description: Removes NVG of all selected entities.

Action: 2 call ENH_fnc_removeGear

Remove Vests

Description: Removes vest of all selected entities.

Action: 3 call ENH_fnc_removeGear

Remove Weapons

Description: Removes weapons of all selected entities.

Action: 4 call ENH_fnc_removeGear

Report an Issue

Description: Open a bug report on GitHub.


Reverse Direction

Description: Reverses direction of all selected entities.

Action: -2 call ENH_fnc_setOrientation

RPT Viewer

Description: Opens the RPT Viewer. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: 'open' call ENH_fnc_RPTViewer

Scenario Attributes Manager

Description: Opens the Scenario Attributes Manager. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'ENH_SAM'

Script Commands

Description: See Arma 3: Utilities.

Action: [] execVM 'A3\Functions_F\Debug\Utilities\utility_scriptCommands.sqf'

Search Attributes

Description: Quickly search through the the text attributes such as 'ini' or 'condition' of all entities.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'ENH_AttributeSearch'


Description: Shows all eden editor shortcuts.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'ENH_3DENShortcuts'

Snap to Surface

Description: Snaps all selected entities to the surface.

Action: do3DENAction 'SnapToSurface'

Space along X-Axis

Description: Spaces all selected entities equally along the X-axis.

Action: 0 call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_spaceEqually')

Space along Y-Axis

Description: Spaces all selected entities equally along the y-axis.

Action: 1 call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_spaceEqually')

Space along Z-Axis

Description: Spaces all selected entities equally along the z-axis.

Action: 2 call (uiNamespace getVariable 'ENH_fnc_spaceEqually')


Description: Open 3den Enhanced Steam page.


Switch Time

Description: Switches the time and weather in Eden Editor so editing can be done with best visibility. Changes are not applied to the scenario. Press again to revert.

Action: call ENH_fnc_switchTime

Texture Finder

Description: Opens the Texture Finder. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'ENH_TextureFinder'

Toggle AI Features

Description: Will toggle all AI features (Inverse their state).

Action: [['object'], ['ENH_disableAI_all']] call ENH_fnc_toggleAttributes

Toggle Dynamic Simulation

Description: Toggles dynamic simulation of all selected entities.

Action: [['Object', 'Group'], ['dynamicSimulation']] call ENH_fnc_toggleAttributes

Toggle Grass

Description: Hides grass in Eden Editor.

Action: 0 spawn ENH_fnc_toggleGrass

Toggle Local Object

Description: Toggles the local only attribute of all selected entities.

Action: [['Object'], ['isLocalOnly']] call ENH_fnc_toggleAttributes

Toggle Marker Alpha

Description: Changes the marker alpha of markers to 1. That way they can be selected if marker alpha was 0 before. This change is applied to the scenario so make sure to undo the effect by using the tool again.

Action: call ENH_fnc_toggleMarkerAlpha

Toggle Minimap


Action: 'toggleFromMenu' call ENH_fnc_3DENMinimap

Toggle Playable State

Description: Toggles playable state of all selected entities.

Action: [['Object'], ['ControlMP']] call ENH_fnc_toggleAttributes

Toggle Simple Object

Description: Toggles simple object state of all selected entities.

Action: [['Object'], ['objectIsSimple']] call ENH_fnc_toggleAttributes

Toggle Simulation

Description: Toggles simulation of all selected entities.

Action: [['Object'], ['enableSimulation']] call ENH_fnc_toggleAttributes

Variable Viewer

Description: Opens the Variable Viewer. See GUI documentation for detailed information.

Action: findDisplay 313 createDisplay 'ENH_VariableViewer'

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