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RalfNieuwenhuizen edited this page Nov 14, 2014 · 2 revisions

Game Design


The official game description does not contain specific requirements. The purpose of the game is to motivate or help people to do exercises to get fit and healthy. Exercises are possibly but not necessarily provided by a physiotherapist.

Design concept

The concept of the design is an engaging game for which the user needs to perform exercises in order to make progress in the game. By executing more and more exercises the user has more possibilities in the game and new challenges will become available.

Game Story

The game starts with a story.

Your old uncle from America has left you his farm and trusts you to make the company grow big. It is all yours now, it contains a big house and a lot of land belongs to the farm. However the fields are unused and empty. Spend your money wisely to grow the company and unlock new possibilities by doing the exercises.


The game is about a farm and the user is the farmer. By growing crops and keeping lifestock the farmer can grow the company and make money. However, crops and lifestock are only available when certain skills are available. To show certain skills, the farmer has to execute exercises in real-life. An exercise is specific for each crop or lifestock. For example, the skill for picking apples has to be shown before the appletrees can be bought.

After showing a certain skill, the belonging crop or lifestock is unlocked so it can be bought. However, things can only be bought when the farmer has sufficient money, space and energy. The amount of energy represents the time and energy of the farmer during one day. This amount is fixed at the beginning, but can be increasing by becoming more active, or by hiring partners or buying hulpful equipment. The amount of space around the farm is fixed throughout the duration of the game. While the game progresses, some old crops or lifestock might be sold to free space for new options.

The farmer can make money by selling products on the market. Crops should be harvested first, this is done by executing the corresponding exercises for the specific crop. Gaining products from life stock such as milk from the cow also requires the execution of exercises before it is available to be sold. Preparing and selling products on the market also takes energy.

During the game, the farmer is allowed to buy machinery or equipment to enlarge the available amount of energy during the day. The extra energy is however only available when an exercise, corresponding to the specific item, is performed during the day. For example, when a pump is bought and this gives 10 extra energy, the farmer should do the pumping exercise to gain the 10 extra energy for that day.

Each period the farmer receives a special order or task. This can be for example the delivery of specific crops or products during the period. When the farmer completes these tasks, the game will advance to the next level. A new level introduces new crops, lifestock and equipment.

When the exercises are performed sensors are used to measure the movements along with sounds and visualizations to increase the interactivity of the game and make the experience fun.

Advanced Exercises

Exercises can specifically be designed by physiotherapists for certain phsyiotherapeutic problems, so these exercises are very useful for certain users. By providing specific tasks to these users in the game, a special training program is incorporated in the game.

Design construct

A diagram of the different components of the game is shown in .

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