Run docker compose either by visual studio or by command line
In order to run docker compose on visual studio, set docker-compose as start up project
To import collection to Postman, there is a file "challenge_MicroService_Async.postman_collection.json" with all gateway requests
To test with swagger: http://localhost:9002/swagger/index.html
To access RabbitMQ: http://localhost:15672/ username and password: guest / guest
1 - Create user
Endpoint /Auth/SignIn
"name": "Alberto Junior",
"cpf": "",
"Password" : "123456",
"birthDate": "1993-12-25T17:44:35.665Z",
"gender": 2,
"address": null,
"creditCard": null
To see user created in database, see topic Access Mongodb Container data.
2 - Test user created and add token to SwaggerUI
Endpoint /Auth/LogIn
"name": "Alberto Junior",
"password": "123456"
Copy Token from response and in Authorize button for SwaggerUI paste bearer + token From now on, all request that need authorization will have the bearer header authorization
3 - Create App
Endpoint /App/setapp
"name": "Sales Manager",
"price": 49
4 - Test app created and get id of app created
Endpoint /App/getapps
ex: appid = "id": "f19ddaba-e0a5-45fc-9b5b-a2dd99fa600b",
5 - Buy App
Endpoint /App/purchase
"appId": "f19ddaba-e0a5-45fc-9b5b-a2dd99fa600b",
"userId": "d426d088-af6d-4207-80ec-20275a3aa0d1",
"saveCreditCard": true,
"creditCard": {
"name": "Alberto Junior",
"number": "5496374407457455",
"cvv": "123",
"expirationDateMMYYYY": "122025"
6 - Test App bought
Endpoint /App/getappsbyuser/{userid}
7 - Redo test 2 (Test user created)
it must have the creditcard new information provided during app purchase
1 - Using docker UI interface, access Mongodb Container
2 - In command prompt, use commands:
show dbs
use DB
It will return a result like below:
"_id": "58f3d12e-6886-495e-81e6-232fa4648d30",
"Name": "Alberto Junior",
"Cpf": "",
"Role": 1,
"PasswordHash": BinData(0,
"PasswordSalt": BinData(0,
"BirthDate": ISODate("1993-12-25T17:44:35.665Z"),
"Gender": 2,
"CreditCard": null,
"Address": null