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Using ElaphureLink with ESP‐DAP

reed-dan edited this page Jan 31, 2024 · 4 revisions

You have taken the easy route!

Of course it comes at some cost: elaphurelink is for keil only, thus is not able to unlock a locked mcu.

  1. Download elaphurelink here

  2. Run elaphureLink.Wpf.exe

  3. Change the device address to the ip you saved before

  4. Press install driver, change the location to where you installed keil(its C:/Keil_v5 for me), then press yes

  5. Restart your keil and then go to targetOptions/debug and choose elaphurelink debugger


  1. Press settings and see if your esp is being detected automatically

Select debug port SWD, clock 10MHZ, and you must not close elaphurelink.exe


  1. Finished! Now you can start uploading firmware/debugging