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Added Graphviz visualization
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sherm1 committed Aug 8, 2024
1 parent 1b8be8a commit 5e4c4a7
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Showing 7 changed files with 456 additions and 22 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions multibody/topology/link_joint_graph.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#error Do not include this file. Use "drake/multibody/topology/graph.h".

#include <filesystem>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,6 +575,33 @@ class LinkJointGraph {
/** (Internal use only) For testing. */
void DumpGraph(std::string title) const;

/** Generate a graphviz representation of this %LinkJointGraph, with the
given label at the top. Will include ephemeral elements if they are
available (that is, if the forest is valid) unless suppressed explicitly.
The result is in the "dot" language, see If you
write it to some file, you can generate a viewable png (for
example) using the command `dot -Tpng >foo.png`.
@see MakeGraphvizFiles() for an easier way to get pngs. */
std::string GenerateGraphvizString(
std::string_view label, bool include_ephemeral_elements = true) const;

/** This is a useful debugging and presentation utility for getting
viewable "dot diagrams" of the graph and forest. You provide a directory
and a base name for the results. This function will generate
`basename_graph.png` showing the graph as the user defined it. If the
forest has been built, it will also produce `basename_graph+.png` showing
the augmented graph with its ephemeral elements, and `basename_forest.png`
showing the spanning forest.
@param where The directory in which to put the files. If empty, the
current directory is used.
@param basename The base of the file names to be produced, see above.
@returns the absolute path of the directory into which the files were
@throws std::exception if files can't be created, or the `dot` command
fails or isn't in /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, or /bin. */
std::filesystem::path MakeGraphvizFiles(std::filesystem::path where,
std::string_view basename) const;

// Forest building requires these joint types so they are predefined.

/** The predefined index for the "weld" joint type's traits. */
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194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions multibody/topology/
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@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

#include <fmt/format.h>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,6 +83,197 @@ void LinkJointGraph::DumpGraph(std::string title) const {

std::string LinkJointGraph::GenerateGraphvizString(
std::string_view label, bool include_ephemeral_elements) const {
const bool as_modeled = include_ephemeral_elements && forest_is_valid();
std::string graphviz = "digraph LinkJointGraph {\n";
graphviz += "rankdir=BT;\n";
graphviz += "labelloc=t;\n";
graphviz += fmt::format("label=\"{}\nLinkJointGraph{}\";\n", label,
as_modeled ? "+" : "");

// Generate a legend.
graphviz += "legend [shape=none]\n";
graphviz +=
"* = massless"
"\nL/J(i) link/joint(ordinal)"
if (as_modeled) graphviz += "\nred = ephemeral";
graphviz += "\"]\n";

// Link composites are discovered during forest building. If there
// is no forest, there will be no composites. But if there are composites
// we'd like to draw boxes around them so we'll process composited links
// first and then pick up the leftovers below.
for (const LinkComposite& composite : link_composites()) {
// Oddly, in order to get the box and label for a subgraph, the _name_
// of the subgraph must begin with "cluster"!
graphviz +=
fmt::format("subgraph cluster{}", &composite - &link_composites()[0]) +
" {\n";
graphviz += fmt::format("label=\"LinkComposite({}){}\";\n",
&composite - &link_composites()[0],
composite.is_massless ? "*" : "");
for (const BodyIndex& link_index : composite.links) {
const Link& link = link_by_index(link_index);
const bool ephemeral = link_is_ephemeral(link.index());
if (ephemeral && !include_ephemeral_elements) continue;
graphviz += fmt::format("link{} [label=\"L({}){} {}:{}\"]{};\n",
link.ordinal(), link.ordinal(),
link.is_massless() ? "*" : "",,
link.index(), ephemeral ? "[color=red]" : "");
graphviz += "}\n";

// Now pick up the links that aren't in a composite.
for (const Link& link : links()) {
if (link.composite().has_value()) continue;
const bool ephemeral = link_is_ephemeral(link.index());
if (ephemeral && !include_ephemeral_elements) continue;
graphviz +=
fmt::format("link{} [label=\"L({}){} {}:{}\"]{};\n", link.ordinal(),
link.ordinal(), link.is_massless() ? "*" : "",,
link.index(), ephemeral ? "[color=red]" : "");

// Draw the joints as edges, with various representations. Note that a
// loop joint gets retargeted to a shadow body; we show that and also
// the original parent/child connection (as a dashed gray edge).
for (const Joint& joint : joints()) {
const JointTraits& traits = joint_traits(joint.traits_index());
const bool ephemeral = joint_is_ephemeral(joint.index());
if (ephemeral && !include_ephemeral_elements) continue;
const std::string color = ephemeral ? "red"
: == "weld" ? "black"
: "green";

const std::string arrow_type = ephemeral ? "empty"
: == "weld" ? "box"
: "normal";
const std::string style = == "weld" ? "bold" : "solid";

const LinkOrdinal parent_ordinal =
const LinkOrdinal child_ordinal =

// If this is a loop joint one of these links will be revised to
// be the shadow link (if we're generating the "as modeled" graph).
LinkOrdinal revised_parent_ordinal = parent_ordinal;
LinkOrdinal revised_child_ordinal = child_ordinal;
if (include_ephemeral_elements && joint.mobod_index().is_valid()) {
const SpanningForest::Mobod& mobod = forest().mobods(joint.mobod_index());
if (mobod.is_reversed())
revised_parent_ordinal = mobod.link_ordinal();
revised_child_ordinal = mobod.link_ordinal();

// Draw the effective joint connection.
graphviz += fmt::format(
"link{} -> link{} [arrowhead={}] [style={}] [fontsize=10] "
"[label=\"J({}) {}:{}\n{}\"] [color={}];\n",
revised_parent_ordinal, revised_child_ordinal, arrow_type, style,
joint.ordinal(),, joint.index(),
joint_traits(joint.traits_index()).name, color);

// Draw the original joint connection if we retargeted it to a shadow.
if (revised_parent_ordinal != parent_ordinal ||
revised_child_ordinal != child_ordinal) {
graphviz += fmt::format(
"link{} -> link{} [arrowhead={}] [color=gray] [style=dashed] "
"[label=\"loop\nJ({})\"] [fontsize=10];\n",
parent_ordinal, child_ordinal, arrow_type, joint.ordinal());

// Draw the ephemeral weld constraints added to connect shadow to primary.
if (include_ephemeral_elements) {
for (const LoopConstraint& constraint : loop_constraints()) {
graphviz += fmt::format(
"link{} -> link{} [dir=both] [arrowhead=obox] [arrowtail=obox] "
"[style=bold] [fontsize=10] [label=\"WELD({})\n{}\"] [color=red]\n",
link_by_index(constraint.shadow_link()).ordinal(), constraint.index(),;

graphviz += "}\n";
return graphviz;

std::filesystem::path LinkJointGraph::MakeGraphvizFiles(
std::filesystem::path where, const std::string_view basename) const {
// Find the "dot" command.
std::string dot;
if (std::filesystem::exists("/usr/bin/dot")) {
dot = "/usr/bin/dot";
} else if (std::filesystem::exists("/usr/local/bin/dot")) {
dot = "/usr/local/bin/dot";
} else if (std::filesystem::exists("/bin/dot")) {
dot = "/bin/dot";
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(
"{}(): Graphviz 'dot' is required but missing. It must be in "
"/usr/bin/dot, /usr/local/bin/dot, or /bin/dot. Install it in one "
"of those places if you want to use this function."

// Default to the current directory if none specified.
if (where.empty()) where = std::filesystem::current_path();

// This lambda creates one png given a name and generator. The dot file
// is removed after use.
auto MakePng = [&dot, &where, &basename](
std::string_view suffix,
std::function<std::string()> generate) {
// Create the dot file.
std::filesystem::path dotname(
fmt::format("{}_{}.dot", basename, suffix))));
std::ofstream dotfile(dotname);
if (!dotfile.good()) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(
"MakeGraphvizFiles(): can't create file {}.", dotname.string()));
dotfile << generate();

// Convert the dot file to a png.
const std::string cmd = fmt::format(
"{} -Tpng {} >{}", dot, dotname.string(),
int status = system(cmd.c_str());
if (status != 0) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("{}(): failed to execute command\n{}", __func__, cmd));


MakePng("graph", [this, &basename]() {
return GenerateGraphvizString(basename, false);

if (forest_is_valid()) {
MakePng("graph+", [this, &basename]() {
return GenerateGraphvizString(basename, true);

MakePng("forest", [this, &basename]() {
return forest().GenerateGraphvizString(basename);

return std::filesystem::absolute(where);

} // namespace internal
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions multibody/topology/
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Expand Up @@ -144,9 +144,10 @@ bool SpanningForest::BuildForest() {
/* Model the World (Link 0) with mobilized body 0. This also starts the 0th
LinkComposite in the graph and the 0th Welded Mobods group in the Forest.
(1.1) */
data_.mobods.emplace_back(MobodIndex(0), LinkOrdinal(0));
Mobod& world = data_.mobods.emplace_back(MobodIndex(0), LinkOrdinal(0));
world.has_massful_follower_link_ = true; // World is heavy!
data_.mobods[MobodIndex(0)].welded_mobods_index_ = WeldedMobodsIndex(0);
world.welded_mobods_index_ = WeldedMobodsIndex(0);
mutable_graph().set_primary_mobod_for_link(LinkOrdinal(0), MobodIndex(0),
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions multibody/topology/spanning_forest.h
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Expand Up @@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ class SpanningForest {
Forest is internally consistent and aborts if not. */
void SanityCheckForest() const;

std::string GenerateGraphvizString(std::string_view label) const;

/** (Debugging) Produces a human-readable summary of this Forest. */
void DumpForest(std::string title) const;

Expand Down
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions multibody/topology/
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Expand Up @@ -254,6 +254,63 @@ void SpanningForest::DumpForestImpl(MobodIndex index, int level) const {
DumpForestImpl(outboard, level + 2);

std::string SpanningForest::GenerateGraphvizString(
std::string_view label) const {
std::string graphviz = "digraph SpanningForest {\n";
graphviz += "rankdir=BT;\n";
graphviz += "labelloc=t;\n";
graphviz += fmt::format("label=\"{}\nSpanningForest\";\n", label);

// Generate a legend.
graphviz += "legend [shape=none]\n";
graphviz +=
"* = massless"
"\nred = shadow"
"\npurple = reversed"

// For each Mobod, draw the body (as a node) and the mobilizer (as an edge).
for (const Mobod& mobod : mobods()) {
std::string followers;
for (LinkOrdinal ordinal : mobod.follower_link_ordinals())
followers += fmt::format("L({}) ", ordinal);
graphviz += fmt::format(
"mobod{} [color={}] [label=\"mobod({}){}\n{}\"];\n", mobod.index(),
links(mobod.link_ordinal()).is_shadow() ? "red" : "black",
mobod.index(), mobod.has_massful_follower_link() ? "" : "*", followers);
if (mobod.is_world()) continue;
const Mobod& inboard = mobods(mobod.inboard());

const std::string color = mobod.is_reversed() ? "purple"
: mobod.is_weld() ? "black"
: "blue";
const std::string arrow_type = mobod.is_weld() ? "box" : "normal";
const std::string style = mobod.is_weld() ? "bold" : "solid";

const LinkJointGraph::Joint& joint = joints(mobod.joint_ordinal());
graphviz += fmt::format(
"mobod{} -> mobod{} [arrowhead={}] [fontsize=10] [style={}]"
"[label=\"mobilizer({})\nJ({}) {}{}\nq{} v{}\"] [color={}];\n",
inboard.index(), mobod.index(), arrow_type, style, mobod.index(),
joint.ordinal(), graph().joint_traits(joint.traits_index()).name,
mobod.is_reversed() ? "-R" : "", mobod.q_start(), mobod.v_start(),

// Draw weld constraints that were added to close loops.
for (const LoopConstraint& constraint : loop_constraints()) {
graphviz += fmt::format(
"mobod{} -> mobod{} [dir=both] [arrowhead=box] [arrowtail=box] "
"[style=bold] [fontsize=10] [label=\"WELD({})\n\"] [color=red]\n",
constraint.primary_mobod(), constraint.shadow_mobod(),

graphviz += "}\n";
return graphviz;

} // namespace internal
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion multibody/topology/spanning_forest_mobod.h
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Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class SpanningForest::Mobod {

/** Returns all the Links that are mobilized by this %Mobod. If this %Mobod
represents a LinkComposite, the first Link returned is the "active" Link as
returned by link(). There is always at least one Link. */
returned by link_ordinal(). There is always at least one Link. */
const std::vector<LinkOrdinal>& follower_link_ordinals() const {
return follower_link_ordinals_;
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