Makes Swift concurrency easier
This converts an async
function into a function with a callback. The code still runs asynchronously without blocking, but returns its result via a callback:
Task.desync {
try await fetchAllUserData()
} callback: { [weak self] result in
switch result in {
case .success(let userData):
self?.userData = userData
case .failure(let error):
log(error: error)
Simple sugar to run some sendable block on the main actor, without needing to await
Button("Download") {
someOldApiWithBackgroundThreadCallback { data in
onMainActor {
self.oldApiData = data
Converts any async
function back into a synchronous one:
let userData = try resync { try .AppApi.userData) }
let message = try resync(urlSessionWebSocketTask.receive)
You ever like... want to use a semaphore, but forget what the starting value is? Or don't care? Same here. So I made this mindless option in case you just want to make a locking semaphore.
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore.default
someBackgroundCall {
Why the h*ck did Apple create an API in the year of our Lord 2021 which takes an integer number of nanoseconds, but not one that takes a TimeInterval
Well, until Apple makes one, I can do that for them:
Task {
Task.sleep(seconds: 5)