Releases: SAP/ui5-webcomponents
Releases · SAP/ui5-webcomponents
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.11.0 (2019-05-22)
Bug Fixes
- ui5-checkbox: correct default values of the boolean props (#408) (9bdd2c5)
- ui5-messagestrip: remove height 100% from element tag (#387) (4b64a9c)
- ui5-panel: add missing dependency for ui5-icon (#406) (650bcb0)
- fix broken child property observation (#423) (b3e3b3f)
- fix API build for composite components (#391) (dcb829b)
- prevent dual event dispatching in no conflict mode (#363) (4cbe3de)
- update tab container documentation (#370) (7117430), closes #369
Code Refactoring
- make custom CSS theme independent (#386) (d6b4ab5)
- ui5-datepicker: rename event 'liveChange' to 'input' (#394)
- ui5-panel: remove backgroundDesign property (#384)
- ui5-panel: remove backgroundDesign property (#383)
- ui5-checkbox: rename "readOnly" to "readonly" (#413)
- ui5-radiobutton: rename "readOnly" to "readonly" (#413)
- ui5-multi-combobox: initial implementation (#379) (115900b)
- ui5-list: selectionChange event provides previously selected items (#418) (f0fc8f2)
- ui5-shellbar: API improvements (#421) (e0ff36d)
- add CSS variables section in API Ref (#399) (e198fa5)
- add data-ui5-compact-size attribute to root when compact is set (#382) (cbf00a8)
- fetch ui5-datepicker assets from CDN (#420) (1f62dda)
- simplify slots usage (e4907b9)
- ui5-list: the "selectionChange" event param "items" has been renamed to "selectedItems".
- ui5-list: the "backgroundDesign" property has been removed, use the corresponding
CSS variable (--_ui5_listitem_background_color) to alter the list items` background. - ui5-panel: the "backgroundDesign" property has been removed, use the corresponding
CSS variables (--_ui5_panel_background_color) to alter the panel background. - ui5-datepicker: 'liveChange' event has been renamed to 'input'.
- ui5-checkbox: property "readOnly" has been renamed to "readonly".
- ui5-radiobutton: property "readOnly" has been renamed to "readonly".
- the signature of the addCustomCSS method exported by "@ui5/webcomponents-base/Theming.js" is changed from addCustomCSS(tag, theme, css) to addCustomCSS(tag, css).
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.10.1 (2019-04-24)
Bug Fixes
- ui5-li: fix styles import extension (#351) (4fae1ff)
- ui5-messagestrip: fix layout in ie (#353) (ca5f62c)
- switch theme for single imported components (#356) (dcd64a9)
- ui5-radiobutton: fix single selection within group (#355) (371fb88)
- ui5-select: preselect first item if none is selected (#358) (3d18420)
- ui5-togglebutton: add base styles (#352) (f4dee1c)
Code Refactoring
- ui5-radiobutton: improve group handling (#348) (4d7d9c3)
- ui5-radiobutton: enable radio button form support (#357) (96a0517)
- ui5-radiobutton: the property "group" is replaced by the "name" property.
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.10.0 (2019-04-22)
Bug Fixes
- configuration: fix map literals (#324) (515121f)
- docs: fix card sample page (#305) (d91f237)
- add missing dependency to jquery-shim in resource bundle (#242) (3c5bd6f)
- ui5-button: fix height (#331) (98a2c4e)
- ui5-button: fix width in ie11 (#325) (b00ab52)
- ui5-button: removes active state after tabbing on an pressed button (#335) (0776e01)
- ui5-checkbox: correct setting of aria-readonly (#220) (c1f98a3)
- ui5-checkbox: fIx checkbox width in ie11 (d58320b)
- ui5-checkbox: fixes issues with focus outline and wrapping (#238) (02bb56e)
- ui5-checkbox: remove background from touchable area (#226) (3412ef3)
- ui5-li: fix delete list item button height (#221) (a008022)
- ui5-li: fix description text in compact mode (#211) (cadf996)
- checks navigator language for rtl enabling (#253) (c29d970)
- correct constructable stylesheet feature detection (#271) (816e6de)
- make fallback script work with multiple variables per line (#252) (298a165)
- prevent merging of :host(tag) and tag css rules (#349) (f23085c)
- select correctly opens on click (#235) (a4915df)
- slots work in Safari (#230) (79445d0)
- ui5-li: fix typo (#224) (cb781f1)
- ui5-li-custom: enable setting height of the custom content (#311) (76bf9f3)
- ui5-link: noreferrer for cross-origin links (#202) (5902704)
- ui5-panel: correct inon size on small screens (#213) (a98f544)
- ui5-radiobutton: fix focus in ie11 (#327) (b59abd6)
- ui5-radiobutton: fix keyboard handling on TAB/SHIFT+TAB (#231) (f2a18cf)
- ui5-shellbar: add missing dependency to ui5-popover (#234) (912f434)
- ui5-shellbar: pass correct values for events details (#298) (2641ec6)
- transform css files to es6 modules (#306) (dbb98c8)
- ui5-shellbar: set correct font-family to primary title (#228) (839a66e)
- ui5-switch: fix layouting on IE (#223) (1111dbf)
- ui5-togglebutton: correct default btn hover and text hover (#332) (280f85d)
Code Refactoring
- remove ui5-toolbar (#198) (2e14428)
- base: flatten project structure (#227) (0e8e460)
- ui5-panel: rename the expand event to toggle (#216) (2608100)
- ui5-shellbar: rename press handlers param (#300) (5d1c920)
- ui5-tabcontainer: refactor the component (#318) (aa516ff)
- ui5-timeline: change timestamp property to subtitleText (#321) (287548e)
- adds static method styles to base class (#345) (b61860f)
- ui5-select: selection can be changed with arrows while closed (#254) (bb46034)
- enable form support and name attribute for inputs (#337) (188d231)
- framework-level support for CSS Custom Properties (#196) (291829a)
- make css vars fallback script work with embedded vars (#251) (f81c117)
- ui5-card: fires headerPress event upon header click (#250) (59b80be)
- ui5-panel: make the header clickable (#204) (c5c1786)
- ui5-select: select opens with space (#245) (a6c4d29)
- provide named exports for some base modules (#347) (2e2439a)
- ui5-shellbar: adds logoPress and coPilotPress events (#301) (f221123)
- ui5-shellbar: menuItems slot and menuItemPress event (#317) (f24f78b)
- ui5-timeline: 'timestamp' and 'timeFormat' properties are removed.
Instead use subtitle-text property and directly format the text as
desired. - the ui5-toolbar component is removed, we recommend using div or similar HTML tag in combination with flex instead.
- ui5-panel: the expand event is removed, use the toggle event instead.
- ui5-tabcontainer: 'headerMode' property is removed. All Tabs by Fiori guidelines are rendered in
inline mode - ui5-tabcontainer: 'headerBackgroundDesign' property is removed
- ui5-tabcontainer: 'backgroundDesign' property is removed
- ui5-tabcontainer: 'content' property is removed. Instead if you want to use the TabContainer as
a filter just use it with 'collapsed' set to true and 'fixed' set to true - ui5-tabcontainer: 'TabContainerDensityMode' is deleted. To set different size modes use ?sap-ui-compactSize=true
- ui5-tabcontainer: 'selectedIndex' property is removed. Instead use 'selected' property of the Tab
- ui5-tabcontainer: Tab's 'count' property is removed. Instead use the additional-text property
- ui5-tabcontainer: Tab's 'design' property is removed
- **ui5-shellbar:*...
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.9.0 (2019-03-18)
Bug Fixes
- correct calling unexisting method (#157) (0a8c8cd)
- correct device detection error on mobile (#143) (857754e)
- fix HCB colours for Icon, TextArea and TableCell content (#128) (9fb7dc5)
- ui5-datepicker: enable day selection in IE (#162) (18a3c43)
- ui5-icon: correct icon graphic vertical alignment in IE (#142) (98be562)
- ui5-input: fire change in sync with the native input (#168) (55fa533)
- ui5-label: enable text truncation in IE (#136) (ef00170)
- fix source maps (#181) (7084c96)
- ui5-list: correct backward navigation with SHIFT+TAB (#193) (037409d)
Code Refactoring
- ui5-input: liveChange event is no longer fired, listen for the input event instead.
- The bundle size is reduced by removing unused functionality of core modules and making greater use of tree shaking.
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.8.0 (2019-03-01)
- ui5-card: add avatar property (#45) (cdaf549)
- ui5-li: add description property (#54) (fe79710)
- ui5-select: initial implementation
- ui5-shellbar: initial implementation and improvements (#72) (fdc743d)
- ui5-switch: initial implementation (#102) (280d35a)
- ui5-timeline: initial implementation
- load Web Components polyfill on demand (#96) (98b5174)
Bug Fixes
- eventing: remove unnecessary tag name check (#16) (3e39a70)
- ui5-checkbox: wait for ui5-label definition (#115) (14067bd)
- ui5-checkbox: show default cursor over text (#9) (28d5ac0)
- ui5-checkbox: fix focus outline appearance in Compact + RTL (#23) (9b18490)
- ui5-datepicker: display extreme values correctly (#75) (d1c7259)
- ui5-datepicker: fix icon color in pressed state (#63) (a03a51a)
- ui5-input: fix slotted icon default size (#105) (0cfe254)
- ui5-li: fix height with title and description in Compact (#70) (db17c71)
- ui5-popover: fix appearance on ios within iframe (#60) (a62c198)
- ui5-popover: fix bottom border radius (#34) (2daefc1)
- ui5-radiobutton: fix focus lost upon text click in IE (#24) (7a00caf)
- ui5-radiobutton: fix focus outline in Compact & RTL (#18) (9afa81b)
- ui5-select: prevent scrolling upon ALt+ArrowDown/Up/F4 (#7) (c22eae1)
- ui5-select: fix selection, styling and playground sample (#4) (f0a90b7)
- ui5-tabcontainer: wait for ui5-popover definition (#46) (a6f5c2b)
- ui5-tabcontainer: click on left arrow correctly scrolls to left in textOnly (#97) (a89de1a)
- ui5-textarea: focus outline with character counter (#32) (0900483)
- fix broken bundle on Edge #64 (73117c7)
- do not modify the HTML tag (#49) (17f30b7)
- fix playground theme switch (#62) (5212a87)
- fix playground home redirect (#6) (8c87778)
- prevent throwing exception if slotted child does not have listenFor (#92) (4ffce64)
- unknown slots no longer cause an error (#90) (a033326)
- any applications that wants to support Edge and/or IE11 should now import the respective browser support module. For details, see the
- ui5-tabcontainer: The TabContainer "selected-key" and Tab "key" properties are removed. Use TabContainer "selectedIndex" property (selected-index attribute) to set and get the selected tab.
- addCustomCSS is no longer on the Core object. Use Theming instead. #58
- The bundle size is reduced by removing unused functionality of core modules and making greater use of tree shaking.
Initial Release
v0.7.0 Initial commit