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Test Cases Invalid Points

meihuisu edited this page May 30, 2019 · 12 revisions

In the water, In the air

Users may provide data points outside the defined region for the specified model. UCVM's standard interface will returns indicator to the user that the points are invalid. This section we test the return values for various invalid points, from a number of models.

We will start with CVM-H because is has a define error returns for points in the air, points in water, and outside its defined coverage region.

Points in Water

We select a point in the Santa Monica Bay:

-118.5 33.875 0.0

Models that query by depth (CVM-S4, CVM-S4.26, CVM-S4.26.M01) interpret depth as depth below ground, so points in water are negative above ground

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.5000    33.8750      0.000    -59.997    180.000       cvms    696.491    213.000   1974.976       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust    696.491    213.000   1974.97

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmsi < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.5000    33.8750      0.000    -59.997    180.000      cvmsi    696.491    213.000   1974.976       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust    696.491    213.000   1974.976

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms5 < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.5000    33.8750      0.000    -59.997    180.000      cvms5   1370.812    825.000   2017.052       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   1370.812    825.000   2017.052

Change the query to a negative depth of -500m:

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.5000    33.8750   -500.000    -59.997    180.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmsi < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.5000    33.8750   -500.000    -59.997    180.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms5 < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.5000    33.8750   -500.000    -59.997    180.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000

Query by Elevation Model

CVM-H provides query by elevation and query by depth. When query by depth (the default) is used, the query is interpretted to mean depth below surface of the earth, not depth below surface of the water.

We query a point in water, and query by depth

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmh < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.5000    33.8750      0.000    -59.997    180.000       cvmh   2700.099   1155.258   2151.077       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   2700.099   1155.258   2151.077

If we use query by elevation, CVM-H returns Vs value of zero, and a Vp value of sound in water

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmh -c ge < invalid_pts.txt
 -118.5000    33.8750      0.000    -59.997    180.000       cvmh      0.000      0.000   1000.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust      0.000      0.000   1000.000

If we define a point with a negative elevation, and cvm-h returns properties at that elevation:

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmh -c ge < invalid_pts.txt
 -118.2860    34.0330   -500.000     60.386    280.000       cvmh   2071.023    612.951   1936.457       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   2071.023    612.951   1936.457

CVMH Air Values

We define point in the air, and query by elevation.

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmh -c ge < invalid_pts.txt
 -118.2860    34.0330    500.000     60.386    280.000       cvmh      0.000      0.000   1000.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust      0.000      0.000   1000.000

CVMS Air Values

We define a point above ground, and query by depth

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.2860    34.0330   -500.000     60.386    280.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000

Points outside coverage region without background model

Models without background models include cvmh, cvm-s4.26, and cencal. We test these for a point outside their defined regions. Use Phoenix AZ as the query point.

-112.0749   33.4494  330.0   Phoenix, AZ
-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmh < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -112.0749    33.4494    330.000    330.634    249.606       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms5 < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -112.0749    33.4494    330.000    330.634    249.606       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cencal < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -112.0749    33.4494    330.000    330.634    249.606       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000       none      0.000      0.000      0.000

CVM-S4 and CVM-S4.26.M01 add a background model, so they return values for this point

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmsi < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -112.0749    33.4494    330.000    330.634    249.606      cvmsi   5000.000   2886.751   2654.500       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   5000.000   2886.751   2654.500

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms < invalid_pts.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -112.0749    33.4494    330.000    330.634    249.606       cvms   5000.000   2886.751   2654.500       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   5000.000   2886.751   2654.500
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