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Titan Installation Instructions

Philip Maechling edited this page Jul 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

In this entry, we describe steps needed to install UCVM on Titan. UCVMC standard installation is on an current Linux system. On this page, we describe details involved in installing UCVM on alternative systems, including supercomputers.

Titan Storage areas

The source files will exceed 25GB so we will install on the project storage directories, not home directories

titan Storage map

  • Project Home /ccs/proj/[projid] NFS 770 50 GB Yes No 90 days
  • Member Work $MEMBERWORK/[projid] Lustre® 700 [1] 10 TB No 14 days 14 days
  • Project Work $PROJWORK/[projid] Lustre® 770 100 TB No 90 days 90 days
  • World Work $WORLDWORK/[projid] Lustre® 775 10 TB No 90 days 90 days
  • Project Archive /proj/[projid] HPSS 770 100 TB [2] No No 90 days

Install target will be project work


OLCF Titan

General guidance is to avoid use of IOBUF modules on Titan due to naming conflicts with some of the UCVM packages. We document our installation process for Titan below.

Determine software stack

Titan has a non-standard-Linux environment. Also it used modules to manage the programming environment. Also, it is unlikely to have the extended python packages needed by some of the UCVMC scripts.

  • The intended use may not require the plotting scripts, so we will try with the current Titan python package. Our fallback is to install anaconda package.

  • First determine a file system where it can be installed. The olcf file system home directories are on /ccs/home/$USER. These directories have 10GB storage which is a bind for ucvm source or installation.

  • We identify a lustre filesystem for the UCVM source and installation directories. Recommended are $PROJWORK/projid with 100GB storage. $memberwork/projid is only 10GB storage.

  • Titan has a git client. Otherwise we will need to upload a tar of the distribution.

Determine modules

Previous installations on Titan suggest the UCVM will build with the GNU compilers.

First unload the IOBUF

  • module unload iobuf

Then swap Gnu for PGI

  • module swap PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu

Then ideally we'd link statically. Not sure this is currently supported.

Then test runs need to run on the compute nodes, not the head nodes. so we must submit our test jobs through the queue

Installation Steps

  • Log into titan

  • move to $PROJWORK/geo112/pmaech

  • This resolves to absolute path of /lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo112/pmaech/

  • Create directory ucvmc_src

  • cd there and git clone

  • cd largefiles/ and run ./ This download took at almost one hour.

  • ./

  • Create install_inputs.txt containing

  • Check which modules are loaded
pmaech@titan-ext7:/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo112/pmaech/ucvmc_src/UCVMC> module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) eswrap/1.3.3-1.020200.1278.0           9) dmapp/7.0.1-1.0502.11080.8.74.gem     17) cray-mpich/7.4.0
  2) craype-network-gemini                 10) gni-headers/4.0-1.0502.10859.7.8.gem  18) craype-interlagos
  3) pgi/16.5.0                            11) xpmem/0.1-2.0502.64982.5.3.gem        19) lustredu/1.4
  4) craype/2.5.5                          12) dvs/2.5_0.9.0-1.0502.2188.1.113.gem   20) xalt/0.5.3
  5) cray-libsci/16.06.1                   13) alps/5.2.4-2.0502.9774.31.12.gem      21) module_msg/0.1
  6) udreg/2.3.2-1.0502.10518.2.17.gem     14) rca/1.0.0-2.0502.60530.1.63.gem       22) modulator/1.2.0
  7) ugni/6.0-1.0502.10863.8.28.gem        15) atp/2.0.2                             23) hsi/5.0.2.p1
  8) pmi/5.0.9-1.0000.10911.175.4.gem      16) PrgEnv-pgi/5.2.82                     24) DefApps
pmaech@titan-ext7:/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo112/pmaech/ucvmc_src/UCVMC> module unload iobuf
pmaech@titan-ext7:/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo112/pmaech/ucvmc_src/UCVMC> module swap PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu
pmaech@titan-ext7:/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo112/pmaech/ucvmc_src/UCVMC> module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) eswrap/1.3.3-1.020200.1278.0           9) module_msg/0.1                        17) dmapp/7.0.1-1.0502.11080.8.74.gem
  2) craype-network-gemini                 10) modulator/1.2.0                       18) gni-headers/4.0-1.0502.10859.7.8.gem
  3) gcc/4.9.3                             11) hsi/5.0.2.p1                          19) xpmem/0.1-2.0502.64982.5.3.gem
  4) craype/2.5.5                          12) DefApps                               20) dvs/2.5_0.9.0-1.0502.2188.1.113.gem
  5) cray-mpich/7.4.0                      13) cray-libsci/16.06.1                   21) alps/5.2.4-2.0502.9774.31.12.gem
  6) craype-interlagos                     14) udreg/2.3.2-1.0502.10518.2.17.gem     22) rca/1.0.0-2.0502.60530.1.63.gem
  7) lustredu/1.4                          15) ugni/6.0-1.0502.10863.8.28.gem        23) atp/2.0.2
  8) xalt/0.5.3                            16) pmi/5.0.9-1.0000.10911.175.4.gem      24) PrgEnv-gnu/5.2.82
  • python -v returns /usr/lib64/python2.6/site.pyc matches /usr/lib64/python2.6/

  • using install_inputs.txt invoke ./

/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo112/pmaech/ucvmc_src/UCVMC> ./ < install_inputs.txt &> install_results.txt &
[1] 37167
pmaech@titan-ext7:/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo112/pmaech/ucvmc_src/UCVMC> tail -f install_results.txt installing `./install-sh' installing `./missing'
libsrc/ `%'-style pattern rules are a GNU make extension
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes

Eventually printed this:

Done installing UCVM!

Thank you for installing UCVM. Please export the following library paths (note this is in Bash format):

We recommend adding the above lines to the end of your ~/.bashrc file so that
they are preserved for the next time you login.

Once you have set these environment variables, return to the UCVMC source directory and type
make check
This will run the UCVMC unite and acceptance tests. If all tests pass. UCVMC is correctly installed
and ready to use on your computer.

To try out ucvm, once the tests pass, move to the UCVMC installation directory, and run an example query.

As an example:
cd /lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo112/pmaech/ucvm
./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms < ./tests/test_latlons.txt
You will then see the following output:
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.0000    34.0000      0.000    280.896    390.000       cvms 696.491    213.000   1974.976       none      0.000      0.000 0.000      crust    696.491    213.000   1974.976

A copy of all the commands to setup UCVM has been saved at ./

Create BASH files

Default bash environment on Titan does not include a .bashrc or .bash_profile. We created these files to preserve the required LD_LIB paths. This may change if we learn there is a preferred way to set environment variables, such as through the module interface. We log out and in, and the proper path is found in the env, so these new .bash files appear to meet our needs.

Our.bashrc file is:

# This is the .bashrc. This runs on non-interactive sessions. Define
#  paths and others here. The interactive shell calls this one.
#export PATH=$PATH:.
source .bash_profile

Our .bash_profile is:

# Setup path to UCVM files
export PYTHONPATH=/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo112/pmaech/ucvm/utilities/pycvm

Submit to compute nodes

Titan builds executables that run on the compute nodes, but not on the head nodes. So we can't run the acceptance tests the standard way. To run the unittest and accepttest binaries. We create a .pbs file like this: It's not certain we need both the atlas1 and altas2 files systems mounted, but we'll use that as the default for now.

pmaech@titan-ext2:~> more ucvm_test.pbs
#    Begin PBS directives
#PBS -A geo112
#PBS -N ucvm_accept_test
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l walltime=0:15:00,nodes=1
#PBS -l gres=atlas1%atlas2
#    End PBS directives and begin shell commands
cd $PROJWORK/geo112/pmaech/ucvm/tests
aprun -n 1 ./unittest
aprun -n 1 ./accepttest

Storage systems

Data Retention, Purge, & Quota Summary
User-Centric Storage Areas
Area	Path	Type	Permissions	Quota	Backups	Purged	Retention
User Home	$HOME	NFS	User-controlled	10 GB	Yes	No	90 days
User Archive	/home/$USER	HPSS	User-controlled	2 TB [1]	No	No	90 days
Project-Centric Storage Areas
Area	Path	Type	Permissions	Quota	Backups	Purged	Retention
Project Home	/ccs/proj/[projid]	NFS	770	50 GB	Yes	No	90 days
Member Work	$MEMBERWORK/[projid]	Lustre®	700 [2]	10 TB	No	14 days	14 days
Project Work	$PROJWORK/[projid]	Lustre®	770	100 TB	No	90 days	90 days
World Work	$WORLDWORK/[projid]	Lustre®	775	10 TB	No	90 days	90 days
Project Archive	/proj/[projid]	HPSS	770	100 TB [3]	No	No	90 days
Area	The general name of storage area.
Path	The path (symlink) to the storage area's directory.
Type	The underlying software technology supporting the storage area.
Permissions	UNIX Permissions enforced on the storage area's top-level directory.
Quota	The limits placed on total number of bytes and/or files in the storage area.
Backups	States if the data is automatically duplicated for disaster recovery purposes.
Purged	Period of time, post-file-creation, after which a file will be marked as eligible for permanent deletion.
Retention	Period of time, post-account-deactivation or post-project-end, after which data will be marked as eligible for permanent deletion.

Example Calling UCVM installed in Shared directory

The UCVMC binaries require command line parameters to the binary, and to the ucvm.conf file. a script that runs the ucvm_query pointing at a shared directory looks like this:

#    Begin PBS directives
#PBS -A geo112
#PBS -N ucvm_accept_test
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l walltime=0:15:00,nodes=1
#PBS -l gres=atlas1%atlas2
#    End PBS directives and begin shell commands
cd $PROJWORK/geo112/pmaech/ucvm
aprun -n 1 ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmsi < $HOME/meshes/test_latlons.txt > $HOME/meshes/query_results.txt

This points to ucvm installatioin directory, invokes the binary and points to the ucvm.conf in the shared directory, but references input and outputs from a personal account directory.

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