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Sprint Report Week 3

Samboja651 edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 2 revisions


Write a summary of what your team accomplished this sprint.


  1. Ask your teammates to share what they completed, with links to the artifacts.
  2. Ask your teammates to share any blockers or challenges they faced or are facing.

The sprint report is a group submission, but one member of your team will write it each week.

Author: Granton Waribe

What did your team accomplish this week?

Write a one-sentence summary of each task completed. Included a link to the artifact (project task and commit) for each task that was completed. You can link to a github commit, a figma file, a google doc, a youtube video, or the most relevant url for the task.

Who Link(s) Task Description
Joram commit Designed and Developed the database
Queenwyne commit Developed the Home page minus success stories
Granton commit Developed the Success Stories

What challenges did your team face?

What challenges did your team face? What are you or your teammates blocked on?

  • I was blocked on team management - as a sprint lead, sometimes I sent messages to our communication channel but no feedback came back, this was discouraging and lowered my motivation to do the project. Sometimes I organized meetings but nobody showed up, sometimes the members did not complete tasks within the given period probably because they didn't share challenges they faced.
  • My team members have other major commitments, this is affecting the prioritization and commitment to this project.

What is your plan for next week?

  1. Improve user experience with success stories feature
  2. Develop the Help page and adding one program, that is educational resources.
  3. Develop the Anonymity feature. On sign up page the user is assigned a username and password, this will be their login credential which will enable them to access programs tailored for their specific addiction.
  4. Connecting form data to programs in the help page. What tasks will your team complete? What features will your team build?

Week4 Task Allocation

  • Granton - Improve the Success stories feature
  • Joram - Develop the Anonymity feature
  • Queen - Develop the educational resources and help page
  • David - Connect form data to programs in the help page.

Any other notes or observations from this week?

Thanks to each Team member for developing week3 tasks, Kudos!