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Build Docker Images

dreed12 edited this page Jul 12, 2023 · 3 revisions


A Docker image is an executable package that contains everything needed to run a SAPI-G application.

SAPI-G projects that require a Docker image to be built provide a makefile to facilitate the build process.

Some SAPI-G Maven projects utilise the dockerfile-maven-plugin to integrate the Docker build process with the Maven build process.



Component Build type Repository Description
Identity Gateway (IG) Docker secure-api-gateway-ob-uk Identity Gateway routes, configurations and SAPI-G extensions for IG
Test Facility Bank (RS) Maven secure-api-gateway-ob-uk-rs A multi-module Maven project providing a UK Open Banking Resource Server, including a bank simulator, for SAPI-G.
Remote Consent Server (RCS) Maven secure-api-gateway-ob-uk-rcs A multi-module Maven project providing a UK Open Banking Remote Consent Service.
Remote Consent Server User Interface (RCS-UI) Docker secure-api-gateway-ob-uk-ui The consent UIs for the UK Open Banking edition of SAPI-G.



  • JDK 14 or higher (The ForgeRock development team uses OpenJDK 14)
  • Maven 3.6
  • Docker commands for non-Maven projects such as RCS-UI
  • Support to run makefile

Build Images

Maven projects

make docker [ tag=tag-value ]

NOTE: Internal defaults: tag=latest

Docker projects

  • Identity Gateway (IG): secure-api-gateway-ob-uk

    make docker [ tag=tag-value env=[prod|developer] ]

    NOTE: Internal defaults: tag=latest, env=prod

  • Remote Consent Server User Interface (RCS-UI): secure-api-gateway-ob-uk-ui

    make docker shouldBePushed=false [ tag=tag-value ] 

    NOTE: Internal defaults tag=latest, shouldBePushed=true

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