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Deployment Specification

shaunharrisonFR edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

Within the secure-api-gateway-releases repository, you will find the Kustomize objects and Helm umbrella charts for deploying a version of SAPI-G. However, they have purposefully been designed to be general and they contain no deployment-specific information to allow multiple customers to take these files, and apply their own individual overlays on top.

This can be done via an additional repository or local files; an example of the directory is as follows;

    cloud config objects
      [VERSION] 7.2.0
        Kustomize Objects
    cloud config objects
      [VERSION] 7.2.0
        Kustomize Objects

Identity Cloud Configuration

The id-cloud-config folder contains the full Identity Cloud configuration, which already has the SAPI-G configuration applied per Apply the SAPI-G Configuration.


The Kustomize files contain the following:

  • ca.crt
  • configmap.yaml
Name Description Example
BASE_FQDN The fully qualified domain name created in the DNS section ob.domain
IG_FQDN The fully qualified domain name created to access IG sapig.ob.domain
MTLS_FQDN The fully qualified domain name created for accessing mutual TLS authentication mtls.sapig.ob.domain
IDENTITY_PLATFORM_FQDN The fully qualified domain name created for accessing the Identity Cloud
USER_OBJECT Identify Data Manager - format is realm in use + _user alpha_user
IG_OB_ASPSP_SIGNING_KID Open Banking directory ASPSP signing Key ID (OB Seal)
AM_REALM The realm being used, typically the alpha realm alpha
CERT_ISSUER null-issuer
OB_ASPSP_ORG_ID Open Banking directory ASPSP organisation ID
  • kustomization.yaml
Name Description Example
namespace What namespace to deploy to within the Kubernetes cluster ob What name label to apply during deployment forgerock
resources The location of the base Kustomize files. The ref will need to be amended to reflect the version of SAPI-G being installed
patchesStrategicMerge How to apply the changes to the base files - configmap.yaml
- secret.yaml The name of the secret to create within the Kubernetes cluster obri-ca
secretGenerator.files The file to use for the value of the secret ca.crt
generatorOptions.disableNameSuffixHash We don’t want to add a name suffix hash to the secret being created as we want it to be called obri-ca true
  • secret.yaml
Name Description Example
apiVersion The API version to use v1
kind The type of object that is being created Secret The name of the secret to create in the cluster, must be openig-secrets-env openig-secrets-env
type The type of secret being created Opaque
data.IG_OB_ASPSP_SIGNING_KEYSTORE_KEYPASS The keypass for the key in the Java keystore mounted into the IG Docker container used for Open Banking signing purposes N/A
data.IG_OB_ASPSP_SIGNING_KEYSTORE_STOREPASS The storepass for the Java keystore mounted into the IG Docker container used for Open Banking signing purposes N/A
data.IG_METRICS_USERNAME Specifies the username that is allowed to access the IG metrics endpoint
Deployments should generate a strong username and password combination for this
data.IG_METRICS_PASSWORD Password for the above username N/A
data.IG_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD Password for the Java keystore configured as the truststore for IG N/A
data.IG_TEST_DIRECTORY_CA_KEYSTORE_STOREPASS Keystore store password. Matches the -storepass arg supplied to keytool N/A
data.IG_TEST_DIRECTORY_CA_KEYSTORE_KEYPASS Keystore key password. Matches the -keypass arg supplied to keytool N/A
data.IG_TEST_DIRECTORY_SIGNING_KEYSTORE_STOREPASS Keystore store password. Matches the -storepass arg supplied to keytool N/A
data.IG_TEST_DIRECTORY_SIGNING_KEYSTORE_KEYPASS Keystore key password. Matches the -keypass arg supplied to keytool N/A
data.IG_CLIENT_ID Username for the client account created
Value must match what has been entered to the Identity Cloud environment variable
data.IG_CLIENT_SECRET ig-client OAuth2 client's password to match the account created above
Value must match what has been entered to the Identity Cloud environment variable
data.IG_IDM_USER User for ROPC with ig-client OAuth2 client
Value must match what has been entered to the Identity Cloud environment variable
data.IG_IDM_PASSWORD service_account.ig OAuth2 client's password for the account created above
Value must match what has been entered to the Identity Cloud environment variable
data.IG_AGENT_ID Username for the agent account created
Value must match what has been entered to the Identity Cloud environment variable
data.IG_AGENT_PASSWORD ig-agent Identity Gateway Agent's password for the account created above
Value must match what has been entered to the Identity Cloud environment variable
  • values.yaml

This is where we provide additional values for the Helm deployment. The values within this file will override any previous values from the umbrella charts.

Name Description Example
external-secrets-gsm.serviceAccount Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets default Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets initializer-secret
external-secrets-gsm.version Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets v1
external-secrets-gsm.fr_platform.type Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets Identity Cloud
external-secrets-gsm.openBankingCert.secretName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets obwac
external-secrets-gsm.openBankingCert.certPrefix Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets v1-ob-wac
external-secrets-gsm.externalCert.projectId Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets sbat-dev
external-secrets-gsm.externalCert.secretName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets sbat-dev
external-secrets-gsm.externalCert.certPrefix Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets v1-ob-sandbox
external-secrets-gsm.ig.truststore.secretName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets ig-truststore-pem
external-secrets-gsm.ig.truststore.fileName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets ig-truststore.pem
external-secrets-gsm.ig.truststore.googleSecretName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets am-oauth2-ca-certs
external-secrets-gsm.ig.ob.signingKey.secretName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets ig-ob-signing-key
external-secrets-gsm.ig.ob.signingKey.fileName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets ig-ob-signing-key.p12
external-secrets-gsm.ig.ob.signingKey.googleSecretName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets v1-ig-ob-signing-key
external-secrets-gsm.ig.testTrustedDirectory.secretName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets test-trusted-dir-keystore
external-secrets-gsm.ig.testTrustedDirectory.fileName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets test-trusted-dir-keystore.p12
external-secrets-gsm.ig.testTrustedDirectory.googleSecretName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets test-trusted-dir-keystore
external-secrets-gsm.rcs.signing.certPrefix Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets v1-rcs-signing
external-secrets-gsm.rcs.signing.secretName Optional: Only populate if using External Secrets v1-rcs-signing
remote-consent-service.deployment.affinity Optional: Use affinity or anti affinity config podAntiAffinity
- labelSelector:
- key: app
operator: In
- remote-consent-service
topologyKey: ""
remote-consent-service.deployment.image.repo The container registry for the Docker image[COMPANY_NAME]/securebanking/rCs
test-facility-bank.deployment.affinity Optional: Use affinity or anti affinity config podAntiAffinity
- labelSelector:
- key: app
operator: In
- test-facility-bank
topologyKey: ""
test-facility-bank.deployment.image.repo The container registry for the Docker image[COMPANY_NAME]/securebanking/rs The workflow name for MongoDB ob-sandbox-v1-mongodb
test-facility-bank.springConfig.testdata.userAccountIds.psu4test.sortCode Test data sort code. Can have multiple entries 012332
Multiple Entry example:
- sortCode: "012332" accountNumber: "43245676"
- sortCode: "012332" accountNumber: "54312390"
test-facility-bank.springConfig.testdata.userAccountIds.psu4test.accountNumber Test data account number. Can have multiple entries 43245676
Multiple Entry example:
- sortCode: "012332" accountNumber: "43245676"
- sortCode: "012332" accountNumber: "54312390"[] The versions of OBIE API to enable v3.0: false
v3.1: false
v3.1.1: false
v3.1.2: false
v3.1.3: false
v3.1.4: false
v3.1.5: false
v3.1.6: false
v3.1.7: false
v3.1.8: false
v3.1.9: false
v3.1.10: true Individual OB APIs that can be enabled or disabled false Individual OB APIs that can be enabled or disabled false Individual OB APIs that can be enabled or disabled false Individual OB APIs that can be enabled or disabled false Individual OB APIs that can be enabled or disabled false Individual OB APIs that can be enabled or disabled false
test-user-account-creator.deployment.image.repo The container registry for the Docker image[COMPANY_NAME]/securebanking/test-user-account-creator
remote-consent-service-user-interface.deployment.image.repo The container registry for the Docker image[COMPANY_NAME]/securebanking/rcs-ui
remote-consent-service-user-interface.deployment.affinity Optional: Use affinity or anti affinity config podAntiAffinity
- labelSelector:
- key: app
operator: In
- remote-consent-service-user-interface
topologyKey: ""

Other values from the child charts can be overwritten within this file. For example, if you want to run a specific version of the Remote Consent Service UI, you can add the required tag to the values.yaml file. For example:

      tag: 1.0.0
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