Keymaster's Keep - Pre-Release #3
New in this version
- Backend: Games classes are now automatically discovered and registered simply by existing in the games directory (Silvris)
- Client: Reworked display of game + available trials on Keymaster's Keep tab
- Client: When trials are available for an area on Keymaster's Keep tab, clicking the row takes the player to the Available Trials tab (Fuzzy)
- Generation: Better duplicate objective prevention within a keep area
- Feature: Game Medley Mode. If enabled, a percentage of keep areas will feature Game Medley as their game, with each trial sourced randomly from the pool of available games. Configurable through 2 options in the YAML file.
- 4 new supported metagames!
- 46 new supported games! (Community effort!)
Archipelago Multiworld Randomizer
was moved to metagames
Keymaster's Keep
Keymaster's Keep is a dynamic, multi-game objective / challenge generator that seamlessly integrates with a thematic Archipelago randomizer. In other words, you have a typical Archipelago randomizer with goals, finite locations, progression items, logic etc. and Keymaster's Keep will generate and associate unique game challenges with each location. The APWorld will provide increasing monolithic support for games, as well as a dedicated client to assist with the exploration and challenges of Keymaster's Keep.
When you play Keymaster's Keep...
- You will generate a new keep with distinct areas
- A few of these areas will be unlocked from the start
- The rest will be locked and will require combinations of magic keys to unlock
- These magic keys are scattered throughout the multiworld
- Once an area is unlocked, a set of trials for a specific game will be revealed
- For each trial you complete, you will manually check it off in the client and that will correspond to a location check
- Your goal will either be to collect enough artifacts of resolve to unlock a final challenge to beat or to escape the keep with a certain number of magic keys in hand.
Keymaster's Keep will be in the pre-release stage until there are at least 100 games supported.
Supported Games:
View Here