Graduation Project: A point cloud semantic segmentation and VIO based 3D reconstruction method using RGB-D and IMU
Newest result
Note that the metric of pointcloud is same as the LSB of depth sensor!
The coordinate of camera and world is as follow(Red:X, Blue:Y, Green:Z):
- gcc and cmake
- OpenCV:
- PCL:
- g2o:
- Sophus:
- Eigen:
- Pangolin:
- suitesparse:
apt install libsuitesparse-dev
- openni:
apt install libopenni2-dev
- Run following code
mkdir build
cd ./build
cmake ..
- After generating bin file, go to {YOUR_DIRECTORY}/SSVIO/bin
- Run following code
- visual reconstruction app:
map pointcloud data will be saved at {YOUR_DIRECTORY}/SSVIO/savings/map.pcd
- photo shooting and data saving app:
Press "s" to save image and pointcloud at {YOUR_DIRECTORY}/SSVIO/savings
bash ./
to remove all the saved files
- feature matching app:
input saved data num * 2
output matched feature points
- pose optimization:
input saved data num * 2
output pose and matched feature points
- frame jointment:
input saved data num * 2
output frame_joint.pcd saved at {YOUR_DIRECTORY}/SSVIO/savings/pointcloud
After running ./run_visual_reconstruct, you will see three windows:
- RGB for RGB image
- Depth for depth image
- PointCloud for PointCloud viewer
Press "Esc" at RGB window or press "Ctrl-C" at terminal to stop the program
- Use solvepnpRANSAC to filter outliers
- Jacobian of IMU measure
- Local g2o optimization error
- Not orthogonal error
Student from HITSZ Automatic Control NRS-lab