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VisualKei edited this page Jun 10, 2017 · 6 revisions

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Time correction

Allows adjusting the imageboard's time to your local time zone. These settings are located in the Posts tab.

Time correction in posts* checkbox

Enables/disables the time correction. Changes are applied after a page refresh.

time offset (h) field

Contains the difference in hours between your local time and posts' timestamps on an imageboard. Examples:

  • +2 — adds two hours to posts' timestamps.
  • -1 — subtracts one hour from posts' timestamps.

Find pattern field

Contains an expression to detect a time pattern on an imageboard. Elements of a pattern:

  • s — second (one digit);
  • i — minute (one digit);
  • h — hour (one digit);
  • d — day (one digit);
  • w — day of week (string);
  • n — month (one digit);
  • m — month (string);
  • y — year (one digit);
  • - — any symbol;
  • + — any symbol except digits;
  • ? — previous char may be absent.

Find pattern examples:

  • If posts have the date and time in a Fri 31 May 2013 11:22:26 format, then the corresponding expression should be w+dd+m+yyyy+hh+ii+ss to match the day of week space 2 digits for date space month name space 4 digits for year space 2 digits for hours colon 2 digits for minutes colon 2 digits for seconds pattern.

  • 05/31/13(Fri)03:41:35 corresponds to nn+dd+yy+w+hh+ii+ss. If seconds are omitted on some, but not all, boards, then the expression should be nn+dd+yy+w+hh+ii+?s?s?.

  • 2013-05-31 06:15:27 corresponds to yyyy+nn+dd+hh+ii+ss. If some boards also have microseconds value (which is not needed), e.g. 2013-05-31 06:15:27.295345, the expression should be adjusted as follows: yyyy+nn+dd+hh+ii+ss+?-?-?-?-?-?-?.

Examples for some imageboards:

  • 0chan.hkw+yyyy+m+dd+hh+ii+ss
  •, 2ch.hkw+dd+m+yyyy+hh+ii+ss
  • dobrochan.rudd+m+?+?+?+?+?+yyyy++w++hh+ii-?s?s?
  • 410chan.orgdd+nn+yyyy++w++hh+ii+ss
  • 4chan.orgnn+dd+yy+w+hh+ii-?s?s?
  • 4chon.netnn+dd+yy++w++hh+ii+ss
  • krautchan.netyyyy+nn+dd+hh+ii+ss+--?-?-?-?-?

Replace pattern field

This field is optional. It defines your preferred format for displaying the date and time. May contain any set of symbols and pattern elements, which would be replaced by corresponding values:

  • _s — seconds;
  • _i — minutes;
  • _h — hour;
  • _d — day;
  • _w — day of week;
  • _n — month (number);
  • _m — month (abbreviated string);
  • _M — month (full string);
  • _y — year (2 digits);
  • _Y — year (4 digits);
  • _o — time difference.

Replace pattern examples:

  • _w _d _M _Y _h:_i:_s displays the date and time as Mon 08 July 2013 09:52:50

  • _Y-_n-_d _h:_i:_s displays the date and time as 2013-07-08 09:52:50

  • _n/_d/_y(_w)_h:_i:_s displays the date and time as 07/08/13(Mon)09:52:50

Examples of the date and time display for some imageboards:

  • 0chan.hk_w _Y _m _d _h:_i:_s
  • 2ch.hk_w _d _m _Y _h:_i:_s
  • iichan.hk_w _d _M _Y _h:_i:_s
  • dobrochan.ru_d _M _Y (_w) _h:_i:_s
  • 410chan.org_d._n._Y (_w) _h:_i:_s
  • 4chan.org_n/_d/_y(_w)_h:_i:_s
  • 4chon.net_n/_d/_y (_w) _h:_i:_s
  • krautchan.net_Y-_n-_d _h:_i:_s
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