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SthephanShi edited this page Sep 30, 2023 · 222 revisions

[Read in Russian]

Developed ESNext version: Firefox 77+, Chrome 85+, Opera 71+.
Developed ES5 version : for old browsers (Firefox 23-76, Chrome <85, Opera 12-70).

  • replacing to in urls.
  • fix for captcha.

2023.9.19.0 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • fix for Tampermonkey.
  • fix for posting without images.
  • fix for passcodes.
  • fix for captcha, submit button, markup buttons.
  • fix for stickers not clearing after post sending.
  • arhivach: added new domain, fix for working in saved threads.
  • endchan: added new domains, fix for posting.
  • Add support.
  • Support for .mov, .jfif files.
  • Fix for resizing of windows (Settings, Favorites, etc).
  • Fix for spells on boards without names (like on Example: #img[,54631]. | ESNext | FF-ext

  • Favorites: the "Clear" button also updates posts counters now, fix for "Refresh" button in for infinite threads, fix for posts counters, fix for vertical scroll.
  • Fix for images search in Google.
  • Highlighting for buttons in panel.
  • Fixed loading images by clicking on the namelink.
  • Fixed attaching images in Firefox + Tampermonkey. | ESNext | FF-ext

  • New style - pink. "Common" > "[Gradient pink] Dollchan style".
  • Violentmonkey: fixed downloading the entire thread and all pictures, fix for images/videos preloading, fix for favicon on 4chan.
  • fix working (and styles) in saved threads, disabled native antiwipe hiding.
  • posts were hidden after the report (fixed).
  • The posters count (on and is now displayed immediately on the Dollchan panel, rather than after the thread update.

2022.10.31.0 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • Fixed captcha, added captcha timer, fix for native posts/images/posters counters.
  • Added "Report a post" option to the quick reply button menu.
  • Fix in-post images expanding.
  • New option: "Common" > "Boards folders in the Favorites window". Disabling removes headers with board names.
  • New option: "Images" > "max expansion size (px)". Limits the size when scaling.
  • Now the percentage scale is displayed under the scaled image opened by center.
  • Fixed Dollchan update in Violentmonkey.
  • Fixed image search menu when preload is enabled.
  • Fixed player embedding to vocaroo links.
  • Fixed working on TinyIB engines (,, etc).
  • Fix for thread updater button on main panel, changed style for counters.

2022.10.23.0 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • Fix for settings saving with multiple open tabs.
  • Now the option "Filters" > "Sort spells and remove duplicates" sorts spells by boards and threads.
  • Fixed #ihash spell. Past #ihash spells will be invalid, as hashes are generated differently now.
  • Fixed 'Show only OP in threads list' option.
  • Fixed the disappearance of the reply form when receiving a post error.
  • Fix for Referrer error on vichan boards.
  • fix crashing.
  • mirror added, support for beta engine, fixed post previews in archived threads.
  • fix for posting (including oekaki), fix for video thumbnails expanding, mirror added.
  • fixed posting with passcode, fixed flags, icons and colorID color in loaded posts, forced English captcha input, fixed ajax in Violentmonkey.
  • fix for post form.
  • Chrome: fix for files adding through Ctrl+V in text field. Not works in Firefox.
  • Support for FireMonkey script manager.

2021.7.6.0 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • support for new captcha.
  • support for new captcha.
  • Ability to add comments in spells (also to temporary comment out unnecessary spells). Usage.
  • Extra newlines are deleted now when quoting.
  • Showing the thread title in downloaded .tar archive.
  • Fix for images names when preloading is enabled, fix for times in loaded posts, fix for unix-timestamp filenames.
  • Now the images searching button gives download links with names: 1) with original name; 2) for webm - with the name obtained from the metadata (when enabled "Images" > "Load titles from WebM metadata"); 3) with the number given by the board.
  • Metadata loaded from webm is now highlighted in yellow.

2021.4.1.0 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • Fix for captcha when using proxy, built-in thread updater now disabled, fixed false thread creation when using quick reply, support for onion addresses, fix for markup buttons, fix for posts deleting.
  • Correct parsing of titles in webm metadata.
  • Clicking on the image sauce button calls up a quick reply and inserts the image name.
  • Support for .m4v files.
  • & mdash; catalog button added, use of fast ru captcha input.
  • supports now.
  • Quick reply no longer closes when clicking [Get new posts].
  • Spoiler images are no longer expanded with Replace thumbnails with original images* option.
  • Fix for images sauce search via Yandex.
  • Fix for invisible captcha, fix for likes/dislikes, fix archived and deleted threads in "Favorites", using of regular (visible) recaptcha with enabled option "Settings" > "Form" > "Use alternative captcha", built-in image sauce search buttons now hidden, built-in text markup buttons now hidden.

2020.3.17.0 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • Fix for working.
  • Fix option "Posts" > "Stretch posts to page width", fixed previews by >>links with arrows, , now the search field doesn't move to the top of page.
  • Fix for posts sending.
  • "Expand all images", "NSFW mode", "Preload images" buttons now change color to green when active.
  • Fixed work on the imageboard.
  • Fix for expanding of spoiler-images, removed the built-in post counter.
  • Fix for ajax.
  • New option: "Posts" > "Limit text width in posts messages (px)". Allows you to break extra long links and words.
  • New option: "Common" > "Remember the scroll position in threads". If enter the thread by clicking [Reply] with disabled option, then the scroll will not restored.
  • Forced redirect to (disabled built-in thread updater), fix for title atributes to image links.
  • Fix for posting of spoiler-images.
  • Fix for images in loaded threads and posts.
  • SthephanShinkufag/TinyIB engine: Support for all boards (not only for, catalog button is added.
  • Lynxchan engine: Fix for subject detection in posts, fix for posts deletion.
  • Dropped and support.

2019.8.28 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • New option: "Common" > "Always open the Favorites window".
  • Support for WebP files.
  • Post previews "from the depth of the thread" on threads list is lazy now and does not load all thread thumbnails.
  • Fix for posting.
  • Ability to post multiple files.
  • Fix for spoiler-images (filename detection).
  • Initial support.
  • Fix for expanding of images without file extension, fix for expanding of videos.
  • Lynxchan boards: Fix for working in saved threads.
  • An option "Images" > "filenames" now changed to [Don't change][Original (trunc.)][Hide][Original (full)].
  • Checkboxes of spoiler-images in the reply form are now cleared after sending.

2019.6.16 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • Firefox extension: Removed code that calls third-party scripts (youtube API, recaptcha API), which is unacceptable for the Mozilla Add-ons Team.
  • fix for double line when full hiding of thread.
  • Fix for "expand all images" button.

2019.6.14 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • Chrome extension: Fix for sending of cross-domain requests (clearing 404-threads in Favorites, searching for webm frame sauce, uploading information to youtube and vimeo links, uploading previews to vimeo links, blinking favicon and posting on 4chan, if pictures are stored on another server: preloading / downloading threads / dragging into the response form / loading webm metadata / hiding by #ihash).
  • Chrome: fix for videos zooming.
  • Forced scroll when expanding/closing of original/expanded image if the upper border is above the screen.
  • A new option to disable forced password changing: "Form" > "Fixed password" checkbox.
  • Fetch requests in greasemonkey-like addons are no longer used (except for tinyboard/vichan imageboards).
  • Removed @ingect-into content from metadata.
  • The counter of images on the panel now does not take into deleted posts.
  • New option: "Common" > "[By number][By number (desc)][By adding][By adding (desc)] Sorting in Favorites".
  • Violentmonkey: fix for working in frames.
  • Fix for expanding of images that added by links in posts.
  • Fix for infinity scrolling when an option "Posts" > "Show only OP in threads list*" is enabled.
  • Fix for indication of file upload progress when posting.
  • Fix for ajax in Firefox 57-62.
  • / new lynxchan engine: Initial support.
  • Enabled [code] markup button for /g/.
  • Fix for old engine support, fix for working on address, fix for images expanding, native image sauce buttons are removed, fix for icon selection in postform, removed [code] markup button, hidden tag field in postform.
  • Native answer buttons are hidden, fix for showing of posts previews.
  • / Initial support.
  • Initial support (without captcha mecanism).
  • Fix top menu bar.
  • Fix for html of ajaxed posts, fix for displaying of images.
  • Fix for working in empty threads, fix for post previews when dark theme enabled.

2019.1.16 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • An options "Posts" > "Show "Hide" buttons" and "Posts" > "Show "Quick reply" buttons" are extended to selection [Disable][With menu][No menu]. Removed option "Filters" > "Extra options for "Hide" buttons".
  • The answer button now has a new added menu: [Reply to thread], [Report post] (for now only), [Mark post as mine]. Example. Now you can mark and track "my posts" even on those imageboards where "my posts" were not tracked before.
  • Hidden posts are no longer unhide when expanding the thread.
  • The screen will no longer scroll somewhere randomly after replying to the thread.
  • Vichan boards: Fix for "Invalid or no HTTP referer" bug in Greasemonkey and Firefox Extension. Fixed CSP conflicts in Violentmonkey.
  • Fixed previews for >>links to archive threads.
  • The report button is removed, the native "arrow up" button is hidden, the ellipsis before posts previews is removed.
  • Added and domains.

2019.1.5 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • WebExtension: removed "history" permission (permission to read and change browsers history).
  • Fixed support for timecodes in YouTube links.
  • removed duplicate YouTube icons.
  • working support.

2019.1.3 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • Reduced code execution on all non-imageboard pages.
  • Firefox add-on is available.
  • Chrome extension and Firefox add-on now loads in pages as quickly as in Violentmonkey and Greasemonkey. That is, at the document.readyState === 'loading' stage.
  • Extension/addon is completely reworked. Added pop-up menu and settings page. In the extension/add-on settings you can set includes/excludes which limit the script launch scope. Example.
  • Since all userscript managers and Dollchan add-on now can customize includes/excludes, the option "Common" > "Prevent Dollchan launch on:" is no longer needed. Option is removed.
  • Fix for images expanding in threads that loaded with option "Filters" > "Load threads from next pages instead of hidden".

2018.12.29 | ESNext | FF-ext

  • Added an option "Filters" > "Load threads from next pages instead of hidden". If there are hidden threads on the first page, then the the same amount is loaded from the following pages (up to the fourth).
  • Fix for loading in saved threads.
  • 4chan: Fix for recaptcha in chrome extension.
  • Dollchan now adds its own report buttons to posts. Native expansion of images/videos is disabled. Fix for sauce buttons.
  • fix for reply form.
  • fix for posting with enabled option "Form" > "[Clear] file names".
  • Vichan boards: deleted [Watch thread] button

2018.12.19 | ESNext

  • File management icons in the reply form are redrawn in SVG.
  • New feature: Button to edit the file name in the reply form. Renamed files take priority over the option "Form" > "[Clear]/[Unixtime]/[Unixtime-random] file names", the option does not touch them. Button example
  • New option: "Form"> "[Unixtime-random] file names". Sets as a file name a time stamp chosen randomly up to 5 years in the past, as if you downloaded a picture from imageboards a long time ago. In contrast, "[Unixtime] file names" sets the Unix stamp of the current time.
  • Fix for posting with disabled option 'Replace "Email" with Sage button'.
  • Menu of "Hide" buttons is now displayed for posts previews.
  • Fix for posting with passcode.

2018.12.13 | ESNext

  • Support for
  • reCaptcha is now checked only when you click on the "Reply" button, fix for threads hiding.
  • captcha fix for WebExtension.
  • Vichan boards, The floating top bar at the top of the screen will not break now.
  • Smaler fonts, icons and indents in Favorites, Hidden and Video windows. Actual with a large number of entries.
  • [Preview + player] for YouTube links* option: video thumbnail can be located above the link, if there is not enough space below.
  • Popup asking for donation will be displayed when installing form new commit.

2018.11.25 | ESNext

  • Support for
  • Removed options [Auto player] and [Only preview] for YouTube links*. For the option [Player on click] a popup preview by hovering over the video link was implemented. Example.
  • fix for likes/dislikes, hiding of native post buttons, fix for YouTube links in truncated posts.
  • Returned displaying of the new posts number < 10 in the tab title.
  • Fix for loading in frames.
  • Added
  • fix for infinite scrolling.

2018.11.10 | ESNext

  • Fix for support of LynxChan based boards.
  • Support for FoolFuuka engine for archive boards:,,,,,,, Image redirect tracking is implemented for
  • New feature: Number of new posts less than 10 now will be displayed in a favicon as a circle with number, instead of old "plus" icon. Example
  • Greasemonkey 4: Fix for loading in frames.
  • Firefox Quantum: Fix for moving and closing of expanded by center videos.
  • New feature: Button to rotate expanded images / videos. Example
  • Fix for the thread title in the header of the quick reply window when calling from a preview.
  • Fix for likes/dislikes, fix for sage on post reply sending.
  • images Search service is changed to
  • Initial support.
  • Removed native post counter.
  • Fix for background color of the Favorites window.
  • Fix for /add page, support for
  • Fix for images detector.

2018.8.9 | ESNext

  • invisible recaptcha is enabled by default. An option "Form" > "Use alternative captcha" is available (you can choose in case if digtital 2chaptcha will work).

2018.6.25 | ESNext

  • An option "Images" > "Resize large images to fit screen" is replaced with "Images" > "[Disable][By width][Width+Height] Fit to screen for expanding in post". Images that expanded in post will adjusted to screen only by width, or by width and height, respectively. Images that expanded by center are always adjusted to screen by width and height now.
  • The number of replies to Your posts now will be displayed in desktop notifications, for example " 5 new posts. 2 replies to You.". Example. An option "Posts" > "Desktop notifications for new posts" must be enabled.
  • The (You) note for Your posts is now textual instead of css-pseudo-element, which makes it possible to search by the (You) word on a page. The color is changed to blue. Example. An option "Links" > "Mark links to my posts with (You)" must be enabled.
  • Marking of posts that answers to Your posts with dotted lines at the left side. Example. An option "Posts" > "Highlight my own posts" must be enabled.
  • Fix for info panel under expanded videos.
  • fix for error detection of posts sending, fix for conflict with uBlock.
  • Icons of search engines in image sauce menu now will not load from the third party side.
  • Added a reverse search by frame for webm/mp4, ability to save a frame from webm/mp4. Example. An options "Images" > "Show file name under expanded image" and "Images" > "Add "Search" buttons for images" must be enabled.
  • Added a sauce search button under the expanded images.
  • Support for
  • fix for sage detector, horizontal scroll due to large posts is removed, thread updater is disabled by default in /arch threads.
  • Fix for counter of replies to Your posts in "Favorites".
  • Fix for running on
  • fix for /favs and /auth pages.

2018.6.3 | ESNext

  • "Form" > "Clear file names" option is replaced with "Form" > "[Don't change][Clear][Unixtime] file names". "[Clear]" makes the file name empty. "[Unixtime]" replaces the file name with a timecode like 1527837521516.jpg.
  • The "deleted" mark for deleted posts is now textual instead of css-pseudo-element, which makes it possible to search by the "deleted" word on a page.
  • Fixed sauce search for webm/mp4 files, now it searches by their preview.
  • "Images" > "Hide filenames" option is replaced with "Images" > "[Don't change][Original][Hide] filenames". "[Original]" replaces the contents of link with original file name (if exists in post). Too long names will be shortened using the ellipsis: Shinku_Rozen_Ma...png. "[Original]" also adds the download attribute, so when you download a file by link, it will be saved with the original name. "[Hide]" acts the same as the old "Hide filenames" option, replacing the link contents with the file extension without a name, and also adds the download attribute with an original file name.
  • Ability to post same GIFs with "Form" > "Ability to post duplicate images" enabled.
  • support for new experimental engine in /test/ and /d/.
  • Opera 12: fixed svg-icons for deleting entries in "Favorites".
  • Palemoon: fixed preloading images and rarjpeg recognition.
  • Fixed Kusaba boards, including and others.
  • Removed support for,
  • Added support for
  • increased the captcha size, fix for duplicated posts for thread updater in chrome extension.

2018.4.28 | ESNext

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