C++ library which includes utility functions for using ROS2 MoveIt! planning framework.
This project is currently under development, with ongoing updates and enhancements planned for the future. If you have any thoughts or feedback about the software, feel free to contact us at alessio.saccuti@unipr.it.
A more detailed documentation will be available soon!
- Plan cartesian trajectories
- Plan collision-free trajectories with RRTConnect
- Custom planning scenes handling (check robot conf. validity, attach/detach objects, create/remove objects)
- Inverse and forward kinematics with the kinematic plugin defined in the moveit configuration package
- Display of simulated trajectories with RViz
Install MoveIt!:
sudo apt install ros-humble-moveit
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp
echo "export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8" >> ~/.bashrc
Setup Moveit Planning library:
git clone https://github.com/SuperDiodo/moveit_planning.git
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --packages-select moveit_planning
Create MoveIt! configuration package
Create it from scratch using a robot URDF and moveit setup assistant.
Use an already existing MoveIt! conf. package. An example can be found in ur_ros_rtde repository in which an UR10e MoveIt! conf. package is provided.
Build the configuration package with:
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --packages-select your_moveit_config_pkg
in your ROS2 packageCMakeLists.txt
:# CMakeLists.txt ...your stuff find_package(moveit_planning REQUIRED) find_package(moveit_ros_planning_interface REQUIRED) find_package(moveit_msgs REQUIRED) ...your stuff set(moveit_dependencies moveit_ros_planning_interface moveit_msgs ) ...your stuff # example of executable called my_executable, generated using source1.cpp and source2.cpp (use yours!) add_executable(my_executable source1.cpp source2.cpp ...) ament_target_dependencies(my_executable ${moveit_dependencies}) target_link_libraries(my_executable moveit_planning::moveit_planning_lib) ...your stuff
Create a launch file for launching your code and add all the required lines for integrating MoveIt! functionalities:
from launch import LaunchDescription from launch_ros.actions import Node from moveit_configs_utils import MoveItConfigsBuilder def generate_launch_description(): moveit_config_pkg_name = "your_moveit_config_pkg_name" moveit_config = MoveItConfigsBuilder(moveit_config_pkg_name).to_moveit_configs() params = { # put your params here! } node = Node( package="your_ros2_pkg_name", executable="my_executable", output="screen", parameters=[ moveit_config.robot_description, moveit_config.robot_description_semantic, moveit_config.robot_description_kinematics, params, ], ) return LaunchDescription([node])
Create an instance of Moveit Planning in your code:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { rclcpp::init(argc, argv); auto moveit_interface_node = std::make_shared<rclcpp::Node>("moveit_interface_node"); // use a default constructor auto planning_interface = moveit_planning(moveit_interface_node); // OR pass custom planning group name and planner setting std::string planning_group = "arm"; internal_planner_settings settings; settings_.planning_time = 5.0; planning_interface = moveit_planning(moveit_interface_node, planning_group, settings); // starts a background spinner for internal functionalities rclcpp::executors::SingleThreadedExecutor executor; executor.add_node(moveit_interface_node); std::thread([&executor]() { executor.spin(); }) .detach(); // ... do what you usually do from here ... // // ... }
Examples of usage of moveit_planning
are provided: trajectory planning towards a target pose (example 0), validation of a robot configuration (example 1) and creation of collision objects (example 2).
We will use ur_ros_rtde simulation mode, which allows to automatically launch the required launch files from a MoveIt! configuration package.
as shown in the setup guide -
setting:moveit_config_pkg = "simple_ur10e_moveit_config
robot_description_package = "simple_ur10e_secription
launch_moveit = True
simulation_only = True
robot state receiver:# type in a new terminal ros2 launch ur_ros_rtde robot_state_receiver.launch.py
setting:moveit_config_pkg_name = "simple_ur10e"
"example_id": 0
or"example_id": 1
or"example_id": 2
based on which example should be launched- set target
if example 0 is selected - set
to validate if example 1 is selected
launch the example:
# type in a new terminal ros2 launch moveit_planning examples.launch.py