This is a series of projects where I solve RL environments by building RL algorithms from scratch using Python, Pytorch and Tensorflow
Compare the SARSA and the Q-learning algorithms using the GridWorld Cliff walking environment
This is a simple implementation of the Gridworld Cliff reinforcement learning task.
Adapted from Example 6.6 (page 106) from Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Sutton and Barto:
With inspiration from:
The board is a 4x12 matrix, with (using NumPy matrix indexing):
o [3, 0] as the start at bottom-left
o [3, 11] as the goal at bottom-right
o [3, 1..10] as the cliff at bottom-center
Each time step incurs -1 reward, and stepping into the cliff incurs -100 reward and a reset to the start. An episode terminates when the agent reaches the goal.
From Sutton and Barto's Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction textbook
Example 6.6: Cliff Walking This gridworld example compares Sarsa and Q-learning, highlighting the difference between on-policy (Sarsa) and off-policy (Q-learning) methods. Consider the gridworld shown below. This is a standard undiscounted, episodic task, with start and goal states, and the usual actions causing movement up, down,right, and left. Reward is -1 on all transitions except those into the region marked “The Cliff”. Stepping into this region incurs a reward of -100 and sends the agent instantly back to the start.