This is a ROS2 package that provides multiple trajectory generators such as minimum snap (or other derivatives) trajectory using waypoints provided. Multiple implementations use linear algebra (matrix inverse) and quadratic programming.
- This was tested using ROS2 foxy in Ubuntu 20.04
- Python version: Python 3.8.10
- Casadi (python) for QP implementation
There are two groups of trajectory generators, each has a different way to configure and run as follows.
This includes pre-defined trajectories such as Helix, sinusoidal, and trapezoidal trajectories. To use this type:
- Modify
to select the desired trajectory by specifying thetraj_type
in the class__init__
and trajectory parameters. - If the yaw_type has been chosen as
then current position and yaw are required which are updated from topics/position
. Ensure this data is being published to these topics. - Run the node
ros2 run traj_gen ana_traj_generator
- Subscribe to the trajectory topics and execute it in your robot
- Load the provided rviz/plotjuggler configurations for visualization
This group transforms a list of waypoints and their respective time array to a continuous trajectory that satisfies certain constraints. For instance, a position trajectory minimizes fourth order (Snap) and ensures all derivatives up to snap are continuous between the waypoints. This is typically achieved using piece-wise polynomial functions where each segment of the path (between two waypoints) is represented by a different polynomial function. Multiple implementation are available that either uses linear algebra and matrix inverse or quadratic/nonlinear programming to find the coefficients of the polynomial functions.
- Specify the waypoints in
- Modify the
to import and use your waypoints and specify thetraj_type
in the class__init__
. - Run the node
ros2 run traj_gen min_snap_traj_generator
- Subscribe to the trajectory topics and execute it in your robot
- Load the provided rviz/plotjuggler configurations for visualization
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The generator publishes multiple topics that can be subscribed to to visualize and execute in your robot. The trajectory generator publishes the following topics:
(PoseStamped): desired pose. This will also include the desired yaw if it was specified./target_twist
(TwistStamped): desired linear velocity. The desired yaw rate is also provided in some implementations./target_accel
(AccelStamped): desired linear acceleration. Desired yaw angular acceleration is also provided in some implementations./target_jerk
(Vector3Stamped): desired linear jerk./target_snap
(Vector3Stamped): desired linear snap./traj_gen/waypoints
(Path): waypoints path for rviz visualization (published once in the beginning)/traj_gen/path
(Path): trajectory path for rviz visualization
The objective of trajectory generation is to find a suitable trajectory that travels through all of the desired waypoints and satisfy certain constraints such as higher order derivatives continuity. The inputs are typically defined as a series of position vector and heading pair at specified times. Since UAVs are differential flatness (i.e. UAV's state can be determined from a desired position along with all the derivatives up to the fourth derivative of position and a desired heading and its first and second derivatives), trajectory generation can be formulated as a quadratic program that minimizes the highest order derivative (snap for position and acceleration for heading):
Let's try to formulate the the problem for a single segment consisting of two waypoints (start and end) for the x-axis position only. In this case, we would like to minimize snap. This can be formulated using the Lagrange L:
This can be solver to find the optimal trajectory using Euler-Poisson equation. The result is a 7th order polynomial equation with 8 coefficients:
$$ x(t) = c_{7}t^7 + c_{6}t^6 + c_{5}t^5 + c_{4}t^4 + c_{3}t^3 + c_{2}t^2 + c_{1}t + c_{0} $$
We can differentiate this equation to get velocity/acceleration/jerk/snap equations:
$$ \dot{x}(t) = 7c_{7}t^6 +6 c_{6}t^5 + 5c_{5}t^4 + 4c_{4}t^3 + 3c_{3}t^2 + 2c_{2}t + c_{1} $$
We need 8 equations to determine these coefficients, we can specify boundary conditions. These conditions are typically:
- Position at t=0, and t=T which are given as input
- Velocity at t=0, and t=T which are typically zero
- Acceleration at t=0, and t=T which are typically zero
- Jerk at t=0, and t=T which are typically zero
All 8 constraints can be written as an 8x8 matrix
For instance, if we want a trajectory that starts from
If we want to generate a trajectory that passes through N+1 waypoints, then we need to find a piece-wise function where there is an N polynomial equations for the N segments.
Each polynomial requires 8 equations (boundary conditions) to solve for the coefficients.
There is 8N coefficients to find for minimum snap trajectory, so the size of matrix
- Position at end of each segment (i) is the same as the position at next segment (i+1):
$𝑥_𝑖 (𝑇_𝑖 )=𝑥_{𝑖+1} (𝑇_𝑖)$ - higher order derivatives (Velocity, acceleration, ..etc) are continuous in intermediate waypoints: $𝑥^{(j)}𝑖 (𝑇_𝑖 )=𝑥^{(j)}{𝑖+1}$ for jth derivative.
UAV trajectory generation can be formulated as a quadratic program and solved to minimize snap cost:
Assuming there is N segments (N+1 waypoints), P is [8N,8N] matrix, A is [4N+2,8N] matrix and
The matrix A and vector b specify the following constraints:
- initial conditions at t=0 (position up to snap)
- final conditions at t=T (position up to snap)
- N-2 continuity conditions (position up to snap) for interior segments
- Mellinger, Daniel and Kumar, Vijay, “Minimum snap trajectory generation and control for quadrotors”, Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011
- C. Richter, A. Bry, and N. Roy, “Polynomial trajectory planning for aggressive quadrotor flight in dense indoor environments,” in International Journal of Robotics Research, Springer, 2016