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holzkohlengrill edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 2 revisions


import pandas
# import numpy    # for (4), but this is inefficient anyway

create pandas frame

tableColumns = ["audioCodec", "displayHeight", "testName"]
testFrame = pandas.DataFrame(columns=tableColumns)

print empty frame (only column names)


Add data


(1) - using loc

testFrame.loc[len(testFrame.index)] = [1,2,3]

(2) - using at

i = 0
for i in range(20):[len(testFrame)] = [i, i+1, i+2][len(testFrame)] = [i, i+1, "df"][len(testFrame)] = [chr(i+266), i+1, i+2]

(3) - by appending

newData = [4,5,6]
testFrame = testFrame.append(pandas.Series(newData), ignore_index=True)

(4) - by appending a new DataFrame

This is very inefficient

newLine = pandas.DataFrame([1,2,3],None, columns=tableColumns)
newLine = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.array([1,2,3]), columns=tableColumns)
testFrame.append(newLine, ignore_index=True)


myDataFrame["diff_A_B"] = datfr["A"] - otherData["B"]		# add columns `diff_A_B` from columns of two other `pandas.DataFrames`


Transpose frame

testFrame = testFrame.T

Remove columns

dataFrame = dataFrame.drop("columnName", 1)		# 0: rows, 1 columns

Slicing / extract columns

Note: ["cake", "alcohol"] is a list.

df1 = df[["cake", "alcohol"]]		# keep only "cake" and "alcohol" in df1

BUT: df[["a","b"]] produces a copy :(


frames = [df1, df2, df3]
result = pd.concat(frames)		# add list of dataframes you want to concatenate

or like this:

result = pd.concat([df1, df4], ignore_index=True)	# `ignore_index`: discards initial counting >> if `True` count is number of rows -1

Here we want to merge on "configID" and "memType" (on argument is not nesessary here since the default searches for matching columns):

# Make sure the indices are reset for both dataframes (reset with `df = df.reset_index()`)
groupedByMemTypeAcc = pandas.merge(groupedByMemTypeAcc, budgetsData, on=["configID", "memType"])
groupedByMemTypeAcc = groupedByMemTypeAcc.groupby(["configID", "memType"]).sum()



# groupedByMemTypeAcc
configID    memType      sizeDec
0   micro1  INT_FLASH     17196646
1   micro1    INT_RAM        15302
2   micro2  EXT_FLASH  44667659878
3   micro2    EXT_RAM    386547056
4   micro2    INT_RAM         3276

# budgetData
configID    memType       budget
0   micro1  INT_FLASH     20971520
1   micro1    INT_RAM        16384
2   micro1  EXT_FLASH            0
3   micro1    EXT_RAM            0
4   micro2  EXT_FLASH  68719476736
5   micro2    EXT_RAM    536870912
6   micro2    INT_RAM        65536
7   micro2  INT_FLASH            0


						sizeDec       budget
configID memType
micro1   INT_FLASH     17196646     20971520
		INT_RAM          15302        16384
micro2   EXT_FLASH  44667659878  68719476736
		EXT_RAM      386547056    536870912
		INT_RAM           3276        65536


Reset index

dataFrame = dataFrame.reset_index()


By name

dataFrame.loc["partyHard"].replace(to_replace="nerds", value="hardcorePartyPeople")

By index (int)

dataFrame.iloc[1, 1].replace(to_replace="nerds", value="hardcorePartyPeople")		# .iloc[columns, row]

Boolean Indexing

Get only rows where values above 0 in "A" exists. The operators are: | for or, & for and, and ~ for not. These must be grouped by using parentheses (e.g. s[(s < -1) | (s > 0.5)])

df = df[df["A"] > 0]

Mixed indexing

#	     one two
#	0    1    2
#	1    3    4
#	2    5    6
#	3    7    8
searchedValue = 6.6
# Get nearest index of column `two`
idx = testFrame.index[testFrame.index.get_loc(searchedValue, method='nearest')]

# Print nearest index of `searchedValue` at column two
print("Closest match:", df["two"][idx])
# Closest match: 8


By column

grouped = dataFrame.groupby("Company")

Here column "Company" becomes automatically the index (before it was the internal numbering >> see index_col=0 in section ".csv files". Avoid this by appending .reset_index().

Calculation with groups


Groups by CompanyName and Employees and sums everything up.

groupedByMemType = groupedByMemType.groupby(["CompanyName", "Employees"]).sum()


Apply the median for every group item

dbAggregated = grouped.aggregate(numpy.median)

Iterating over groups

for key, item in grouped:
	# do stuff with key & item

Get length

timeit df.shape

-> 1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.17 us per loop

timeit df[0].count()

-> 10000 loops, best of 3: 56 us per loop

timeit len(df.index)

-> 1000000 loops, best of 3: 381 ns per loop >> most intuitive and fastest :)

-> len(df.index) and df[0].count() are not interchangeable: count excludes NaNs, which is probably explains why it is slower

Modifying data

Shifting data / calc delta

We want to achieve the following (A, B: input data; dA: vertical delta):

	A   B   dA
0   a   b  (a-c)
1   c   d  (c-e)
2   e   f  (e-g)
3   g   h   Nan

You can use .shift to shift a whole column by one (or more) places.

df['dA'] = df['A'] - df['A'].shift(-1)


Modify strings of a column

Gets column "video" (containing paths), split by backslashes (note: you need .str for pandas.DataFrame string modifications) and take last element (= file name):

self.dataFrame["video"] = self.dataFrame["video"].str.split("\\").str[-1]

Pivot tables


.csv files

Create a .csv file


Read a .csv file

anotherFrame = pandas.read_csv("blah.csv", index_col=0) # say that column[0] should be use for internal indexing (otherwise a new one is added)

Printing options

This format option only works for floats but not for ints

pandas.options.display.float_format = '{:14,.0f}'.format
groupedByMemType["sizeDec"] = groupedByMemType["sizeDec"].astype(float)			# Change data type of one column (do this only if necessary)

Print the data type of one pandas.DataFrame-column:



If index is set: x=index; you can use .reset_index() or .set_index("desiredColumn")

Basic plotting

Essentially pandas uses matplotlib

import pandas
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt		# needs to be imported explicitely
import numpy

# stuff
dataFrame = ...'ggplot')	# use nice style for plotting
dataFrame.plot()	            # plots everything in dataframe x=index

Show plots


dataFrame.plot()			# plots everything in dataframe x=index
dataFrame.plot.area()		# do area plot
dataFrame.plot(kind=area)	# do area plot					# show plot

Multiple plots in one figure

# ...	# or save


  • Must be same type of plot
  • Plots have to have the same lenth (in x direction)

Save plots/figure to file

plot = anotherFrame.plot()				# Data to plot

Either ("blindly save")

matplotlib.pyplot.savefig("fileName.png", dpi=200)	# dpi: optional

Or explicitly save figure (PREFERED METHOD)

myFigure = plot.get_figure()
myFigure.savefig("myBeautifulFigure.png",		# Rest is optional
	transparent=True							# Make background colour transparent

Also possible


Some useful plotting options

Example data to plot

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Plot bar graph
barGraph = groupedByMemTypeAcc[[headerUsed, headerAvailable]], figsize=(18, 7), rot=45, title=titleStr)

Ajust plot size / figure size

figWidth = 20
figHeight = 10
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [figWidth, figHeight]

Adjust space around plot

plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9, bottom=0.26, left=0.06, right=0.98)  # Adjust space around our plot

Positioning the legend

plt.legend(loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(0.98, -0.4))  # Placing legend below the plot (bottom right corner)

Ajust line types (dashed, full, dotted, ...) of multiple lines in one plot

Available line styles:

df.plot(kind='line', style=['-', '--', '-.'])
# `kind` can be omitted
# `style`: one list item per column (do not count index)
# You can prefix the line patterns by specific colours like: `df.plot(kind='line', style=['b-', 'y--', 'g-.'])`
# See also:

# Ajusting data points in plots is similar: `df.plot(kind='line', style=['bo-', 'ys--',   'g^-.'])`
#															   circles-----^      ^-squares ^--triangles
# See also:

Annotating bar graph bars/colons

Since we have in this case a stacked bar graph we need to use an if-statement in order to treat the two bar types seperately

for i, bar in enumerate(barGraph.patches):
if i >= len(barGraph.patches) / 2:
	# Show budgets in kiB
		"{:.0f} kiB".format(groupedByMemTypeAcc["budget"][i % (len(barGraph.patches) / 2)] / 1024),
		xy=(bar.get_x(), (bar.get_height() + barGraph.patches[int(i % (len(barGraph.patches) / 2))].get_height())),
	# Show percentage and value in kiB
		"{:.1f} %\n{:.0f} kiB".format(bar.get_height(), groupedByMemTypeAcc["sizeDec"][i] / 1024),
		xy=(bar.get_x(), bar.get_height() + 0.01),
		color="#f2ece9")  # see:

Often for bar.get_height() + 0.01 a multiplication is used by some guys but that did not work for me since it accumulates the values somehow (I don't know what this happens).

Misc plotting stuff

Cool scatter plot

dbAgg.plot.scatter(x="sec", y="averageTwoPercentQPnonI", c="bitstream_stats", s=100)
  • s: dotsize
  • c: if column name: adds another scale with colours the points according to its values

TODO: how to change colour of c

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