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Marcel Schmalzl edited this page Aug 13, 2024 · 13 revisions

Audio and Video

  • OpenAI Whisper
    • Can create transcripts/subtitles from many languages
    • Currently all languages can be auto-translated into English
    • My experience was that you should prefer the large dataset; smaller datasets provide much worse results


  • MusicBrainz Picard (picard)
    • Auto audio file tagging (flac, mp3, ...)
    • Supports acoust ID (audio fingerprint)
    • Settings stored here (Picard needs to be started at least once): Win: C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Roaming\MusicBrianz\Picard.ini Linux: ~/.config/MusicBrainz/Picard.ini
  • fre:ac
    • "fre:ac is a free and open source audio converter. It supports audio CD ripping and tag editing and converts between various audio file formats."
    • FLAC options
  • xcfa Similar to fre:ac but only available for Linux
    • fre:ac is probably the better alternative since it is better maintained but both are great tools
  • ReplayGain
    • FLAC: metaflac (part of flac package): metaflac --add-replay-gain ./*.flac / --scan-replay-gain to just display the values without writing it
    • mp3gain: mp3gain -s s -o -q ./*.mp3 (-s s only display without changing it)
  • Audacity
    • Audio file editing/processing
  • Mixxx
    • DJ-ing software

Good, but superseeded by the software mentioned above:

  • XCFA (not to be confused with the XFCE desktop environment)
    • CD-ripping
  • mpsyt
    • youtube command line player for music and videos uses youtube-dl and mpv for downloading and playing youtube videos
  • EasyTAG
    • ID-3 Tags (convenient mp3 file tagging)


  • kdenlive
    • Video cutting and composing/sequencing
  • mpv
    • Lightweigt video playback
  • VLC
    • Audio + video playback
  • FFmpeg: can do basically everything you can imagine ;)


  • Darktable
    • Display RAW images
  • Blender
    • 3D-Modelling
  • Inkscape
    • Create 2D vector graphics
  • The GIMP
    • Create 2D pixel graphics
  • Weasis
    • Read DICOM files (2D/3D, measurement, ...)



  • pdfarranger: great GUI tool to create bookmarks, mix and match pdf's
    • Great alternative for pdfmod and pdfshuffler; both are either not always stable or no longer available on the official repositories (e.g. Ubuntu)
    • Also available on Windows! (not only via WSL)
  • pdfmod: great GUI tool to create bookmarks, mix and match pdf's
  • ghostscript: pdf Swiss Army Knife


  • texlive-full: LaTeX packages (all; makes it easier instead of finding and installing each package individually)
  • texstudio: Best LaTeX IDE
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