- 👋 Hi, I’m @Tech-Matt (aka Mattia Rizzo)
- 👀 Interested in Driver and Firmware Development, OS Programming, but also data science and AI.
- 🌱 I’m currently enrolled in a Computer Engineering bachelor, in Italy.
- 💞️ I’m looking forward to collaborate on many useful open source projects and share my knowledge here!
- 📫 How to reach me: mattia.rizzo.un@gmail.com or Linkedin
- https://jrdngr.github.io/pngme_book/introduction.html
- Make an AI thumbnail generator in Rust or Python that takes a video and generates a captivating thumbnail from it
- Continue working on RISC-V Cpu
- Implement your RISC-V CPU on a real board
- Learn more about OS in C/C++
- Write an interpreter / compiler in Rust or C for your RISC-V cpu
- https://www.flenker.blog/hecto/
- todo app in Rust and C++ (then do comparison in blog)