Syntax highlighting for VHDL files in Linux "nano" editor
To add this syntax highlighter for VHDL in nano you have to manually add the vhdl.nanorc file in this directory "/usr/share/nano" and then make sure that in "/etc/nanorc" the line "include "/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc" " is not commented out. And that's it! Have fun :)
This is just an alpha version, i didn't add much things after all. All keywords have the same color, and they are not divided into different "groups". But even with these few things there can be some bugs (due to the fact that nano uses posix extended regular expressions, and i'm really not a pro in it XD ). So if you find any problem just open an issue.
- Check if there are other things except keywords that has to be highlighted.
- Implement header and magic in the nanorc file
- I just coded every vhdl keyword to have the same color. Sort them into different groups, such as, control flows, data types, and so on and so forth, and map them with different colors.
- Add support for common imported libraries such as numeric_std and the one for std_logic.