Authors: Ariane Mueting and Bodo Bookhagen
The steps described below depend on mintpy and other packages. These can be installed with conda:
conda create -n mintpy
conda activate mintpy
conda install -c conda-forge mintpy
See also:
Additional packages are required for faster processing and calculating the confidence values:
conda activate mintpy
conda install pandas tqdm numba pytables -c conda-forge
and a package via pip:
pip install install numba-progress
You will need to set the PATH to the directory containing the python files for computing the confidence intervals, for example:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/bodo/Dropbox/soft/github/Planet2MintPy
We generate confidence and mask value from the input offset files.
There exist several approaches and philosophies to calculate uncertainties (or weights or confidences) from image-correlation data. Here, we have implemented the following methods:
Method 1 (Useful for PlanetScope or other well-behaved datasets)
- Perform a 2D median filter with kernel_size=9 (variable) for each time step separately. This smoothes each timestep.
- Take the median of all time steps to obtain an averaged value for each pixel.
- Calculate the angle difference between this averaged value and each time step (x and y offset). Take the cosine of the angle difference to obtain a value between 0 and 1. All angle differences larger than 90 degree will be set to 0.
- This will result in a pixel-based confidence value (or weight) - but the same value for x and y offsets.
- Output a mask file with pixels for each time step that have been flagged as nan by the correlation and 0 confidence value (angle difference above 90 degree). This is different for each time step.
Method 2 (Useful for PlanetScope or other well-behaved datasets)
- Calculate the standard deviation of all directions through time.
- If standard. deviation is larger than 45 degree (or a threshold angle), the terrain is not considered a landslide and masked out. This is useful for creating a mask of stable terrain.
- For the unstable terrain (i.e., landslides), calculate the angle difference between time-averaged averaged value and value at each time step. Take the cosine of the angle difference to obtain a value between 0 and 1. All angle differences larger than 90 degree will be set to 0.
- Create a mask that shows all unstable terrain (same mask for all time steps).
Method 3 (Useful for noisy offsets such as derived from Landsat and Sentinel 2)
- Perform a 2D median filter with kernel_size=9 (variable) for each time step separately. This smoothes each timestep.
- Calculate angle difference between aspect direction derived from a DEM and offset direction. If larger than 45 degree (or a threshold value), the pixel and timestep receives 0 weight. Otherwise, the cosine of 2 * the angle difference is assigned as weight.
Using method 1:
python /home/bodo/Dropbox/soft/github/Planet2MintPy/ \
--method 1 \
--kernel_size 9 \
--threshold_angle 45 \
--threshold_size 1000 \
--offset_tif_fn "disparity_maps/*_polyfit-F.tif" \
--area_name aoi3 \
--npy_out_path npy \
--confidence_tif_out_path confidence \
--sensor PS 2>&1 | tee
Several output PNG files are generated that provide useful information on the confidence calculations, masking, and statistics:
python /home/bodo/Dropbox/soft/github/Planet2MintPy/ \
--method 2 \
--kernel_size 9 \
--threshold_angle 45 \
--threshold_size 1000 \
--offset_tif_fn "disparity_maps/*_polyfit-F.tif" \
--area_name aoi3 \
--npy_out_path npy2 \
--confidence_tif_out_path confidence \
--sensor PS 2>&1 | tee create_offset_confidence.py2.log
python /home/bodo/Dropbox/soft/github/Planet2MintPy/ \
--offset_tif_fn "disparity_maps/*_polyfit-F.tif" \
--dx_confidence_tif_fn "confidence/*_confidence.tif" \
--dy_confidence_tif_fn "confidence/*_confidence.tif" \
--mask_tif_fn "confidence/*_mask.tif" \
--metadata_fn PS2_aoi3_metadata.txt --sensor PS
Importing data into the MintPy HDF5 relies on a config file. There are many options to be set, but usually you only need to set the proper metadata file and directories with data. We do this by using a template file and modifying the respective parameters. We store this in a new directory mintpy
mkdir mintpy
sed -e 's#METAFILE_FN#/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/PS2_aoi3_metadata.txt#' \
-e 's#azOffFile_FN#/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/disparity_maps/*-F_EW.vrt#' \
-e 's#rgOffFile_FN#/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/disparity_maps/*-F_NS.vrt#' \
-e 's#azOffStdFile_FN#/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/confidence/*_confidence.tif#' \
-e 's#rgOffStdFile_FN#/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/confidence/*_confidence.tif#' \
-e 's#mask_FN#/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/confidence/*_mask.tif#' \
/home/bodo/Dropbox/soft/github/Planet2MintPy/PS2_Mintpy_template.cfg \
python /home/bodo/Dropbox/soft/github/Planet2MintPy/ \
--dx_fn "/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/disparity_maps/*-F_EW.vrt" \
--dy_fn "/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/disparity_maps/*-F_NS.vrt" \
--dx_confidence_fn "/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/confidence/*_confidence.tif" \
--dy_confidence_fn "/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/confidence/*_confidence.tif" \
--mask_fn "/raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/cconfidence/*_mask.tif" \
--meta_file /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/PS2_aoi3_metadata.txt --pixel_size 3.0 \
--template_file /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/PS2_aoi3_config.cfg \
--h5_stack_fn /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/inputs/geo_offsetStack_aoi3.h5
set -w no
for no weights
We define a mask data (--md
) using the mask stored in offsetSNR and all values less than 0.5 (--mt 0.5
) are ignored (or set to NaN). Because this is a boolean dataset with 0 and 1, only values with 1 are considered.
An alternative way to mask data is to define the a threshold on the OffsetStd.
We use the weights or confidence values (between 0 and 1) and calculate 1/weight as weights.
cd /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/ /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/inputs/geo_offsetStack_aoi3.h5 \
--skip-reference -i azimuthOffset -w var --md offsetSNR --mt 0.5 -c local --num-worker 20 --mem 16 -o timeseriesAz_var.h5 residualInvAz_var.h5 numInvOffsetAz_var.h5 /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/inputs/geo_offsetStack_aoi3.h5 \
--skip-reference -i rangeOffset -w var --md offsetSNR --mt 0.5 -c local --num-worker 20 --mem 16 -o timeseriesRg_var.h5 residualInvRg_var.h5 numInvOffsetRg_var.h5
Display all time steps timeseriesAz_var.h5 --nodisplay --vlim -2 2 -u m --title "PS2 var: Az (NS) timeseries" -c RdYlBu --save -o PS2_ts_NS_var.png timeseriesRg_var.h5 --nodisplay --vlim -2 2 -u m --title "PS2 var: Rg (EW) timeseries" -c RdYlBu --save -o PS2_ts_EW_var.png
convert -quality 50 PS2_ts_NS_var.png /home/bodo/Dropbox/Argentina/aoi3/PS2_aoi3_ts_NS_var.jpg
convert -quality 50 PS2_ts_EW_var.png /home/bodo/Dropbox/Argentina/aoi3/PS2_aoi3_ts_EW_var.jpg --ref-yx 100 50 timeseriesAz_var.h5 -o velocityAz_var.h5 --ref-yx 100 50 timeseriesRg_var.h5 -o velocityRg_var.h5
View Mean Velocity in Azimuth (N-S) and Range (E-W) directions: velocityAz_var.h5 velocity --nodisplay --title "PS2 var: Mean Velocity Az (NS)" --zero-mask -u meters --vlim -1 1 -c RdYlBu --save -o PS2_NS_var_nomask_meanv.png velocityAz_var.h5 --nodisplay --title "PS2 var: Stats Az (NS)" --zero-mask -u meters --vlim -1 1 -c RdYlBu --save -o PS2_NS_var_nomask_stats.png
convert -quality 50 PS2_NS_var_nomask_meanv.png /home/bodo/Dropbox/Argentina/aoi3/PS2_aoi3_NS_var_nomask_meanv.jpg
convert -quality 50 PS2_NS_var_nomask_stats.png /home/bodo/Dropbox/Argentina/aoi3/PS2_aoi3_NS_var_nomask_stats.jpg velocityRg_var.h5 velocity --nodisplay --title "PS2 var: Mean Velocity Rg (EW)" --zero-mask -u meters --vlim -1 1 -c RdYlBu --save -o PS2_EW_var_nomask_meanv.png velocityRg_var.h5 --nodisplay --title "PS2 var: Stats Rg (EW)" --zero-mask -u meters --vlim -1 1 -c RdYlBu --save -o PS2_EW_var_nomask_stats.png
convert -quality 50 PS2_EW_var_nomask_meanv.png /home/bodo/Dropbox/Argentina/aoi3/PS2_aoi3_EW_var_nomask_meanv.jpg
convert -quality 50 PS2_EW_var_nomask_stats.png /home/bodo/Dropbox/Argentina/aoi3/PS2_aoi3_EW_var_nomask_stats.jpg
Export mean linear velocity to geotiff files: velocityAz_var.h5 velocity -o PS2_aoi3_velocity_sn_var.tif velocityRg_var.h5 velocity -o PS2_aoi3_velocity_ew_var.tif
python /home/bodo/Dropbox/soft/github/Planet2MintPy/ \
--rg_file /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/velocityRg_var.h5 \
--az_file /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/velocityAz_var.h5 \
--HDF_outfile /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/aoi3_var_velocity.h5 \
--mask00 False aoi3_var_velocity.h5 vel_magnitude -u meters --vlim 0 4 --nodisplay
--title "PS2 var: Velocity Magnitude" --zero-mask --save -o PS2_var_vel_magnitude.png aoi3_var_velocity.h5 vel_direction --vlim 0 360 -c hsv --nodisplay
--title "PS2 var: Velocity Direction" --save -o PS2_var_vel_direction.png
Look at plots, adjust colormaps if necessary and create mask. We use
and set minimum number of pixels for a velocity mask. You may need to adjust the number of pixels until the proper area has been filtered. aoi3_var_velocity.h5 vel_magnitude -m 1 -p 10000 -o aoi3_var_velocity_mask.h5 aoi3_var_velocity.h5 vel_magnitude --mask aoi3_var_velocity_mask.h5 -u meters \
--vlim 1 4 --nodisplay --title "PS2 var: Velocity Magnitude" --zero-mask --save -o PS2_var_vel_magnitude_mask.png
This is a simple masking procedure - more advanced masking will also take into account the direction of the velocity vector.
TODO: CREATE BETTER CODE FOR MASKING with direction aoi3_var_velocity.h5 vel_magnitude --mask aoi3_var_velocity_mask.h5 -u meters --vlim 3 6 --nodisplay --title "PS2 var: Velocity Magnitude" --zero-mask --save -o PS2_var_vel_magnitude_mask.png aoi3_var_velocity.h5 vel_direction --mask aoi3_var_velocity_mask.h5 --vlim 0 360 -c hsv --nodisplay --title "PS2 var: Velocity Direction" --save -o PS2_var_vel_direction_mask.png
This will require more work - fix linear interpolation \
--az_ts_file /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/timeseriesAz_var.h5 \
--rg_ts_file /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/timeseriesRg_var.h5 \
--mask_file /raid/Planet_NWArg/PS2_aoi3/mintpy/aoi3_var_velocity_mask.h5 \
--HDF_outfile /raid/PS2_aoi6/mintpy/aoi3_var_velocity_mask_ts.h5 \
--npy_outfile /raid/PS2_aoi6/mintpy/aoi3_var_velocity_mask_ts.npy \
--out_pngfname /raid/PS2_aoi6/mintpy/aoi3_var_velocity_mask_ts.png