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Joe Ludwig edited this page Aug 17, 2015 · 2 revisions

VROverlayError SetOverlayInputMethod( VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, VROverlayInputMethod eInputMethod )

VROverlayError GetOverlayInputMethod( VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, VROverlayInputMethod *peInputMethod )

Gets or sets the input settings for the specified overlay.

  • VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle - Handle of the overlay to get/set input settings for
  • VROverlayInputMethod eInputMethod - Input method to set
  • VROverlayInputMethod *peInputMethod - Receives the overlay's input method


Dashboard overlays are always VROverlayInputMethod_Mouse. Other overlays default to VROverlayInputMethod_None, but can be set to use automatic mouse interaction using this function.

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