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Vrekt edited this page Dec 14, 2020 · 5 revisions

This page includes the raw configuration with all the comments.

  • Please use & as the symbol for chat colors, any other symbols will not work.
  • Parameters must use %
# The global kick message. Players will see this message when kicked.
# Valid parameters:
# - %check%
global-kick-message: "&cYou have been kicked for %check%"

# The global kick delay in seconds.
global-kick-delay: 0

# The message to send to players with the permission `arc.violations`
# Valid parameters:
# - %prefix% - the prefix
# - %player% - The player name
# - %check% - The check name
# - %time% - The time banned for
global-violations-kick-message: "%prefix% &9%player%&f will be kicked for &c%check%&f in &c%time%&f seconds."

# The global ban message. Players will see this message when banned.
# Valid parameters
# - %check%
global-ban-message: "&cYou have been banned for %check%"

# The global ban delay in seconds.
global-ban-delay: 0

# The global ban type.
# Valid parameters:
# - NAME
# - IP
global-ban-type: NAME

# The global ban length type.
# Valid parameters:
# - DAYS - Days
# - YEARS - Years
# - PERM - Permanent
global-ban-length-type: DAYS

# How long a player should be banned for.
global-ban-length: 30

# If the ban should be broadcasted.
global-broadcast-ban: false

# The message to broadcast if `global-broadcast-ban` is `true`
# Valid parameters:
# - %prefix% - The prefix
# - %player% - The player name
# - %check% - The check name
# - %time% - The time banned for
# - %type% - Days, Years, Permanent
# Example: Skiddin(%player% was banned for Speed(%check%) for 30(%time%) days(%type%)
global-broadcast-ban-message: "%prefix% &c%player% was banned for %check% for %time% %type%"

# The message to send to players with the permission `arc.violations`
# Valid parameters:
# - %prefix% - the prefix
# - %player% - The player name
# - %check% - The check name
# - %time% - The time banned for
global-violations-ban-message: "%prefix% &9%player%&f will be banned for &c%check%&f in &c%time%&f seconds."

# If check timings should be enabled.
enable-check-timings: true

# If the TPS helper should be enabled.
enabled-tps-helper: true

# If the TPS drops below this amount TPS helper will engage.
tps-helper-limit: 17

# The message to display when a violation occurs
# Valid parameters:
# - %prefix% - the prefix
# - %player% - The player name
# - %check% - The check name
# - %level% - the violation level
violation-notify-message: "%prefix% &9%player%&f has violated check &c%check%&8(&c%level%&8)&7"

# The message to display when the sender has no permission for the /arc command.
arc-command-no-permission-message: "Unknown command. Type /help for help."

# The prefix to show in chat.
arc-prefix: "&8[&cArc&8]"

# The amount of time after a player leaves their violation data will be removed, in minutes.
violation-data-timeout: 30

# If the event API should be enabled.
enable-event-api: true
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