cd catkin_ws/src
- Clone this repo here :
git clone ""
cd ..
(Go back to catkin_ws/)catkin_make
source ./devel/setup.bash
source ~/.bashrc
- To view the model in Gazebo :
roslaunch omni3ros_pkg urdf_gazebo_view.launch
Model from:
To view the model with controllers :
roslaunch omni3ros_pkg velocity_controller.launch
To view RVIZ model :
roslaunch omni3ros_pkg urdf_rviz_view.launch
Control the robot using keyboard keys: teleop_keyboard_omni3
If our work is helpful to you, please kindly cite our paper as:
title={Ego-Centric framework for a three-wheel omni-drive Telepresence robot},
author={Mishra, Ruchik and Ajmera, Yug and Mishra, Nikhil and Javed, Arshad},
booktitle={2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO)},