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How to connect with people who liked specific post

Zia Ur Rehman (Z.R.F) edited this page Mar 19, 2019 · 7 revisions

we are always interested in growing our networks, and Linked Social Toolkit is the ideal tool for that. On Social media you can find just about anybody that might be a prospect, partner, or maybe even just a good person to know in your industry. Linked Social Toolkit helps you to find leads, generate new business and reach more people.

Linked Social Toolkit automates connecting to prospect through various techniques and offers you to send personalized invitations. You can add thousands of active connections within a week or more from post feeds. You can also send invitations to connections with premium membership as well.

There are 9 different ways for Inviting or Connecting using Linked Social Toolkit

  1. Connect with users who liked posts in new feeds
  2. Connect with users who commented on posts in new feeds
  3. Connect with targeted connections
  4. Connect with people who liked specific post
  5. Connect with people who commented on specific post
  6. Connect with people who liked specific article
  7. Connect with people who commented on specific article
  8. Connect with people who liked specific video
  9. Connect with people who commented on specific video

You can connect with 2nd & 3rd degree connections as well as connect with users who liked or commented on some posts. Click the “Add new connections” button from Linked Social Toolkit left menu then you will see dialog as below

how to connect or add new connections on LinkedIn with personal message

Follow these steps for inviting or connecting with people who liked some post

  1. Click the “Add new connections” button from Linked Social Toolkit left menu
  2. Select the “Post” option from “Connect with users who liked” options
  3. Find and enter “Post ID
  4. Click the "Connect" button

Connect with people who liked specific post

You can connect with users who liked some specific post. When you select the “Post” option from “Connect with users who liked” options, all search filter like keywords, locations, industries, companies etc are ignored.

how to Connect with people who liked some post on LinkedIn with personal message

How to get Post ID?

To get Post ID click on post option icon on any text post or post with image from your feeds. Click on “Copy link to post”.

How to get Post ID on LinkedIn

Open a new tab type “view-source:” in address bar then paste copied link. So your full link would be something like this


Press enter to load source code of the post. On source page press Ctrl + F to find Post ID, then search for “urn:li:activity:” you will get the Post ID, copy it.

How to view source code on LinkedIn

Select the “Post” option from “Connect with users who liked” options, paste “Post ID” and click the “Connect” button to start connecting with users who liked that post.

how to Connect with people who liked some post on LinkedIn with personal message


You can choose either you want to connect with 2nd or 3rd degree connections or both. It is recommended to connect with 2nd degree connection only.

Connections search filter

Exclude keywords

Enter comma separated keywords to search in user's profile title or name to exclude user from connection invitation. Keywords are not case-sensitive. Make sure to check "Exclude user based on keywords" checkbox.

How-to-connect-with-peoples-based-on-some-keywords How-to-connect-with-peoples-based-on-some-keywords

Keywords for connecting

Enter comma separated keywords to search in user's profile title or name before sending a connection invitation. Keywords are not case-sensitive. Make sure to check "Connect user based on keywords" checkbox.

How-to-connect-with-peoples-based-on-some-keywords How-to-connect-with-peoples-based-on-some-keywords

Include a personal message

You can enter your personalized invitation message. Use @name, @firstName or @lastName in the text area below, to act as a placeholder for the entire name, first name or last name of the user. Keep it blank if you don’t want to add invitation message. These short codes are case-sensitive.


Start position

Start position is the initial value where script start sending invitations to users in search results then increment start position when script finishes the search results returned by initial request. Start position 0 is the first record in post likes list.


Total connections

Total number of connections you want to connect.


Delay between connecting every single connection in seconds

Start position Total connections and Delay

Profile views

To send profile view notification to connection, whom you are sending connection invitation. Check the “Send profile view notification” checkbox.

Send profile view notification to connection while connecting

Click the “Stop script execution” button from Linked Social Toolkit left menu to stop script from connecting.

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