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How to follow connections

Zia Ur Rehman (Z.R.F) edited this page Feb 19, 2019 · 2 revisions

Following connections, from individuals you know personally to individuals you wish you knew. With the platform now topping half a billion users in more than 200 countries, it's the clear leader among social media for connecting or following B2B prospects, potential hires and business partners.

You can follow 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree connections profiles seamlessly. Connections gets follow notification when you follow their profile using Linked Social Toolkit. Click the “Follow new connections” button from Linked Social Toolkit left menu then you will see dialog as below

How to follow 1st or 2nd or 3rd+ connections LinkedIn

Follow these steps for following connections

  1. Click the “Follow new connections” button from Linked Social Toolkit left menu
  2. Apply search filters to find connections you want to follow
  3. Click the "Follow" button

Feature explanation



This search field is equivalent to default search bar. You can use the Search to look for people with similar interests, role models, and Influencers to broaden your professional network and expertise. To search for a specific person, enter your keyword into the Search field.


  • You can search using keywords such as company or job title. For example, you can search for “Richard Branson Founder".
  • If you don’t know the full name of the person you’re searching for, enter other information that you know about them. For example, you can search for “Editor The Kansas City Star”.
  • You can also search for multiple people by typing your search criteria into the search bar. Keep search field blank, if you don’t want to search by keyword or search term.

Using Boolean search

You can run a Boolean search on by combining keywords with operators like AND, NOT, and OR during your search. Here are some ways to use Boolean logic and construct your searches:

  • Quoted searches: For an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks. For example, type "product manager". You can also use quotation marks if you want to find someone with a multi-word title.

    • Search only supports standard, straight quotation marks ("). Other software or websites may use special symbols that our system does not recognize. Curly quotation marks (“), also known as smart quotes or typographer's quotes, aren't supported.
    • In order to optimize overall site performance, stop words such as "by", "in", "with", etc. aren't used.
  • NOT searches: Type the word NOT (capital letters) immediately before a search term to exclude it from your search results. This typically limits your search results. For example, "programmer NOT manager".

  • OR searches: Type the word OR (capital letters) to see results that include one or more items in a list. This typically broadens your search results. For example, "sales OR marketing OR advertising”.

  • AND searches: Type the word AND (capital letters) to see results that include all items in a list. This typically limits your search results. For example, "accountant AND finance AND CPA".

  • Parenthetical searches: To do a complex search, you can combine terms using parentheses. For example, to find people who have "VP" in their profiles, but exclude "assistant to VP" or SVPs, type VP NOT (assistant OR SVP) in search field.

Boolean Search

When handling searches, the overall order to precedence is:

  2. Parentheses [()]
  3. NOT
  4. AND
  5. OR


  • The + and - operators are not officially supported. Using AND in place of + and NOT in place of - makes a query much easier to read and guarantees that we'll handle the search correctly.
  • When using NOT, AND, or OR operators, you must type them in uppercase letters.

Using Search Operators

You can use search operators directly in search bar to narrow your results. Search operators complement the filters found on the right rail of the results page, as well as the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT. There are five search operators currently supported:

  • firstname- Finds members based on first name
  • lastname- Finds members based on last name
  • title- Finds members based on their current job title
  • company- Finds members based on their current company (keyword search)
  • school- Finds members based on schools attended (keyword search) For example, to search for current software engineers not named Doe, who have attended either Harvard University or Stanford University, use following query in search field:

title:"software engineer" NOT lastname:doe School(harvard OR stanford)

Using Search Operators

Tips for Using Search Operators

  • Use quotes for multi-word search terms.
  • Use parentheses for AND, OR and NOT phrases.
  • Commas should not be included in between multiple search operators.
  • Spaces should not be included in between the search operator and the search term, such as lastname:doe.
  • Wildcard "*" searches not supported.


You can choose, who you want to follow 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree connections..

follow 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree connections

Keywords search filter

You can filter search using advance keywords filter for first name, last name, title, company name and school name. keep these blank if you don’t want to use.

Keywords search filter

Connection of search filter

This search filter is used to search for common or mutual connections. Click on “Connections of” tab. Type your connection name, press enter button or click search icon. From search results select your connection.

Connection of search filter

Location search filter

When searching for people or jobs, you can limit your search to single or multiple locations.

Entering locations in your search filed

Enter your search term in the Search field at the top of script interface. For example: product manager California

Entering locations in your search filed

Filtering searches using the Locations filter

You can limit your search to single or multiple locations by using the Locations. To filter your search using the Locations filter click on “Locations” tab, enter the location name in the location search field, press enter button or click search icon. From search results select location. You can add multiple locations in the same search.

Filtering searches using the Locations filter

Current and past companies search filter

Used to filter connections by their current companies or past companies. Click on “Current companies” tab, enter the company name in the company search field, press enter key or click search icon. From search results select company. You can add multiple companies in the same search.

Current companies search filter Past companies search filter

Industries search filter

Used to filter connections by Industries. Click on “Industries” tab, enter the industry name in the industry search field, press enter key or click search icon. From search results select industry. You can add multiple industries in the same search.

Industries search filter

School search filter

Used to filter connections by their school, university or college name. Click on “School” tab, enter the school name in the school search field, press enter key or click search icon. From search results select school. You can add multiple schools in the same search.

School search filter

Profile language search filter

Used to find connections by their profile language. Click on “Profile language” tab, type language name or language code. From search results select language. You can add multiple languages in the same search.

Profile language search filter

Start position

Start position is the initial value where script start following connection from search results then increment start position when script finishes the search results returned by initial request. Start position 0 would be the first record in your search result.

Start position

Total connections

Total number of connections you want to follow.


Delay between following every single connection in seconds.

Start position Total connections and Delay

Profile views

To send profile view notification to connection whom you are following. Check the “Send profile view notification” checkbox.

Send profile view notification to connection while following

Click the “Stop script execution” button from Linked Social Toolkit left menu to stop script from following connections.

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