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Releases: amiga-mui/nlist

MCC NList 0.128

31 Aug 18:26
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Version 0.128 of MCC NList:

NList.mcc 20.147 31.08.2021
NListview.mcc 19.102 31.08.2021
NFloattext.mcc 19.83 31.08.2021
NListviews.mcp 19.98 31.08.2021
NListtree.mcc 18.54 31.08.2021
NListtree.mcp 18.42 31.08.2021
NBitmap.mcc 15.32 31.08.2021
NBalance.mcc 15.28 31.08.2021


  • dist: added italian translation to Installer script kindly provided by Samir

MCC NList 0.127

18 Dec 15:44
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Version 0.127 of MCC NList:

NList.mcc 20.146 18.12.2020
NListview.mcc 19.101 18.12.2020
NFloattext.mcc 19.82 18.12.2020
NListviews.mcp 19.97 18.12.2020
NListtree.mcc 18.53 18.12.2020
NListtree.mcp 18.41 18.12.2020
NBitmap.mcc 15.31 18.12.2020
NBalance.mcc 15.27 18.12.2020


  • nlist_mcc/ClipboardServer.c, nlisttree_mcc/ClipboardServer.c: changed the
    default path for "CURRDIR:" and "PROGDIR:" to "T:", because the "MUI:"
    assign does not exist on all systems, i.e. AROS.

MCC NList 0.126

01 Jul 03:37
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Version 0.126 of MCC NList:

NList.mcc 20.145 01.07.2020
NListview.mcc 19.100 01.07.2020
NFloattext.mcc 19.81 01.07.2020
NListviews.mcp 19.96 01.07.2020
NListtree.mcc 18.52 01.07.2020
NListtree.mcp 18.40 01.07.2020
NBitmap.mcc 15.30 01.07.2020
NBalance.mcc 15.26 01.07.2020


  • nlist_mcc/ClipboarsServer.c, nlisttree_mcc: set "MUI:" as default "CURRDIR:"
    and "PROGDIR:" for the global clipboard server process to avoid locking the
    directory of the first started MUI application using this class until it is
    eventually flushed from memory.
  • nlistviews_mcp/locale/italian.po: completed italian translation with strings
    kindly provided my Samir Hawamdeh.

MCC NList 0.125

28 Dec 18:41
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Version 0.125 of MCC NList:

NList.mcc         20.144    28.12.2018
NListview.mcc     19.99     28.12.2018
NFloattext.mcc    19.80     28.12.2018
NListviews.mcp    19.95     28.12.2018
NListtree.mcc     18.51     28.12.2018
NListtree.mcp     18.39     28.12.2018
NBitmap.mcc       15.29     28.12.2018
NBalance.mcc      15.25     28.12.2018


  • nlist_mcc, nlistviews_mcp: implemented row striping similar to List class of MUI5. This allows to have different colors/patterns for even and odd lines.

MCC NList 0.124

15 Jan 14:32
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Version 0.124 of MCC NList:

NList.mcc         20.143    15.01.2018
NListview.mcc     19.98     15.01.2018
NFloattext.mcc    19.79     15.01.2018
NListviews.mcp    19.94     15.01.2018
NListtree.mcc     18.50     15.01.2018
NListtree.mcp     18.38     15.01.2018
NBitmap.mcc       15.28     15.01.2018
NBalance.mcc      15.24     15.01.2018


  • misc: add the unique names for private custom classes for MUI4 and up only. With MUI 3.8 this causes crashes.

MCC NList 0.123

15 Jan 04:07
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Version 0.123 of MCC NList:

NList.mcc         20.142    12.01.2018
NListview.mcc     19.97     12.01.2018
NFloattext.mcc    19.78     12.01.2018
NListviews.mcp    19.93     12.01.2018
NListtree.mcc     18.49     12.01.2018
NListtree.mcp     18.37     12.01.2018
NBitmap.mcc       15.27     12.01.2018
NBalance.mcc      15.23     12.01.2018


  • nlist_mcc/NList_mcc.c, nlist_mcc/NList_func4.c: implemented a special "end
    of list" marker. This makes it possible to continue to omit the artificial
    dummy image object while fixing the invisible list images described in MUI
    ticket #367.

Changes of special release 0.122 released with MUI 5.0-2017R3 only:

  • nfloattext_mcc/NFloattext.c, nlisttree_mcc/NListtree.c: removed the
    superflous parameter of all MUIM_NList_Clear calls.
  • nlisttree/NListtree.c: don't use the same pointer as destination buffer and
    argument in snprintf() calls.
  • nlisttree/NListtree.c: the node image's dimensions must be obtained in
    MUIM_AskMinMax instead of MUIM_Show. First of all, the former is the method
    where these values are really set up initially. Second, MUIM_Show is not
    guaranteed to be called at all for an object (i.e. when being contained in
    a virtual group). This finally solves the broken listtree display in virtual
    groups, like the prefs pages of MUI prefs.
  • nlist_mcc/NList_mcc.c, nlist_mcc/NList_func4.c: don't add dummy images which
    are neither used nor displayed at all. This avoids the MUI warnings about
    failed layout operations (MUI debug build).
  • nlist_mcc/NList_mcc2.c: clicks below the last entry are ignored now instead
    of activating the last entry. This refs #1.
  • nlist_mcc/NList_mcc2.c: fixed yet another wrong check for clicks below the
    last entry. This code is really far too convoluted to be maintainable :(
    This refs #1.
  • misc: added unique names for the private custom classes.
  • library.c: moved the system and CPU description behind the copyright part.
  • all/Debug.c: declare inlined _INDENT() function as static to avoid warnings
    of GCC5.
  • mcp/Makefile: generate ISO8859-1 encoded catalogs instead of UTF8 encoded

MCC List 0.121

06 Aug 17:46
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Version 0.121 of MCC NList:

NList.mcc         20.140    06.08.2016
NListview.mcc     19.95     06.08.2016
NFloattext.mcc    19.76     06.08.2016
NListviews.mcp    19.91     06.08.2016
NListtree.mcc     18.47     06.08.2016
NListtree.mcp     18.35     06.08.2016
NBitmap.mcc       15.25     06.08.2016
NBalance.mcc      15.21     06.08.2016


  • applied patch kindly provided by Krzysztof 'deadwood' Smiechowicz. It fixes certain issues when inserting items into the tree using the MUIV_NListtree_Insert_PrevNode_Sorted flag.
  • unpush any still pending pushed and yet unhanded MUIM_NListview_SetScrollers method.
  • increased the image name buffer size from 68 to 256 characters. This avoids very long file names to be truncated too early.

MCC NList 0.120

17 Aug 18:46
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Version 0.120 of MCC NList

NList.mcc         20.139    21.03.2015
NListview.mcc     19.94     21.03.2015
NFloattext.mcc    19.75     21.03.2015
NListviews.mcp    19.90     21.03.2015
NListtree.mcc     18.46     21.03.2015
NListtree.mcp     18.34     21.03.2015
NBitmap.mcc       15.24     21.03.2015
NBalance.mcc      15.20     21.03.2015

MCC NList 0.119

17 Aug 18:45
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Version 0.119 of MCC NList

NList.mcc         20.138    05.04.2014
NListview.mcc     19.93     05.04.2014
NFloattext.mcc    19.74     05.04.2014
NListviews.mcp    19.89     05.04.2014
NListtree.mcc     18.45     05.04.2014
NListtree.mcp     18.33     05.04.2014
NBitmap.mcc       15.23     05.04.2014
NBalance.mcc      15.19     05.04.2014

MCC NList 0.118

17 Aug 18:43
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Version 0.118 of MCC NList

NList.mcc         20.137    26.01.2014
NListview.mcc     19.92     26.01.2014
NFloattext.mcc    19.73     26.01.2014
NListviews.mcp    19.88     26.01.2014
NListtree.mcc     18.44     26.01.2014
NListtree.mcp     18.32     26.01.2014
NBitmap.mcc       15.22     26.01.2014
NBalance.mcc      15.18     26.01.2014