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JetBrain Rubymine ShortCuts for Rails Developers

Bello Babajide edited this page Feb 22, 2015 · 1 revision

Rubymine – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)


⌃⌘F toggle full screen
⌘W close active editor tab
TAB switch between editor tabs
⌘0…⌘9 open corresponding tool window


⌘Z undo changes
⌘⇧Z redo changes
⌘X cut current line or selected lines
⌘C copy current line or selected lines
⌘V paste from buffer
⌘⇧V paste from recent buffers
⌥⇧ up / ⌥⇧ down move line/selection up/down
⌘D duplicate current line or selected block or line
⌘ del delete an entire line or selected block
⇧↩ start new line
⌘⇧U toggle case for word(upcase or lowcase)
⌥⌘⇧] / ⌥⌘⇧[ select till code block end/start
⌥ del delete word from where the cursor is to the start
⌘+ / ⌘- expand/collapse code block
^ Space basic code completion (any class, method or variable name)
tab / ⇧tab indent/unindent selected lines
^⌥I auto-indent line(s)
⌘⌥L reformat code
⌥↩ show intention actions/quick-fixes
⌥ up select successively increasing code blocks
⌥ down decrease current selection to previous state
⌘/ comment/uncomment with line comment
⌘ F1 show description of error or warning on a particular line or block


Double ⇧ search everywhere
⌘F find
⌘G / ⌘⇧G find next/previous
⌘R replace
⌘⇧F find in path
⌘⇧R replace in path

VCS and History

⌃V VCS operations pop-up
⌘K committing changes to Version Control System(VCS) like git
⌘T updating changes to Version Control System(VCS) like git
⌥⇧C view changes made to the project


⌘O go to class
⌘⇧O go to file
⌘⌥O go to symbol
⌘L go to line
⌘E recent file pop-up
⌘⌥ Right / ⌘⌥ Left navigate back/forward
⌘ Click or ⌘B go to declaration
⌃⇧B go to type declaration
⌘ Up show navigation bar
⌥⌘U show diagram/diagram popup


⌘⇧. insert <%= %> in RHTML
⌥ F2 Preview Rails View in browser
⌘R Reload application sources in Rails Console


⇧ F6 rename
⌘⌥V extract variable
⌘⌥C extract constant
⌘⌥F extract field
^T refactor this…’quick list


^⌥R / ^⌥D open run/debug configurations dropdown
^R run
^D debug
⌥R run rake task


⇧ F8 step out of debugger
⌥ F9 run to cursor
⌥ F8 / ⌘⌥F8 evaluate / quick evaluate expression
F9 resume program
⌘ F8 toggle breakpoint
⌘⇧F8 view breakpoints
⌥ F10 show execution point


command alt/option ^ control shift