Utilities and Telegram bot for parsing data from Places API by Yandex.
This can help you to search for companies and collect data about them on request to the Yandex database of organizations.
For using cli utils and bot you need to get API key from here.
(Remember that the free key allows you to make up to 500 calls to the Yandex API per day.)
Main technologies:
- python 3.11
- poetry
- aiogram 3.0
- aiogram_dialog 2.0
- httpx and Beautiful Soup
- sqlalchemy 2.0
- alembic
- aiosqlite
- docker
You can try to using that bot here.
For running and building app you need to get source code of this repo:
git clone https://github.com/andy-takker/organization_parser
or you can get public docker image from Docker hub for ARM64 (here).
An example of the settings is in the file .env.dev
cp .env.dev .env
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN # Your telegram bot token. Required
SQLITE_DB_PATH # Path to file sqlite db. Optional, default: ./bot.sqlite3
You can run bot in two ways: with docker or natively as is
docker build . --tag organization_parser_bot:latest
docker run --env-file .env -it organization_parser_bot:latest
For local running I recommend use venv and you need to install poetry.
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # for unix systems
pip install -U pip poetry
poetry install --no-root
alembic -c ./src/alembic.ini upgrade head # create db and all tables
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=XXX PYTHONPATH=. python ./src/bot/main.py
Project database is SQLite with async driver - aiosqlite
is used to manage the database version.
To automatically create a new migration, run
alembic -c ./src/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m "New migration"
To update database to last actual version use
alembic -c ./src/alembic.ini upgrade head
At first, send
For registration in bot you need set
Yandex API Key
to use the API. The key looks in the UUID format. You can get key here -
After that you can make requests:
- set place where need search
- set query (what you looking for)
- set radius of searching
to get parsed CSV file. -