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0.8.x Version History

Andreas Dieckmann edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 1 revision


New nodes:

  • Assembly.AddMembers
  • Assembly.Disassemble
  • Assembly.FromElements
  • Assembly.Members
  • Assembly.RemoveMembers
  • Character.ToNumber
  • FamilyInstance.FlipFromToRoom
  • FamilyType.SetCompoundLayerWidth
  • Room.AtPointInPhase

Migrated nodes:

  • Surface.IsPlanar


  • DetailLine.FromCurve now also works in some family documents, e.g. detail items (contribution by sixtysecondrevit & dimven)
  • FamilyParameter.Properties now also retrieves a list of parameter names for each formula
  • List.GroupListOfListsByKey now by default uses the first sublist as a key for grouping
  • Element.CutGeometry now utilizes more than one method to attempt cutting


  • Element.JoinGeometry & Element.CutGeometry now process multiple elements
  • The following nodes should now work with all view types (unless the Revit API says otherwise): BoundingBox.ByElement, BoundingBox.ByElements, DetailComponent.ByCurve, DetailLine.FromCurve, Element.AllViewDependentInstances, Element.OverrideTransparencyInView, Element.PermanentlyIsolateInView, Element.ResetOverridesInView, Element.TemporarilyIsolateInView, FamilyInstance.ByPointInView, RevisionCloud.FromCurves, RevisionCloud.FromElements, RoomSeparator.FromCurve, SpaceSeparator.FromCurve, TextNote.ByStringAndPosition, View.ConvertTemporaryHideIsolateToPermanent, View.DisableTemporaryHideIsolate, View.Duplicate, View.DuplicateAsDependent, View.DuplicateWithDetailing, View.ResizeCropBox, View.SetDesignOption, View.SetPhase, View.SetSolarStudyActiveFrameNumber & View.ViewTemplate.


New nodes:

  • Dimension.AssociatedFamilyParameter
  • Element.AssociatedFamilyParameters
  • Element.CutGeometry
  • Element.JoinGeometry
  • FamilyDocument.CurrentFamilyType
  • FamilyDocument.FamilyParameters
  • FamilyDocument.FamilyTypes
  • FamilyParameter.Properties
  • Group.FromElements
  • Group.Ungroup

Migrated nodes:

  • Paneling.Hexagonal
  • Paneling.InvertAndMirrorNormalizedValues
  • Paneling.TriangularFlatMirrored
  • PathGraph.AllPaths
  • PathGraph.ByPairs
  • PathGraph.ShortestPath


  • Added (optional) boolean toggles to a number of nodes that allow the re-execution of the node: All Elements Of Family Type (Universal), All Families Of Category, All Family Types Of Category, All Intersecting Elements Of Category, All View-Dependent Family Instances Of Category, Document.DesignOptions, Document.IsWorkshared, Document.LinksAndImports, Document.Phases, Document.ProjectInfo, Document.ProjectPosition, Document.StartingView, Document.Views & Document.Worksets


  • Fixed another bug in CustomNode.Info that prevented the correct extraction of inputs and outputs in some case
  • DetailComponent.ByCurve should now work with all view types
  • Element.Name (Universal) now supports parameter names as well


New nodes:

  • GlobalParameter.GetValue
  • VersionNumber.ToInteger

Migrated nodes:

  • Clipboard.GetFrom (fix provided by dimven)
  • Clipboard.SendTo (fix provided by dimven)


  • PlanView.Underlay is now compatible with Revit 2016 R2
  • List.SortListOfLists now sorts by the first list index by default
  • Recategorized and relabeled some nodes


  • All View-Dependent Family Instances Of Category should now work with all view types
  • Fixed a bug in CustomNode.Info that prevented the correct extraction of inputs and outputs in some cases



  • Element.Level now supports structural elements
  • Simplified List.AnyTrue and List.AnyFalse nodes
  • Wall.CreationMethod now works with all wall types


New nodes:

  • Document.SynchronizeWithCentral

New features:

  • The following nodes will now work on objects from linked models as well: CurtainPanel.HostPanel, DesignOption.DesignOptionSet, Element.Group, Element.Host, Element.Inserts, Element.Level, Element.Materials, Element.OwnerView, Element.Panels, Element.Phases, FamilyInstance.CopingElements, FamilyInstance.SubComponents, FamilyType.CompoundStructureLayers, Group.Members, MassFloor.Mass, Part.SourceElement, PlanView.Underlay, Room.Boundaries, SelectionSet.Elements, Sheet.Schedules, View.Phase & View.ViewTemplate



  • Removed dependency on package Ampersand


New features:

  • Added support for default input data types
  • Added support for default input values
  • Added package icon

New nodes:

  • Document.LoadFamily
  • Document.Worksets
  • List.DropLastItem
  • TextAlignFlags.Bottom
  • TextAlignFlags.Center
  • TextAlignFlags.Left
  • TextAlignFlags.Middle
  • TextAlignFlags.Right
  • TextAlignFlags.Top
  • Workset.Kind


  • Renamed and recategorized some nodes (see
  • Deprecated some nodes (see
  • Separated DoorOrWindow.FromRoomAndToRoom into Door.Rooms and Window.Rooms
  • Separated RoofOrFloor.SlabShapeByPoints into Floor.SlabShapeByPoints and Roof.SlabShapeByPoints
  • Separated RoofOrFloor.SlabShapeHasBeenModified into Floor.SlabShapeHasBeenModified and Roof.SlabShapeHasBeenModified
  • Separated Room.DoorsOrWindows into Room.Doors and Room.Windows
  • BoundingBox.ByNestedListOfElements is now called BoundingBox.ByElements and no longer processes nested lists of elements. For creating multiple bounding boxes use with List.Map instead.
  • RevisionCloud.FromNestedListOfElements is now called RevisionCloud.FromElements and no longer processes nested lists of elements. For creating multiple revision clouds use with List.Map instead.
  • RevisionCloud.FromCurves no longer processes nested lists of curves. For creating multiple revision clouds use with List.Map instead.


  • Element.Name (Universal) now works for all family types as well (contribution from dimven)
  • Element.ParameterExists now works with Revit 2016 (contribution from ksobon)
  • Element.ParameterIsReadOnly now works with Revit 2016
  • Element.SetMaterialParameterByCategory now works with Revit 2016
  • Element.Type now also retrieves family types for elements from linked files
  • TextNote.ByStringAndPosition now has inputs for rotation and alignment